International interest in the case of Gregorian Bivolaru: MEPs address the Romanian Governement letters of support for previuos interpellations

Joining eurodeputies who already took position in the case of Gregorian Bivolaru, signaling the irregularities existent in this case that is currently awaiting the final decision in The Supreme Court of Romania, eurodeputies Kiil Nicole Nielsen, Margrete Auken and Roger Helmer have adressed  interpelattion letters to the Prime Minister of Romania and to the Romanian Minister of Justice.


Letter of eurodeputy Nicole Kiil Nielsen addressed to the Romanian prime minister and to the Romanian Minister of Justice – 28th of March 2012
In attention of:

We respectfully request your attention in an important judicial case that is currently awaiting the final decision in the Supreme Court of Romania.
It was brought to our attention by private persons and human rights organizations that there might be irregularities in the judicial procedures in the case no. 405/85/2005,regarding Gregorian Bivolaru.
After eight years of trials and two positive decisions in the courts in favour of Mr. G. Bivolaru, we hereby express our concern about information we have received about this case which indicates that unjust actions may be taking place around the case which is currently in the final stages in The Supreme Court of Romania, including instances of pressure being put upon the judges with the purpose of influencing the outcome of the case.
We thank you for your cooperation and at the same time we have the strong belief that justice will prevail.
Yours sincerely,
Nicole Kiil Nielsen

Letter of eurodeputy Margrete Auken addressed to the Romanian prime minister and to the Romanian Minister of Justice – 28th of March 2012

In attention of:

We respectfully request your attention in an important judicial case that is currently awaiting the final decision in the Supreme Court of Romania.
It was brought to our attention by private persons and human rights organizations that there might be irregularities in the judicial procedures in the case no. 405/85/2005,regarding Gregorian Bivolaru.
After eight years of trials and two positive decisions in the courts in favour of Mr. G. Bivolaru, we hereby express our concern about information we have received about this case which indicates that unjust actions may be taking place around the case which is currently in the final stages in The Supreme Court of Romania, including instances of pressure being put upon the judges with the purpose of influencing the outcome of the case.
We thank you for your cooperation and at the same time we have the strong belief that justice will prevail.
Yours sincerely,
Margrete Auken

Letter of eurodeputy Roger Helmer addressed to the Romanian prime minister and to the Romanian Minister of Justice – 27th of March 2012

H.E. Mihai Razvan Ungureanu
H.E. Catalin Predoiu

27th February 2012

Dear Prime Minister and Minister of Justice

Case no. 405/85/2005

I write to support the recent letter from my colleague Nirj Deva MEP and others, regarding an important judicial case that is currently awaiting the final decision in the Supreme Court of Romania.
It was brought to our attention by private persons and human rights organizations that there might be irregularities in the judicial procedures in the case no. 405/85/2005,regarding Gregorian Bivolaru.
After eight years of trials and two positive decisions in the courts in favour of Mr. G. Bivolaru, we hereby express our concern about information we have received about this case which indicates that unjust actions may be taking place around the case which is currently in the final stages in The Supreme Court of Romania, including instances of pressure being put upon the judges with the purpose of influencing the outcome of the case.
We thank you for your cooperation and at the same time we have the strong belief that justice will prevail.
Yours sincerely,
Roger Helmer MEP


29th of March 2012

Also available in: Română

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