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All Wars Are Bankers Wars! (2)

Read the first part of this article  President Zachary Taylor President Zachary Taylor opposed the creation of a new Private Central Bank, owing to the historical abuses of the First and Second Banks of the United States.  “The idea of a national bank is…

Do Psychopaths Run the World? (2)

  Read the first part of the article It’s Behind You According to philosopher and author Aaron James, there is the rascal psychopath, who feigns moral action as a tool to manipulate others. Unlike the prototypical psychopath, says James, the rascal “traffics in and is moved by moral…

The Big Brother Bombshell Set to Blow

  It’s been coming for some time now. The deep state run by the globalists plans to initiate the final move to take it all over. News US legislators have looped in the major internet players in the media war on Putin and Russia only comes as a surprise for those who are just consumers of Facebook, Google,…

China builds ‘the world’s most powerful’ facial recognition system that can identify any one of its 1.4 billion citizens within three seconds

  China is reportedly building the world’s most powerful facial recognition system which aims to identify any one of its 1.4 billion citizens within three seconds. The main goal is for the system to match someone’s face to their ID photo 90 percent of the time. The project, launched by the Ministry of Public…

Exposed: CIA – The Swamp Monsters (2)

  Read the first part of the article Three Factions of the CIA It is easy to see the war between the 17 U.S. intelligence agencies raging in the news. But there is a great deal of confusion about actions that the intelligence agencies conduct which indicates that the war is much bigger and more…

10 Signs of Our Global Awakening

  Since time immemorial, under the ruling thumb of the world’s dark overlords, humanity has been hacked, stymied, suppressed and coerced into submission through mind-controlling, soul-destroying atrocities. Those unable to see that just about every subject under the sun is a deception and how their family and…

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