Ally yourself with the divine fire of transformation (III)
by Adina Stoian, yoga teacher
Here you can read the second part of this article
8. Special massage techniques for the abdominal area
For starters, it is necessary for this type of massage to be done by a specialist that can teach you the correct moves – then you can do it yourselves. Another viable method is the use of special massaging machines.
9. Pressopuncture and acupuncture
It is recommended that you ask the help of specialists and request that they draw up a special program for the activation of the inner fire of your being and MANIPURA CHAKRA.
Be friend with the crystals
10. Working with crystals and other semiprecious stones that awaken and activate this sublime inner fire through their specific energies.
These are: citrine – used mainly for awakening and harmonizing MANIPURA CHAKRA as well as the refined solar aspect; the Sun stone, which also energizes you with the Sun’s energy; aquamarine (which secondarily activates VISHUDDHA CHAKRA); amber and tiger’s eye. For women, carnelian is also indicated – a micro-crystalline form of chalcedony, a red mineral from the quartz family; it facilitates the simultaneous awakening and activation of SWADHISTHANA CHAKRA and MANIPURA CHAKRA, the free flow of subtle energies between these two chakras an the amplification of self confidence based on the control of the creative energy (aspects necessary for women).
For working with crystals and semiprecious stones, the following method is recommended: first, the crystal will be purified (kept immersed in salt for at least seven days), then it will be kept in the left hand during a meditation of identification with the specific subtle energies that it resonates with. The meditation should be done on a daily basis for a longer period of time. This way, the effects we’ll notice will be more obvious.
Additionally, you can also wear the crystal and this way it will gradually charge up and it will become connected subtly with its holder – you will then hang it on a silk thread and tie it around the waist or you can use a crystal as a resonator at night, when you are resting, by fixing it with adhesive tape in the area of the belly button.
Some treaties on the magical power of crystals state that the meditations of communion with the subtle energies attracted in our inner universe should be done after you place the chosen stone under your tongue. The stone should have an adequate size.
Color up your life; discover the ecstasy of dancing
11. Color therapy for activating the sublime inner fireA. As a method for color therapy, you can expose your naked and relaxed body for at least 30 minutes daily to the light generated by a special color therapy lamp, which you previously adjusted so that it will emit one of the following nuances (depending on what we are trying to achieve):
– bright red (for the intense activation of the subtle fire – TEJAS TATTVA);
– green (for the harmonization of the energies at the level of MANIPURA CHAKRA and for general healing);
– yellow lemon (for remarkable effects in improving your metabolism, digestion and liver activity).
During the exposure, you will become aware of the awakening and assimilating the subtle energy corresponding to the selected color into your inner universe.
B. The meditation of visualization of the chosen subtle colored current (bright red, green, yellow lemon): after previously consecrating the fruit of this technique, you will firmly and constantly visualize at the level of AJNA CHAKRA a fountain of bright light of your chosen color, which will flood your entire being, accumulate in your aura and cause radical transformations (for a minimum of 15-20 minutes daily).
C. Another color therapy technique is the complete yogi breathing or just the abdominal breathing, together with the visualizing of the desired subtle colored current. In this case, you will visualize how the color is guided through your being by the air you inspire.
Thus it will accumulate in the area of MANIPURA CHAKRA and activated the sublime inner fire and trigger the expansion at this level, together with its specific effects. The visualization process continues during the full retention. You should practice this technique for 15-20 minutes every day.
12. Music therapy with the purpose of activating the sublime inner fire
A. You can listen to a specially chosen music daily in order to trigger the beneficial resonances of activating MANIPURA CHAKRA.
B. You can also repeat the exemplifications done over the years by our spiritual guide, Grieg, during the yogi camps, whose purpose is to awaken certain resonances related to the sublime inner fire: “The state of triumphant courage in action”, “The state of exuberant enthusiasm”, “The state of effervescent dynamism”, “The state of self-confidence”, “The state of harmonious solar resonance”, “The state of optimism”, “The state of benevolence”, “The state of humorousness and joyfulness”, “The state of sublime, elevated passion”, “A communion with Shiva in his aspect of a Lingam of Fire” etc.
It is of great help to use the background music which was used during the respective exemplifications. After the consecration of the meditation, you will briefly evoke the subtle field which supported the respective exemplification (a field which shall be evoked through your spiritual intention and aspiration) and only then will you be able to do the actual meditation, followed by the inner awareness of its effects in our being.
Turn on the fire in the oven of thoughts
13. The engagement of the force ideas and beneficial suggestions
You will choose your beneficial force ideas and suggestions in such a manner that will allow you to fully respect the rules of working with the subconscious (in this respect, you shall review the conferences and materials on this subject offered by our yoga school).
These suggestions must have an affirmative character, formulated in the present tense, they need to be brief and simple (for easy memorization). For example: “Every day, my sublime inner harmonious fire is more and more harmonious and active; it produces the constant purification, transformation and spiritualization of my entire being.”
Such beneficial ideas/suggestions ought to be repeated in your mind, with firm inner conviction, as many times as possible, each day, preferably in the morning, right after waking up, or in the evenings, before falling asleep, and every time this is possible (in the spare time), until they will impregnate in your subconscious, which will turn them into reality.
