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Unmasking Freemasonry

The globalists are openly admitting to their Population Control Agenda – and that’s a bad sign…

  Eugenics and population control are long time hobbies of the financial elites. In the early 1900’s, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Institute were deeply involved in promoting Eugenics laws in the US. These laws led to the forced sterilization of over 60,000 American citizens in states like California and…

The Great Reset and coming technocratic Reign Of Terror. The WEF’s diabolical Post Covid World

  The first part of the article is writen by Antony P. Mueller, a German professor of Economics who teaches in Brazil. He is rare in scholarship as having analyzed Technocracy from an economic perspective. The WEF’s Great Reset will push society back to the mid-1800s or earlier. Klaus Schwab and his merry band…

Signs of weakness

  The Weakness of paper money Precisely this non-backing of currency is the inherent weakness of our “paper money”, governments have the power to declare paper to be “legal tender”, but they do not have the power to give that money value. This is something that no one, especially not politicians…

Full transcript of bombshell interview: Gen. Michael Flynn, Gen. Thomas McInerney with Brannon Howse – Identity of KRAKEN revealed (1)

  Brannon Howse of World View Report broadcast an interview at November 28, featuring Gen. Michael Flynn with his first public comments since he was pardoned by President Trump. You can view the full interview at the website.  This same interview also features Gen. Thomas McInerney,…

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