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News & Events

Is A Real Civil War Possible in USA?

  The Trump victory is very good news for the US – relative to a win for Hillary, which would have been an unmitigated disaster. Will Trump winning mean a real change in direction for the US? Unlikely. Don’t mistake Trump for a libertarian. He has all kinds of stupid notions – torture as official policy,…

Iran raps US overt military support for terrorists

  At the end of September 2016, secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali Shamkhani has criticized the US for providing various terrorist groups with political and military support, saying the foreign-backed crisis in Syria would be solved only through intra-Syrian talks. “The only…

How to Live Off Grid Successfully

  If you have been wondering how to live off grid – “is it really possible?” and “Can I do it?” the short answer to all of these questions is “Yes!”. Remember: The only sure thing in life is transformation. There is another important rule of life that is often overlooked: “Anyone…


  The final editing of this text was made by yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru An important message from yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru THIS SERIES OF ARTICLES REGARDING THE BRILLIANT DISCOVERIES OF MEHRAN TAVAKOLI KESHE HAS A GREAT IMPORTANCE FOR US ALL, AS YOU WILL NOTICE FURTHER ON. HIS INVENTIONS,…

A personal message from yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru

  This message was sent through the post by yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru from the detention place on the address of Shambala publishing house and it exposes the blackmail and threats to which he is subjected due to his insistence to promote the teachings of yoga and to hold conferences on spirituality, but also to make…

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