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Hippocratic Hypocrisy – A tale of two snakes (3)

  Transcript of the Hippocratic Hypocrisy, a collaborative film by Spacebusters and Dr. Andrew Kaufman about how authentic medicine was hijacked by the power elite and turned into a deadly, sickness for profit industry. Read the second part of the article Today, we can now recognize the same alarming…

Q and Trump Team Defeat Deep State from Inside Out

  by Peter B. MeyerThe Final Wakeup Call The world has many saviours The majority of people have their conscious soul locked up in a mental prison, only connected for time, labour, and energy. Those people possess little or no freewill because they have neglected their awareness when…

Benjamin Fulford Report 8/10/20: UFO disclosure shows elite planning to follow up on fake pandemic with fake alien invasion

  The Khazarian mafia is preparing the public for some form of alien disclosure or invasion scenario as they struggle to stay in power, Pentagon and other sources claim. The most likely scenario for this autumn is the cancellation of the U.S. Presidential election followed by a UFO distraction, the sources say. U.S. President…

The Pressing Dangers Of Technocracy (2)

  Read the first part of the article  Rule by Algorithm Initially, science is used to issue suggestions, but those suggestions rapidly turn into mandates. We’ve repeatedly seen that with vaccines, for example. But the COVID-19 pandemic has also revealed there’s a much larger plan that…

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