Breaking the Covid Trance: How the (Irish) people were psychologically manipulated (IV)

We publish a full transcript of a seminal interview with John Anthony conducted by Dave Cullen of Computing Forever, uploaded on 1st October 2020.

Read the third part of the article

Dave Cullen: I suppose really the question is: What is the best way to reach people who are I don’t want to say so far gone, because I don’t want to give up on our brothers but how do you speak to them?

Restoring the conscience through intuition

John Anthony: Well, you do it on different levels, the very same way that these people have been programmed, as we have been programmed as a society, the very same way in which they have done that: you sort of do it back. In other words: rather than, I suppose, by explaining the model, that’s what I would be attempting to do here today – by explaining the model and saying ‘This is how it has happened’.

It is a bit like the fraudsters who came to your house and they wanted to paint and do everything, you know, but they were just thieves. Somebody might say to you, ‘You know, those people were down in such a place there the other week and there was suspect activity.’ That would be one little bit [of the puzzle]. They’re chipping away at it altogether. But the biggest one that people can pay attention to is this: For most healthy people in the centre of this narcissistic-to-empathetic spectrum – most people in the centre – most people will have an intuition so that people come and they are ‘suspect’. They know something is wrong here.

Their body will tell them, and they will refer to their own bodily functions to tell them. You might have a little knot in your stomach. And this is how people get out of abusive situations. They say, ‘You know, they’ve done this for me and they’ve done that for me,’ and there is an obligation, or they are made to feel guilty and they are held in place for a long time until the narrative begin to become so apparent to them that their intuition kicks in. They have a knot in their stomach. They’re finding that they are not as happy as they used to be; they turn to alcohol. They turn to other means of alleviating or ameliorating their pain, and that kind of actions. That is the intuition kicking in.

Now, how does your intuition kick in? It kicks in in a very precise way. What you are talking about is incongruency, and I will just explain that one. Incongruency is where you look at somebody and they present a very good case to you. You know, like the fraudster who comes to your house and he says, ‘Your house needs painting and your roof needs fixing, because I am here and if you pay me so much then I’ll do a good deal’ – that kind of aspect. He is really a fraudster and he is after something else. Now, your intuition of incongruency is when anybody gives this message to you. The people that are giving the message – what set me off in the beginning was the incongruency, and that is that their bodies and their language and their tone of voice doesn’t match the actual message they are giving.

Now, it takes a lot of training. People can do it. There are people who are very good at manipulating and telling lies, but generally speaking, with this number of people in the country [being tricked] as we have it so far, [they know that] something is incongruent about the whole message. So [take] the examples that I gave there, for instance, the ‘We are with you’ speech, then talking about the vehicles: there is a mismatch between what they are saying. ‘We are here to help you’; ‘We are going to give you all the backing that you need’; ‘We are going to pay you when you are out of a job’ – all this kind of stuff. But we are mounting up bills; we are also not going to tell you that your job will still be there in six months’ time. We’re going to close you down. We are not even going to allow you into the church so that you can praise God. We won’t allow you to sing, when you are in the church, even if you do have only fifty people at a wedding – or whatever the number is now; we won’t allow you to sing. The manipulation and control is there. That is what they are doing. Of course, they are saying it is for your good, but there is an incongruency. It’s a mismatch, and that’s how people get out of these relationships; that’s how people get out of abusive situations.

It is because they are being told and logically spoken to: ‘Look at all I have done for you and you repay me like this!’, whatever the issue might be. They are playing on the guilt; they are playing on so many aspects. But that same person could have put the other person into hospital with a punch in the face or whatever two weeks earlier, and his apology would be, ‘I’m so sorry for that but if you weren’t so annoying, we wouldn’t have this problem!’ In other words, it was your fault that I had to punch you and put you into hospital. That is on a micro level; we are talking about relationships. It is a form of – what did you call it before? – it is a form of gaslighting, and gaslighting is another red flag when you see that happening.


In other words, telling you that they are looking after you, they are looking after every aspect of your life. They are going to pay you money. But you can’t leave your house. And when you are on your bicycle, you will have people who were told, ‘You have gone too far.’ Remember those comments? They were ‘gone too far’ on their bicycles out in the country. Right?! You have to put a mask on now when you’re going into every shop, and when you are travelling. It’s a muzzle. I have heard it referred to as a face nappy, a muzzle. These are all denigrating types of language.

