An employee of the secret services reveals the pressures that are made to abusively obtain the conviction of Gregorian Bivolaru

Dear editor,
Unfortunately, people like you suffer the most because they dare to express their views and to fight a monster that extends its tentacles through all institutions of power. Therefore I write to you in the spirit of human solidarity and to assure you (and in this way Mr Bivolaru personally) of my sympathy and support and of those who already have the courage to openly express their opinion, at least among us. I also want you to know that I was not party to the abject actions that people of power do today to innocents and I did not remain quiet, thus becoming their accomplice.

And yet we are witnessing today a really carefully planned execution by people who should protect your interests. I’m referring to the case in which Gregorian Bivolaru is judged and in which he was twice declared innocent by the law courts that were left to do their job. Well, you should know that everything is a dirty game and for me (from my information) you have been allowed to win so that in the final stage to receive a sudden and decisive blow, when it will be impossible to do anything. My colleagues who deal closely with this case (and who are more and more saturated by the lies that have to swallow in the meetings of (dis) information … or “formation”, as we jokingly call them), reported the fact that things in the lower courts were deliberately left judge the cases without interference in order to shut the mouth of all those who exclaimed that justice is corrupt and that in Bivolaru’s case there have been abuses. Hence, the lower law courts have judged in a natural manner and as should happen in a truly free society.

But that will not go any further, those charged with “resolving” this case have watched from the shadows and have made the mass-media to be silent and completely ignore any court decision. So that in the end, by fabricating a final decision which will overturn what was until now, they will set the media dogs upon Mr. Bivolaru and present him as a notorious convict and wave the flag of justice in front of the people. But this flag is smeared with the dirt of corruption and manipulation and is no longer the flag of justice; it has become the banner of the occult powers which seized almost the entire state and acts shamelessly even right before our eyes.
So that everything is arranged to resemble what the public wants now (meaning to bring out someone to blame for what is going on in the country), the conviction of Farkas Zsolt Ferenc was asked for in the same case, the one that assumingly helped Mr. Bivolaru to cross the border. By this manoeuvre you should know that they try a diversion! As you can see it is in fashion to condemn men in uniform, wherever they are. Now it can be said in the press that this is not a case against Mr. Bivolaru, but here is a case where justice is done, regardless of who is involved.

If you wonder why such measures are taken, when up until now no one seemed to care about masking the actions made in Mr. Bivolaru’s case, you must understand two things that few people know.

The first refers to the way those who have lived the pre-revolution period think. Back then, the first concern was to find a common law criminal classification for what was actually a political case, because back then it was impossible to have any kind of political case. But this mentality prevails even now in some circles of the Romanian intelligence services and therefore this reaction (I would say almost involuntary) of those who investigate this case from the shadow.

The second item that my “good” colleagues reported to me recently (and which caused this defensive reaction) is that the honest men of the highest European forums, sensitized by repeated presentations of your colleagues on cases of abuse and misinformation that Mr. Bivolaru and MISA have been subjected in Romania, began to express growing concern and even stronger disapproval. As we know our “brave” politicians have a mentality of puppies: when it comes to someone higher than them, they begin to fawn and seek to conceal their actions with even greater lies. I have information that indicates that at the highest European levels there are voices which disagree with all the abuses and interference in the justice which unfortunately is not accorded to Mr. Bivolaru. To show that Mr. Bivolaru is not actually the target of this case, they have now introduced this customs officer who is meant to reduce everything to the level of a trivial case of common law.

The decision tomorrow [n.b. March 8, 2012, when the court had to rule in this case the decision of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, Bucharest, Romania] was taken before and only a miracle could lead to its change. If they let things continue and justice system declares Mr. Bivolaru innocent then they would appear like fools and we do not know if they can keep things under control after that, because increasingly more people would start to wake up, even those who were loyal to them until now. They announced the largest operation against organized crime back in 2004 and after so many years to have nothing … this is very serious for the whole system which is now in power. This is why this battle takes place with the result already established, all the effort being to give the appearance of a justice system that works.

Perhaps as people came out into the street for doctor Arafat (who is not even Romanian, but did something for the people of Romania) maybe others will go out on the street rallies to support your support for Mr. Bivolaru who is Romanian and did much for this country.

I congratulate you for the dignified attitude that you have maintained, even until now, while the Romanian society begins to visibly slide towards a dictatorship of arbitrariness and tremors. Protest rallies while they are preparing set-ups and convictions is an example that all Romanians who are in homes these days and watching television should learn as they represent a handful of protesters. The example yogis and your site [yogaesoteric] gives to journalists should be presented to all those who want to do anything for this country.

I hope to find even among my own the path to those who until now have remained silent and allowed these things to happen too often.

I wish you success and assure you of my sympathy



29 March 2012


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