Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana
Execution on the left side
Starting position
Sitting on the floor with legs stretched forward, torso perpendicular to the ground and arms at your sides, palms on the floor and fingers forward. Bend the right leg and grip the knee with your right hand, and the foot with your left hand. Pull slowly, without forcing it, bringing the right foot closer to the coxofemoral joint of the left leg and place it on the left thigh, sole up.
Now take your right arm and place behind your back, so you are able to catch your right foot, surrounding the torso. Lean forward slightly until your chin touches your left leg and you are able to grab your left foot with your left hand. Keep your left knee stretched. Interiorize yourself and stay in this posture for as long as possible, but don’t force it. Focus to perceive the energy flow through your torso, then the left arm and ending in the left leg.
Notice the activation of the subtle center of force Muladhara Chakra, the receptive aspect, increased vitality. Be aware of the raising of the fundamental energy Kundalini, elevation of your consciousness, dynamism of the supreme energetic center of the being, Sahasrara.
Execution on the right side
Starting position
Sitting on the floor with legs stretched forward, torso perpendicular to the ground and arms at your sides, place your palms on the floor, fingers forward. Bend the left leg and grip the knee with your left hand and the foot with your right hand. Pull slowly, without forcing it, and bring the left foot closer to the coxofemoral joint of the right leg and place it on the right thigh, sole up. Now take your left arm and place behind your back, so you are able to grab your left foot, surrounding your torso.
Lean forward slightly until your chin touches your right leg and you are able to grab the right foot with your right hand. Keep the right knee stretched. Interiorize yourself and stay in this posture for as long as possible without forcing it. Focus to perceive the energy flow through your torso, then the right arm and ending in the right foot.
Notice the activation of the subtle energy center Muladhara Chakra, in its emissive aspect, increased vitality. Be aware of the rising of the fundamental energy Kundalini, elevation of the consciousness, dynamism of the supreme centre of the being, Sahasrara.
March 2013
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