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About Perverse Masonic Manipulations

Scientific “proof” is a myth: the limitations of science and the medical paradigm (2)

There was an article published back in 2014 by Dr. David Stewart, who so eloquently articulated the limitations of the scientific method, and the short-comings of the medical paradigm. Since 2020 we are witnessing an unparalleled phenomenon in medicine where religious beliefs are passed off as “science,” while indoctrination of ideas is…

Scientific “proof” is a myth: the limitations of science and the medical paradigm (1)

There was an article published back in 2014 by Dr. David Stewart, who so eloquently articulated the limitations of the scientific method, and the short-comings of the medical paradigm. Since 2020 we are witnessing an unparalleled phenomenon in medicine where religious beliefs are passed off as “science,” while indoctrination of ideas…

The CIA and the corporate media cannot be distinguished: the censorship of the alternative media

Opening the CIA’s can of worms “The CIA and the media are part of the same criminal conspiracy,” wrote Douglas Valentine in his important book, “The CIA As Organized Crime”. This is true. The corporate mainstream media are stenographers for the national security state’s ongoing psychological operations aimed at the American people,…

Virusomania and covidophobia

Imagine the world in 2050: the average age of the inhabitants of the earth is 30 to 35 years, the life expectancy is 50 to 55 years. No excesses, peace and grace. Every average inhabitant conscientiously performs the work entrusted to him and strives to go home quickly, where he, dissociating himself from everything around him, lives in a…

Big Tech pouring billions into harvesting blood of the young so elites can live and rule forever

Big Tech oligarchs in the U.S. and abroad are pouring billions into research that will enable them to live and govern eternally by literally discovering the once-fictional “fountain of youth,” even if they have to harvest the blood of the young to achieve it. In fact, the elite aren’t even hiding what they’re aiming to do: No less than…

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