The ‘deadly virus’ is another one. Everything to instil fear. I had a list of them here. Let me see if I can get them for you. Even, like, the ‘frontline workers’ – that’s another example of where you are getting what is called ‘inferred suggestion’. In other words, ‘I am not saying to you that this is a very dangerous situation, but I will refer to people as frontline workers and I will praise them for risking their lives.’

D.C.: Despite the fact that there was so much evidence of not only empty hospitals, John, but these TikTok videos of dancing nurses in hospitals. And actually, to a degree, and on that point, John, of the dancing nurses: I have actually seen that there were examples sometimes in the mainstream media of them actually showing these videos as a sort of a light-hearted interlude …

J.A.: If you want an example of gaslighting, that is it.

D.C.: Yes, exactly.

J.A.: You are imposing these restrictions; you are gaslighting the nation; you are telling them that it is wonderful, that the children are waving in to Nana and Grandad, but they are in lockdown. You are telling them that these ‘frontline workers’… We’ll do a dance on the street. We have pictures of them singing in Italy from their apartments. It is a gaslighting situation. What they are saying to people is, ‘Do not refer to your own inner intuition, do not look at your own critical thinking; refer to me instead,’ whatever that ‘me’ might be. It could be the health authorities, politicians or the Gardaí – but ‘Make sure you refer to me’.

There is a terrible, terrible ad on the television at the moment, and also a corresponding ad on the radio, where they are telling people ‘not to look at social media, make sure it’s safe’ – and this is their wording actually on it. You would be included in it, Dave, and I would be too, now, at this stage. They are saying, ‘Get the source that can be trusted. You will need to move past the rage.’ This is their direct suggestion. They don’t go into …

D.C.: The ‘rage’ and the ‘fear’, John: despite the fact that they are the ones spreading the fear, they blame it on us.

J.A.: There are two aspects to this. Number one is that is exactly what they are doing. They are saying ‘the rage’, ‘the deception’ and ‘the fear’, and they back it up it with noise and people running around and giving out [scolding] and all this kind of aspect, right. Then they say, ‘Now more than ever, integrity matters, trust matters and quality journalism matters.’ That is what really gets me at this stage. They do not say what it is that they are talking about. They do not say, ‘We are backing it up with science,’ or, ‘The evidence is this.’ They are just appealing to your emotional brain and they are appealing to your reptilian brain, by showing these quick images on the television. I saw it there last night: they had these quick images of people shouting and noise. So there is the rage and everything else.

Now, there is one very interesting aspect to this. Getting back down to the micro [level] again: in narcissistic relationships, the narcissist has a target. He is the perpetrator; there is a victim in it, even though the victim might be doing the dance in it as well, by being compliant and everything else, but that is another story. The aspect of this, that I would like to highlight, is that one of the red flags of narcissistic relationships – if you are looking to know how to recognise it – one of the red flags is that whatever they say that you are accused of, whatever you are doing that they don’t like, [whatever] they want to reprimand you for and make you feel guilty about, whatever that is – there is usually, usually a strong aspect [of that very transgression] in their own behaviour.

That is exactly it. So what they are saying is, ‘Get past the rage, get past the deception and find the truth.’ That is what you have to do, because that is what they are guilty of, right, and that is actually one of the red flags, because that is how they gain control over their target.

D.C.: Well, I have never seen RTÉ do something like that [before 2020]. In other words, to beg the public, ‘Please trust us, because we realise that some of you are waking up and that you are leaving the matrix. You are leaving the plantation that we have created for you. Please come back.’

J.A.: Well, that’s exactly it, Dave. Yes, that’s exactly it. Their backs must be against the wall at this stage, because they are really pushing this out. As I say, even the signs over the M50 going up to the airport: they are using these signs now to reinforce it. They are using the language that all the presenters are using, and they are getting the co-operation of RTÉ and they are complicit in this. They are using it in this way. They are not applying themselves to the science; they are not applying themselves to having debates, discussions nothing. It’s all missing.

They are not even asking relevant questions when they are in an interview situation. They will ask soft questions. A soft question would be ‘Well, how is the government now responding to the spiralling number of cases?’ That is a soft question. It really is, because there are a whole load of assumptions there. In other words, ‘There are a spiralling number of cases, which is deadly, and what is the government going to do to protect us all?

