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Cosmic Context of Greek Philosophy (2)

Read the first part of the article Plasma Cosmology My discussion in the book Horns of Moses includes a simplified explication of Plasma Cosmology that, though short, is still too long to include here since I am only trying to give enough background for the reader to understand my discussion of the Greek philosophers. So this is the…

Cosmic Context of Greek Philosophy (1)

It seems to me that none of what the various early philosophers were saying, doing, or writing can be easily comprehended if one does not have a good grasp of the history of the time. And that history is not just social and political, it is also environmental. Even with such knowledge, you are handicapped because the Christian scribes who…

Worse Than CBDCs: Globalists Publish Plan for Worldwide “Financial Enslavement” Under “Unified Ledger”

If you thought Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) plans sounded dystopian, just wait to read the new “unified ledger” agenda released by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS, known as the “bank of central banks”). The plan, found at this link on, is entitled Blueprint for the future monetary system: improving the old,…

You Are the Population They Want to Control

Worldwide birthrate per 1,000 people follows a very predictable trend. In “developed” and/or wealthy nations, the birthrate is low and in nations at the lower end of the economic development scale, the birthrate is high. Nothing new there. Many countries, including the US, have birthrates that either are too low to sustain current…

What China Is Really Playing at in Ukraine

Imagine fierce president Xi Jinping in a phone call with the warmongering actor in a sweaty T-shirt in Kiev while attempting to teach him a few facts of life – complete with the promise of sending a high-level Chinese delegation to Ukraine to discuss “peace”. There was way more than meets the discerning eye obscured by this…

Lab Grown Meat and Babies (2)

Read the first part of the article When I lived in Luxor, Egypt during the “pandemic” the local villagers pooh-poohed covid. “We are very strong,” they said. “We can drink the water of the Nile. Covid will not harm us.” It was true. I could never drink the water from the Nile. My insides couldn’t handle it and I would become…

Lab Grown Meat and Babies (1)

Imagine a world where women will never have to go through childbirth in order to bear babies. It wasn’t long ago that such talk was in the realm of fiction. Now we are making it all come true. Our ancestors believed in fairytales. We believe in science. Most of us have heard the old stories of creation a million times. We have…

The Religion of “Statism”

Is Organized Crime “Government” and Monopoly Media Using Unethically Manipulative Cult Indoctrination Techniques on an Unsuspecting Public? Statism is the indoctrinated belief in the desirability, necessity and legitimacy of a State (“government”) even though there is no iron-clad law of the universe that “government” is needed,…

Truths that should wake us up

Where do most of your medicines come from?  Has corporate media in the US become part of the federal government?  Has Google become our enemy?  Are climate fanatics in the UK trying to shut down rental properties? Has NHS England’s demands for data sharing just ended doctor-patient confidentiality? European countries want to limit all…

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