14. Constant, firm, creative visualization
Similar to working with beneficial force ideas, the duration of these visualizations and their daily repetition for long enough will secure success in obtaining the desired effects. There are many visualization methods, but here is a rather simple one: you pick a digital photograph of yours which you will then digitally transform in a video editing software (for example photoshop) so that you’ll have the ideal body figure in that picture – slim waist, the harmonious and vital shapes that you desire.
Then you will print this image into a color photograph. When you wish to practice creative visualization, you will sit down in a meditation posture, you place the photograph at the level of your eyes, before you. You will begin by consecrating the fruit of this visualization activity to God, the Father. After consecrating, you will focus into your heart (ANAHATA CHAKRA), try to keep calm, relaxed, at peace. Once you attain this state you will focus at the level of AJNA CHAKRA (while also focusing on ANAHATA CHAKRA secondarily) and seek to have a state of mental clarity.
You will become aware of the simultaneous activation of ANAHATA CHAKRA – AJNA CHAKRA (the mind into your heart and the heart into your mind) which will manifest like a specific state of all-accomplishing inner spiritual force. Then you open your eyes and look at your ideal appearance, admire its perfection while being creatively convinced that, for you, this is the REALITY. While you look at this picture, you will become aware that through the level of AJNA CHAKRA there is a subtle energy which enters your being and descends into ANAHATA CHAKRA, as if the ideal you just visualized is also experienced at the level of your soul.
You will maintain this state long enough (15-30 minutes) while becoming aware of the accumulation of the desired qualities (the physical structure you wish to have, for example) in the form of a subtle energy that you will identify with, transfigured and filled with aspiration. In the end, you close your eyes while continuing the visualization and identification process for a few minutes while having a live feeling of joy and gratitude towards God, as if that ideal is real and already present in our being.
15. The mysterious power of intention, directed to activate our inner subtle fire
The aspirant will clearly and explicitly formulate the intention to awaken and amplify his sublime inner fire in his being and keep it into the field of his consciousness for long periods of time, as long as possible, while also becoming aware of the effects of this spiritual actions.
How to be reborn from the light
16. Urine therapy
Upon consulting the fundamental treaty of Damar Tantra, in which there is a thorough description of this secret practice, you can choose one of the methods presented, in which the golden elixir of the being is combined with some plants which are specific to the activation of the subtle inner fire, in order to harmoniously activate MANIPURA CHAKRA.
Damar Tantra, sutra 40 says, for example: “If the adept adds a mixture of lotus root powder and mustard seed powder and honey, in equal proportions, to the freshly collected golden elixir (SHIVAMBU – the water of SHIVA) and then enjoys it – his body becomes exceptionally strong, filled with energy and brilliant.”
17. Working with vowels for the harmonious activation of the sublime inner fire
As described within our yoga school, this method involves (after the consecration) sitting down on a chair, relaxed, in a meditation posture, profoundly and completely breathe in and vocally, melodically and for as long as possible (according to the quantity of air you breathe out), emitting one of the following vowels, while breathing out: Ă (the Romanian vowel pronounced [Ə] ) – generally acts upon the harmonious activation of the solar plexus and abdominal area, O – acts on the area of the diaphragm and on the middle area of the thorax, U – acts on the liver, stomach, lower abdomen (intestines) and the genital area. The method consists of the repeated emission of a vowel for at least 15-20 minutes, followed by a moment of becoming aware of the effects and possibly followed by another 15-20 minutes of working with another vowel, and so on.
18. The method of regeneration and rejuvenation revealed within this spiritual school in the conference regarding the divine attribute of regeneration
Next to the information you can hear by listening to this conference, Grieg also added that in the case of a person who is already confronted with some severe health issues caused by their mistakes, their sins, their vices and their malicious thoughts, this technique can be done with 49 candles daily (accompanied by the specific consecration) for long enough period of time.
This technique should be practiced until the effects arise in the inner universe of the respective human being. The effects include a considerable state of regeneration, rejuvenation and even healing. All these things are possible only for those who profoundly and sincerely believe in God.
19. Educating your humor and cheerfulnessAlthough it cannot be considered a technique per se, it’s worth mentioning in the end of our list, that the daily sessions of healthy, beneficial laughter, for 5-10 minutes a day, can become a way of harmonizing the subtle harmonious fire. For this, you can use a series of good and humorous jokes, you can watch some inspired funny videos or some even funnier comedies. The important thing is that this state of humor awakens in you through authentic laughter!
For securing your rapid success in activating your sublime inner subtle fire, you can choose to simultaneously practice one, two, three, five or even all of the perfectly natural and safe techniques we presented. This will allow you to tune in and to maintain a process of occult resonance with the energy specific to the sublime inner fire. Upon reaching this stage, you will be able to use one or two of the most effective and powerful techniques which will keep you in an excellent shape and will activate your sublime inner fire, which is essential both for your health and for your spiritual transformation.
Thus, you will be able to activate the mysterious gigantic force of KUNDALINI SHAKTI, which in reality is nothing else but the sublime fire that awakens and burns in us ceaselessly. You can impel it to ascend and fixate at the higher level of your being and thus generating your complete, profound and definitive spiritual transformation.
In the case of the awakening and activation of this sublime inner fire, an ounce of adequate and consistent practice with the purpose of awakening and activating this fire, is worth tons of theory.
March 2015