Better love making in five days: boost your libido through healthy eating


By Adam Bates

Anyone you know want a reputation for being bad in bed? I bet I can guess the answer… Deep down we all want to leave our beloved one so mind numbingly tingly they are forced to brag to their friends, but how often do you take conscious steps to become better not only to your lover, but to yourself?

Before I even started my sexual amorous life, I was reading everything I could about how to be good at it. How much more of an intimate love act can you have than being aroused and naked, compressing the warm skin of someone whom you love? I did not want to suck at it.

I went through quite a party phase for a few years in my mid-twenties. Lots of one night stands lots of alcohol. Modeling presented me with glorious free parties and I remembered noticing with all the drinking and fast food, even with all the exercise, I was not getting the regularly scheduled blood flow all the time when I needed it. My penis being so important to me I examined my situation and changed it. I noticed a very quick difference as soon as I restricted my alcohol and dropped the fast food. I was back to being prepared for prolonged love making on a much more regular basis.

The sad thing is these days with the way people live, not only are they not doing anything to maintain a healthy lifestyle, they are damaging it year after year with poor diet, alcohol, stress, and lack of sleep, amongst other unhealthy habits. But there’s good news. You can reverse it, and your sexual amorous life is going to improve because of it. I’m going to give you tons of excuses to get you and that special someone a lot more love making and a lot more healthy.

Like stress? Me neither and neither does your lover. Wanna get rid of some of it? Good. Life is stressful, most of us feel over worked and underpaid. On top of that most days have to battle traffic, and then get up and do it again by breakfast. Luckily there is an easy solution to get rid of all that stress – make love with sexual continence and transfiguration.

Immediately upon engaging in in the act of love making, happy things start happening inside you. The hormone oxytocin is released and dopamine levels quickly go on the rise. You reduce anxiety when this occurs, your mood increases, and you feel more calm. Love making also increases blood flow to your brain increasing mood and even creativity. Writers block? Great. Make love.

You want to do everything in your power to keep your circulatory system pumping clean blood throughout your whole body from brain, genitals to toes. When your circulatory system isn’t running smoothly your happy spots won’t become as engorged with blood leaving the penis far less strong and full and the vagina less sensitive making for less stimulating sex and duller orgasms. I vote for endless continent orgasms for everybody! You want all of your nerve endings as awake as possible so all of your erotic parts can feel all of their erotic parts.

When you consume high fructose corn syrup or high fat processed foods, the liver is overworked and turns the sugars into fat and releases it into your blood. Think of dropping tiny cotton balls into your drain every day for a year. Water would gradually slow to a clog. This is how junk affects your blood flow, restricting extreme sensitivity to the spectacular penis and vagina. Fast food, junk food, sugar, preservative filled food, frozen dinners, canned food, energy drinks, juice, soda and flour all are dampening the power of you can have in the bedroom – or wherever you choose to make love.

People who don’y know about sexual continence and make love twice a month for 6 minutes they’re probably not going to see a lot of benefit. For amazing divinely love making, practice erotic love as much as possible. Practice, practice. Eat any and all fruits, tons of any veggie you want, complex carbs like sweet potatoes, brown rice and oatmeal. Also daily drink a gallon of water every day (your body is 66% water!).

Within 5 days of vegetarian/vegan clean eating you’ll not only notice your libido increase, you’ll want to keep it going, and your continent orgasms will be more intense. Men, your masterhood will definitely seem larger, harder and more attentive. Poor diet year after year is the #1 contributor to erectile dysfunction and lack of libido. I don’t know about you, but love making is not a hobby I plan on giving up with age.

No woman has ever complained about their man being too hard. So eat vegetarian/vegan no sugar diets for a higher voltage lightning rod. Ladies, you’ll have increased healthy erotic sensitivity priming you for multiple amazing orgasms with sexual continence.

Throw this healthy vegetarian/vegan no sugar diet in with Yoga postures everyday and you’ll be feeling like 14 all over again. Regain some of your stamina and endurance with Yoga, Sexual Continence with transfiguration and Pure Diet. It is well worth it. Cars can be replaced, houses rebuilt, but we get one beautiful body in this whole life. The better you treat that complex divine wonder we call the body, the better it will treat you.


December 22, 2018

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