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Before covid vaccination began, there were three studies; all showing serious harms of these experimental jabs

As it turned out there was not just one study, or two, documenting that the “S” (spike) protein from Covid causes damage. There were at least three studies, with one dating back, in preprint, to the first week of December 2020. We start the little review of the science here showing something already known today, the direct harms caused…

Microsoft, 2016: “we can program complex behaviors using DNA”. 3-strand DNA confirmed

“Imagine a biological computer that operates inside a living cell” – Dr. Andrew Phillips, head of bio-computation at Microsoft Research. “The problem we’re pursueing to solve is really pursueing to have a more sophisticated diagnosis that can occur automatically inside cells… In this project, we’re pursueing to use DNA as a programmable…

Covid Hoax is UN Agenda 2030

Globalist go-fer Maurice Strong uttered this insane nonsense in 2010. Now, do you understand the Covid Hoax? Every institution in society – government, business, media, education, law, church – has betrayed the public and now stands exposed and discredited. Agenda 2030, touted as a solution to everything from poverty to global warming,…

VAERS: 4,000% increase in vaccine deaths in the first trimester of 2021 VS. The Entire Year Of 2020

According to government data published at, just 82 people died in 2020 after being vaccinated (with any other vaccine, because Covid shots were not in place in 2020). But in the first trimester of 2021, there were already 3,317 deaths that have been reported, following covid-19 vaccinations. That’s an increase of nearly…

MEDICAL SHOCKER: Scientists at Sloan Kettering discover mRNA inactivates tumor-suppressing proteins, meaning it can promote cancer

There’s a secret layer of information in your cells called messenger RNA (mRNA), that’s located from a functional point of view between DNA and proteins, that serves as a critical link. Now, in a medical shocker to the whole world of vaccine philosophy, scientists at Sloan Kettering found that mRNA itself carries cancer CAUSING changes –…

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