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Busted! CDC data: 82% of pregnant women who got an early mRNA jab miscarried. CDC scientists: it’s just 12%

Less decency and honesty in science than in politics, these days. Many people think there’s a few levels below politics. You know when your juice bottle says “100% orange” and the small prints say it’s just 50% of fruit “concentrate”? They should be arrested for that. Now concentrate on this: If we were to sum it up in…

Rand Paul exposes total fraud, deception of Fauci and the CDC, who deliberately ignore NATURAL immunity

Is Tony Fauci lying about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” in an effort to hoodwink parents into getting their children injected? It would certainly seem that way. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky agrees, having stated in an interview that none of the “experts” are following the science as they push to have all age groups, including…

Gladiators are back – the tyrannical drive to vaccinate more than 7 billion people on Mother Earth

A Gladiator (Latin for “swordsman”) was an armed combatant who entertained audiences in the Roman Republic and later in the Roman Empire, in violent confrontations with other gladiators, wild animals, or condemned criminals. The fights were to the people’s delight. At the end of a fight the winner looked to the yelling, hurling and…

Boom! Google funded virus research by Wuhan lab-linked scientist: ‘one of the biggest scandals for a hundred years’

After spending much of the past year suppressing information related to the Wuhan lab leak, it has recently emerged that Google funded virus research carried out by Wuhan-linked scientist Peter Daszak. Until recently, those who dared voice their contention that the virus leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology found themselves…

The mainstream media is attempting to convince people the covid-19 vaccines are still “safe and effective” despite the majority of covid deaths being…

In an article published in The Guardian, Spiegelhalter and Anthony Masters attempted to argue that the vaccines are supposedly working even though many vaccinated people in the U.K. are allegedly dying from covid-19. Spiegelhalter and Masters cited recent reports that showed a large percentage of recent covid-19 deaths in the U.K.…

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