D.C.: Yes, and this is something I want to interject, because I have a little quote that I want to read to you, and I have read this before on the channel. It is in the nature of totalitarianism that the rules after a certain point are not supposed to make sense; they are just supposed to be followed, and you can only really do that Yuri Bezmenov described it, in the Marxism version, that there are four stages, which are demoralisation, dehumanisation, crisis and normalisation.

So we have had the crisis, they have dehumanised and demoralised people; I mean literally dehumanising people, John, with a face mask. Demoralising them, humiliating them. And then we had the crisis, this virus. It is destroying our economy, it is destroying our way of life, it is destroying the social bonds and cohesion between people.

And then you have this final stage of this ‘New Normal’ right now. The book that I want to read, two paragraphs here, this is from a book written by Theodore Dalrymple in 2012. It is called “The Wilder Shores of Marx: Journeys in a Vanishing World”, and it is about propaganda. Just briefly, he says: “[W]ithin an established totalitarian regime the purpose of propaganda is not to persuade, much less to inform, but rather to humiliate. From this point of view, propaganda should not approximate to the truth as closely as possible. On the contrary, it should do as much violence to it as possible. For by endlessly asserting what is blatantly untrue, by making such untruth ubiquitous and unavoidable, and finally by insisting that everyone publicly acquiesce in it, the regime displays its power and reduces individuals to nullities.

Now, just imagine that with people walking down [Dublin’s main shopping area] Grafton Street with face masks, or on the bus or on the train! [Dalrymple continues:] “Apart from the massacres, deaths and famines for which communism was responsible, the worst thing about the system was the official lying: that is to say the lying in which everyone was forced to take part by repetition, assent or failure to contradict. I came to the conclusion that the purpose of propaganda in communist countries was not to persuade, much less to inform, but to humiliate and emasculate. In this sense, the less true it was, the less it corresponded in any way to reality, the better; the more it contradicted the experience of the persons to whom it was directed, the more docile, self-despising for their failure to protest, and impotent they became.

J.A.: Yes, that is a really nice piece. I would just back it up. There is a psychiatrist, a psychologist, a philosopher, called Gabor Maté. He has a ten-minute clip on YouTube [six-minute version here]. He talks about Karl Marx and he says there are four ways – exactly what you are after saying there, I am just re-emphasising what you are saying, but he puts it in very human terms – he says there are four ways to alienate people.

In other words, when you are saying ‘alien’, [the trick is] to make it part of you, run against yourself, as it were. If you want a correspondence in a physical terms, you would be taking about autoimmune disease or that kind of thing. He says you can be alienated from nature, and the way we do that is we disassociate from nature, if you like, many times. You can alienate from society, and that means family, tribe, friends. Now, is this all ringing a bell for us?

D.C.: Social distancing …

J.A.: Yes, exactly. He said you can alienate people from their job. Now at the moment, they are absolutely running us into the ground in debt. There is going to be a flux of jobs to which people are not going to be able to return. Then they will find their money is cut; the so-called softening of this approach as well. And then, basically, he says, it alienates people from themselves.

And this is what I am trying to do: reconnect people with their own experience. In other words, begin to [ask]: ‘How do I feel when I am locked down? Is that okay?

I heard a poor man and he was talking to somebody about his wife who had died and he couldn’t go to her funeral, and he was crying on the radio and he was saying, ‘I felt like just going down there and being at the funeral.’ He said it was terrible. ‘But,’ he said, ‘I wanted to do the right thing, and I just felt staying at home was the right thing.’ He was deeply programmed, the poor man. He was deeply got at. This was earlier [in the year], you know. But that’s alienating people from themselves. They have an experience, they have a feeling, they have a connection inwardly, they see the incongruencies, but somehow they mask the incongruencies that are taking place.

So, you have the wife that looks at this abusive husband, and ‘Yes, he put her into hospital a few times, he did this and he did that,’ but you know, ‘He’s going to – he promised me that he was going to go to therapy and it’s going to be all okay in a while.’ So they’re kind of addicted to this process of keeping the [hope of changed behaviour], be it the politicians, be it a partner, be it on stage – notice you have the same thing. It’s the same. It’s the same programme, it’s the same predictability, it’s the same issue of how it’s rolled out.


Read the fifth part of the article


March 27, 2021



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