A comparative analysis between unrefined sexuality and pure eroticism (4)

by eminent yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru

This comparative analysis is a first presentation in the sense that it is the first time that such a comparative analysis has been carried out and it is of immense use to attentive, lucid, intelligent, full of common-sense and endowed with spiritual intuition human beings because this comparative analysis helps them to discover the countless benefits and advantages of pure eroticism.

Read the third part of the article

No. Sexuality Pure Eros
38. In the case of unrefined sexuality, another characteristic is that such sexuality causes various weaknesses to appear and persist.

It should be noted that weakness is the state or characteristic of a weak human being.

Such a state reveals a lack of vigor, a lack of inner strength, a lack of endurance, weariness, and causes a lack of moral strength, a lack of firmness, a lack of responsibility, a lack of authority.

It also makes cowardice appear and persist.

Weaknesses reveal shortcomings, falls, lack, flaw, defect.

Weakness brings out a lack of value, a lack of significance, a lack of talent, a lack of skill and brings along incompetence.

In the case of pure eroticism, another characteristic is that it is characterized by an awakening, an energizing in a wonderful, obvious, uplifting way of the character and at the same time it deifies the human being who embraces and deepens it.

It should be pointed out that in fact the character designates the fundamental defining features of a human being which are based on his or her specific traits which are essential and stable.

Often the expression “a wonderful character” refers to a clearly superior moral character, to greatness of soul. In this way is made reference to a “great character”.

39. In the case of unrefined sexuality, another feature is that such sexuality brings about, in an unsuspected manner, some constraints which persist, and then makes them grow and intensify.

It should be noted that coercion refers to the act of coercion and its result. It implies compulsion, forcing, harshness. To coerce means to force, to constrain someone to do something.

In the case of pure eroticism, another characteristic is that it awakens, generates, energizes an intense, euphoric state of inner freedom.

It should be noted that the state of complete freedom is characterised by the absence of any constraint. The state of freedom implies autonomy, independence, sovereignty.

A free human being experiences the condition of not being captive at all, or in other words, internally imprisoned.

Freedom means lack of any constraints. Thus the human being fully manifests his or her free will. The free being feels unhindered. Freedom is a Godly attribute which is characterised by a sublime, endless, eternal, free, eminently beneficial, subtle energy the frequency of vibration of which never changes.

It is necessary to specify that euphoria designates an intense, wonderful state of overall well-being which is accompanied by a beneficial excitement accompanied by a feeling of perfect well-being and intoxicating joy.

The sublime subtle energy of pure eros which is abundantly accumulated in the universe of the human being, in his or her aura spontaneously generates an overwhelming euphoria.

40. In the case of unrefined sexuality, another characteristic is that often, in the end, raw sexuality turns out to be something secondary, negligible, insignificant, insignificant.

It should be pointed out that the term „secondary” means that which is always placed second in a sequence. That which is secondary is unimportant, minor, peripheral, collateral.

That which is secondary is the opposite of that which is primary.

The term „negligible” refers to that which can be set aside, that which can be neglected, which is meaningless, of little value.

The term „insignificant” refers to that which is unimportant, inconsequential, small, meaningless.

The term „meaningless” refers to that which is unimportant, without meaning.

Meaning reveals significance, special value, importance.

In the case of pure eroticism, another characteristic is that it reveals itself quite quickly through the means of wonderful, extraordinary experiences which appear as something fundamental, principal, capital, cardinal.

The term fundamental designates something that serves as a foundation, which has the importance of a base and reveals something determining and essential.

A fundamental search is always oriented towards the study of fundamentals.

The term principal denotes something that is of great importance, that is most significant.

41. In the case of unrefined sexuality, another characteristic is that it brings out deficiencies of all kinds and shortcomings that are later obvious.

The term „deficiency” refers to an absence or insufficiency of one or more elements which are indispensable for the balance or the development of an organism. Primitive thought is characterised by a manifest deficiency. In psychology, an affective deficiency means the lack or insufficiency of the mysterious affective connections essential to the child’s development and equilibrium.

