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A sensational referendum-message of an advanced extraterrestrial civilization which is addressed to all the people on planet Earth About Gregorian Bivolaru About M.I.S.A. About us Announcements Astrology Awakening into divine light Being Conscious through the Yoga Practice Censored news - Economics Censored news - Health Censored news - Military Censored news - Politics Censored news - Social Censored Sensational News Extraterrestrial civilisations Health Home Hope Il maestro Pinocchio, or the ridiculous and obvious lies made up by the former coordinator Interviews Karma Yoga Karma Yoga Know yourself through Yoga Letters from Users MEMORANDUM - THE ORGANIZATION FOR SPIRITUAL INTEGRATION INTO THE DIVINE M.I.S.A. NEWS News & Events Opening ceremony of the International Yoga Congress «God is giving us signs» Parapsychology Public Relations Raja Yoga Revelations Shaivism Shambala, the magnificent Simple Yoga Techniques Spring Diet: Fruit and vegetables juices – a great source of raw food Tantra Techniques for Focus Testimonials of the yoga practitioners The ASANAS of happiness in the couple The Energetical Physiology of the Human Being: Subtle Bodies. Centres of Force, Energetic Channels The First Congress of European Yoga Federation is taking place in Bucharest and is organized by MISA The Moon influences our life and also our spiritual evolution The program of the fourth day of the Congress «God is giving us signs…», Saturday, 16th October The program of the last day of the Congress «God is giving us signs…», Sunday, 17th October Relaţii cu publicul Taxonomy Community Glossary Login

Winter Camp for the Revelation of the Immortal Godly Self Atman, December 29, 2024 – January 11, 2025, Costinești

We invite you to participate in the Winter Camp for the Revelation of the Immortal Godly Self Atman, between December 29, 2024 to January 11, 2025 in Costinești. The camp will be coordinated by yoga instructor Uriell Monete and will consist of two modules: Module 1: December 29 - January 4 (7 days) Identical module, in unison with…

To my teacher, with love…

Motto: “The soul uplifts to the height of what it admires.” People have always needed role models. And the role models we choose influence our inner growth and even our lifeline in countless ways that are hard to decipher and understand. Paraphrasing a famous saying, we can say, “Tell me what role models you have chosen and I can tell…

SURVEY: People vaccinated for covid become more “magnetic” over time… the vaccine appears to be assembling magnetic nanoparticles in the blood

A researcher from Europe recently conducted a survey that looked at the state of “magnetism” in people’s bodies after they get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19), the results of which are nothing short of disturbing. It turns out that getting jabbed for the Fauci Flu causes a person’s body to become increasingly more…


A causa del actual contexto, por favor tomar en cuenta que las meditaciones y las manifestaciones espirituales de este mes, serán realizadas individualmente, cada quien en su casa. A excepción a las meditaciones previstas durante eventos astrológicos favorables, las demás serán transmitidas en vivo a través de la emisora de televisión en…

Meditaciones, coyunturas astrológicas favorables y eventos espirituales durante el mes de ABRIL de 2021

En el contexto de la situación actual, por favor tomarse en cuenta que las meditaciones y los eventos espirituales de este mes serán realizados por cada participante en su propia casa. Las meditaciones (a excepción de las meditaciones durante momentos astrológicos especiales) serán transmitidas a través de la emisora de televisión on-line…

Breaking the Covid Trance: How the (Irish) people were psychologically manipulated (V)

We publish a full transcript of a seminal interview with John Anthony conducted by Dave Cullen of Computing Forever, uploaded on 1st October 2020. Read the fourth part of the article Programming the suggestible John Anthony: And we’ve discussed the issues here, like different ways that you can programme people.…

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