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It’s the trust in the authority, stupid! (2)

Read the first part of the article The Real Threat In 1998, then UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, delivered the keynote Davos address to the WEF. Describing what he called a “quiet revolution,” Annan said that a “fundamental shift” had occurred as the UN had undergone a “complete overhaul”: “Peace and prosperity cannot be…

BRICS Surpasses G7 in PPP-Adjusted Global GDP

An economist digging below the surface of an IMF report has found something that should shock the Western bloc out of any false confidence in its unsurpassed global economic clout. Last summer, the Group of 7 (G7), a self-anointed forum of nations that view themselves as the most influential economies in the world, gathered at…

It’s the trust in the authority, stupid! (1)

The world is apparently descending into chaos. With events such as the recent collapse of SVB bank adding to the problems allegedly caused by the pseudopandemic and the war in Ukraine, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. Only a few years ago it was widely recognised that, by nearly every measure, global life outcomes were all improving.…

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