The term „shortcomings” means deficiencies, defects, reductions. Shortcomings then attract poverty, misery.

In the case of pure eroticism, another characteristic is that it awakens, boosts and stimulates the performance of all sorts of beneficial actions. It causes within the being the appearance and overflow of an abundance of wonderful experiences, in addition it generates spiritual abundance, develops presence of spirit, and causes the appearance and persistence of a wonderful state of fullness.

It is necessary to specify that presence of spirit means the ability to act quickly and on time in difficult, unforeseen situations.

Presence of spirit reveals itself through amazing promptness and insight.

The term fullness denotes that which is even very much, that which exceeds a certain level, a certain measure. There is the expression “a fullness of the heart”.

42. In the case of unrefined sexuality, another characteristic is that it is brutal, cold and often turns out to be insensitive. It then quite quickly leads to the setting in of a dismal state of indifference or causes the manifestation of arrogance and conceit.

The term arrogance denotes a defiant behaviour full of conceit and impudence.

The term pride refers to an often exaggerated or unjustified opinion of oneself in contrast to how that human being views others. A proud being is characterized by an arrogant and contemptuous attitude.

The proud human being is conceited and has a very good but unjustified opinion of himself or herself.

In the case of pure eroticism, another characteristic is that it awakens, energizes a fondling, endearing, caressing attitude which is charged with a poignantly affectionate tenderness.

The term “fondling” designates the beneficial action of caressing, comforting, of cuddling, not only through words but also by touching in a very pleasant way, either with the palm of the hand, the lips, the tongue or the fingers. Caressing brings forth delight, it provokes a strong pleasure. In this way, an intense joy arises.

The adoring fondling of the clitoris or of the lingam of the lover who is an excellent master of erotic amorous continence, generates intense states of beneficial pleasure and, in addition, it facilitates either the biological transmutation of the substantial procreative potential into energy, or it triggers the rapid transformation by dematerialization of the substantial procreative potential into immense energy.

The term endearment refers to the action of endearment and its result. It implies a wonderful caress, a tender, benevolent pampering that delights.

The term tenderness refers to a state of deep affection that is full of delicacy and softness. The sublime subtle energy of pure eros which is abundantly accumulated in the inner universe of the human being, in his or her aura brings about, into manifestation spontaneously states of tenderness.

43. In the case of unrefined sexuality, another characteristic, which reveals itself as such for the human being who has considerably awakened within the state of wisdom, raw sexuality reveals itself on hyper lucid, careful, intelligent analysis as being to a considerable extent caricatural and even ridiculous. The term caricatural denotes something pertaining to a caricature or to caricaturizing. It is something referring to caricatures. A caricature is a distorted, ridiculous portrayal of something. A caricature is an unsuccessful imitation which obviously distorts the original. That which is caricatural has some relation to that which is ridiculous.

The term ridiculous means something that generates laughter, worthy of being laughed at, funny, ludricous. What is ridiculous is derisory, it is insignificant, it is very small in value.

It should be pointed out that this characteristic reveals itself spontaneously for the human beings who have considerably awakened their state of wisdom.

In the case of pure eroticism, another characteristic is that this form of eroticism easily predisposes the two lovers who adore each other to spontaneous idealization, and such an attitude makes them more and more beautiful, including physically, and at the same time makes them more and more beautiful inwardly. Idealisation designates the beneficial action of idealising in a constructive way and the result of this action. To idealize means to transform something into a Godly idea. To idealize means to assign exceptional but real, objective attributes to a certain reality. Idealization includes the intense, strong and constant aspiration to attribute to a certain objective reality marvellous, even extraordinary traits.

Idealization involves a process of significant transfiguration which is carried out from the perspective of a Godly ideal.

When a human being relates inwardly with an intense aspiration to a Godly ideal, he or she triggers within the inner universe processes of occult resonance which are eminently beneficial and transforming in a mysterious way, including at the level of the body.

