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A sensational referendum-message of an advanced extraterrestrial civilization which is addressed to all the people on planet Earth About Gregorian Bivolaru About M.I.S.A. About us Announcements Astrology Awakening into divine light Being Conscious through the Yoga Practice Censored news - Economics Censored news - Health Censored news - Military Censored news - Politics Censored Sensational News Extraterrestrial civilisations Health Home Hope Il maestro Pinocchio, or the ridiculous and obvious lies made up by the former coordinator Interviews Karma Yoga Karma Yoga Know yourself through Yoga Letters from Users MEMORANDUM - THE ORGANIZATION FOR SPIRITUAL INTEGRATION INTO THE DIVINE M.I.S.A. NEWS News & Events Opening ceremony of the International Yoga Congress «God is giving us signs» Parapsychology Public Relations Raja Yoga Revelations Shaivism Shambala, the magnificent Simple Yoga Techniques Spring Diet: Fruit and vegetables juices – a great source of raw food Tantra Techniques for Focus Testimonials of the yoga practitioners The ASANAS of happiness in the couple The Energetical Physiology of the Human Being: Subtle Bodies. Centres of Force, Energetic Channels The First Congress of European Yoga Federation is taking place in Bucharest and is organized by MISA The Moon influences our life and also our spiritual evolution The program of the fourth day of the Congress «God is giving us signs…», Saturday, 16th October The program of the last day of the Congress «God is giving us signs…», Sunday, 17th October The program of the second day of the Congress «God is giving us signs…», Thursday, 14th October Relaţii cu publicul Taxonomy Community Glossary Login

Trudeau Says It’s Imperative That Teenage Girls Experience the ‘Bliss of Abortion’

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has urged schoolgirls across Canada to experience the “bliss of abortion” in order to dispel any fears they may have about the procedure. “It’s very simple: It’s a woman’s right to choose what she does with her own body,” Trudeau told an auditorium full of school children recently. Trudeau…

The EU tightens censorship on virtual communication networks with new binding rules against “disinformation”

What began as a “voluntary code of conduct” by the EU on disinformation, affecting tech and virtual communication companies, is now set to become a binding code of conduct for the most influential and widely used platforms. This was announced by the Irish media regulator Paul Gordon, who spoke to journalists in Brussels. The EU…

Tennessee judge orders unvaccinated 5-year-old boy to take 18 shots, causing an ICU admission and irreversible autism

A troubling custody battle in Jamestown, Tennessee left a previously healthy, unvaccinated five-year-old boy subject to 18 vaccines in one day. A pro-vaccine Tennessee judge ordered the vaccines as a precondition for custody, pitting the mother and father against one another. When the mother agreed to get the vaccines for her kids, she…

Are directed energy weapons being used on civilian populations to manipulate people’s thoughts and behaviour?

USA, China and Russia have for decades been developing advanced technologies to manipulate human behaviour, including the use of directed energy weapons and AI systems. After an inquiry in 1999, the European Parliament called for a global ban on weapons that could manipulate human brains. Corporate media ignored this call and the…

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