The term embellishment refers to the act of beautifying, of adorning.

To beautify also means to capture and accumulate in abundance in the inner universe of the human being, in his or her aura, the sublime subtle energy of the Godly attribute of Godly beauty.

At the end of an excellent erotic amorous fusion based on perfect erotic continence, the two lovers discover that they are beautiful, radiant, more at the level face and eyes but also at the level of the body.

44. In the case of unrefined sexuality, another characteristic is that this kind of sexuality easily triggers afterwards states of hypocrisy, drowsiness, weakness and reluctance or lack of dedication.

The term hypocrisy refers to the feigning of all sorts of beneficial feelings, such as kindness, piety, love or virtues. Hypocrisy is characterised by a great and unceasing state of pretence.

The term ambiguity refers to the attribute of ambiguity, lacking clarity, lacking precision. That which is ambiguous has two meanings. It is unclear, it is equivocal.

It is necessary to specify that the state of dedication designates a benevolent ardour, alacrity, zeal.

In the case of pure eroticism, another characteristic is that it makes a wonderful state of beneficial openness arise and persist and the behaviour of the human being in question is trenchant, it is clear. The term openness designates the action of opening in beneficial directions and the result of it.

Beneficial openness denotes a favourable receptivity, a creative predisposition. Beneficial openness brings about an expansion of consciousness; it is accompanied by the expansion that occurs at the level of the aura.

The term behaviour refers to one’s way of behaving, to conduct. Behaviour also refers to one’s way of existing and manifesting. In psychology, behaviour refers to the totality of an organism’s reaction to both internal and external stimuli.

The term trenchant means something that is decided, categorical.

The term clear means that which is has clarity, which is obvious, unambiguous, decisive, categorical.

45. In the case of unrefined sexuality, another characteristic is that in this kind of sexuality both partners become very easily irrational, are confused, indulge in mediocrity and are often ignorant, including about the many unfavourable, detrimental effects of raw sexuality.

The term irrational refers to a way which does not correspond to logical rules, which is contrary to intelligent thinking.

An irrational human being is obviously lacking in judgment. Such a being proceeds, acts in an irrational way. An irrational human being is abnormal, illogical, insane.

The term confused refers to something that is unclear, jumbled, indiscernible. A confused person appears to be troubled, confused or distraught.

The term mediocrity designates the state, the situation of the human being who is mediocre. A mediocre human being keeps in between two extremes, between what is great and what is small, between what is good and what is bad, etc.

A mediocre human being has little intelligence or knowledge, even if excellently gifted, has little talent, is not outstanding. He or she is limited, is confined. Such a human being is content to have little inner worth.

In the case of pure eroticism, another characteristic is that the integration of this kind of eroticism into the existence of the two lovers makes them become more and more intelligent, and at the same time, in their inner universe is awakened and energized a delicious, poignant state of paranormal empathy.

The term intelligence refers to the inner faculty of understanding very easily, thoroughly and well. Intelligence means an obvious state of cleverness.

Intelligence is also revealed by a human being’s ability to quickly and easily solve new situations or problems that they face in life.

It is however essential to consider that artificial intelligence, to which those who are shallow and who lack a keen, sparkling intelligence bow down, so to speak, and extol it, in an exaggerated, silly way, actually means the ability of technical systems to achieve some performances which are only half-human. When it says half, this means about 50% or less. That is why, for the initiated, artificial intelligence is never really intelligence in the true sense of the word because this so-called intelligence always achieves performances which are only half, or in other words, about 50% human.

Artificial intelligence never includes, not in the least Godly ingenuity, Godly inspiration, Godly intelligence.

The term empathy refers to the optimal exercise of the intuitive faculty which is obviously related to the energization of the mysterious supramental sheath – in Sanskrit: vijnana maya kosha –, which makes the empathic human being feel intimately, through a certain kind of telepathy which is much more than the classical telepathy of the states, of the prevailing experiences that another human being lives, experiences.

The state of paranormal empathy arises spontaneously between the two lovers who practice without ceasing amorous fusions based on perfect erotic amorous continence. Paranormal empathy is an objective, obvious reality that the two lovers discover and experience, and this paranormal empathy then extends with surprising ease to the beneficently oriented human beings with whom the empathic human being who has considerably energized his or her paranormal empathy comes into contact.

46. In the case of unrefined sexuality, another characteristic is that the incessant embrace of this kind of sexuality predisposes those people to be boastful. Such human beings are braggarts and rashly attribute to themselves various imagined qualities. Such people indulge in a crass state of sufficiency.

The term boastful designates a human being who is always bragging, who likes to brag. The boastful person is characterized by an obvious state of boasting. Such a person shows an exaggerated appreciation of his own merits which sometimes do not even exist. Such a human being is prone to self-praise. In folklore there is a saying: “Self-praise never smells good”.

The term braggart denotes a human being who ascribes to himself with great ease various qualities which are imagined. Such a human being is regarded as chatterbox. The behaviour of such a person expresses conceit.

The term sufficiency designates a state of foolish vanity, loftiness but also of spiritual narrowness.

Human beings, who are characterised by sufficiency are also arrogant.

In the case of pure eroticism, another characteristic is that human beings who embrace and then fully and eagerly deepen pure eroticism thus become creative in beneficial directions, are inventive and can even become, under certain conditions, makers, founders of something eminently beneficial, quite extraordinary.

The term creator designates a human being who is a founder, an inventor, who creates something beneficial. The abundant capture and accumulation in the universe of the human being, in his or her aura, of the sublime subtle energy of certain Godly attributes awakens, energizes an amazing creativity in the microcosm of the human being in question. This makes that the human being is endowed with the capacity to create something wonderful, even extraordinary.

The term inventiveness refers to the ability of a human being to be very inventive indeed. Such a person makes beneficial, surprising inventions. The inventive person has the ability and the talent to invent something new. Such a man is perceptive, is skillful in beneficial directions, is imaginative in a constructive way.

47. In the case of unrefined sexuality, another characteristic of it is that when they immerse and indulge again and again in various sexual excesses such human beings appear in their interactions with other human beings who are endowed with brilliant intelligence and who have dynamised their spiritual intuition as being castrated. The expression “fatal excess” designates something in particular which is too great, it highlights a terrible exceeding of the usual measure. When a human being chooses to act and manifest in an unfavorable, dire excess, he or she embraces a behavior which is out of measure, excessive in unfavorable directions. Ruinous excesses designate an exaggeration, an abuse, a lack of restraint.

The term castration refers to the act of castrating. In men, it involves the suppression of the testicles and, in women, it involves the suppression of the ovaries. Figuratively, castration refers to a state of weariness, a state of ruinous appeasement, which makes some people inactive. Human beings, who indulge in sexual excesses of all kinds and also men who masturbate frequently, experience such a state.

In the case of pure eroticism, another characteristic which arises and manifests in human beings who embrace and deepen pure eroticism makes them appear as complete, as whole, as in some indescribable way, total. Within their interaction with other human beings who are receptive to what is beneficial and elevated, such human beings appear as admirable and complete.
48. In the case of unrefined sexuality, another feature that emerges, which is striking, reveals that most often the behaviour of these human beings is unforeseen in a disastrous way, it is fortuitous, it is accidental. The term unforeseen indicates something which cannot be foreseen, which is unpredictable.

Unexpected, injurious behaviour occurs unexpectedly. It is without prior notice.

The term accidental refers to something that occurs, takes place by accident, unexpectedly. An accident is an event that occurs suddenly causing suffering or even death. Accidents are followed by injuries or damages which are caused by such an event.

In the case of pure eroticism, another characteristic which appears and is obvious in human beings who embrace and deepen pure eroticism is that such beings are self-assured, they are daring, they are constant, they manifest beneficial certainties, they are truthful.

The term truthful refers to a being who habitually tells the truth. Such a being is said to be a truthful person.

Read the fifth part of the article


November 23, 2023


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