Crisis are, together with the spiritual tests neccesary ways to pass from an evolutional phase to another

by yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru

The term “crisis” comes from the Greek word “crizis”, which refers to the action of analyzing, choosing and deciding. Most often, a crisis is a sudden, unexpected modification, often decisive, which appears during an illness. It can lead to a beneficial and favorable transformation, which brings an improvement and eventually the cure of that illness, or to an unfavorable, distressful change, which triggers the aggravation of that illness, deterioration and even death.

In the medical vocabulary, this term got a technical meaning: crisis is a decisive stage of an illness. Or, better said, a key moment when the modification that appears in the state of the patient shows either the beginning of a happy transformation or of a bad and misfortunate change of his health condition.

The meaning of this word expanded and, by analogy with the above-mentioned medical term, every dangerous and decisive perturbation that interferes with the normal flow of events or phenomena is currently named crisis.

At one point, Racine talked about “Crisis of passionate states”. The classical age was interested in psychological crises numerous times and it studied mainly the affective crises.

The concept of crisis became interesting even for aesthetics so that it appeared in aesthetic thinking: a) crisis as art object, b) art as object of crises. When we see crisis from a certain point of view and we consider it as being an aesthetic object, it could be seen as a privileged moment from the aesthetics perspective. According to some, choosing a critical period of time as a moment for the action in a literary work corresponds to precise aesthetic criteria. It is not at all by chance that many art creators choose especially an extremely intense moment in an universe where the normal flow of events had previously manifested banal, even plain periods of time.

Crisis is a dramatically moment which becomes fundamental at a certain point and it fully captures the reader’s or auditor’s interest, mainly when it is all about the characters’ happiness or life. The respective situation brings about a discussion on their destiny. Furthermore, this full and deeply meaningful moment being actually short, it might be completely embraced and transformed into a sui generis global view, a general perspective, in order to thus result into a global edifying idea. The aesthetic interest for this sort of situations was sometimes pointed by genius people such as Aristotle, Goethe or Victor Hugo. In such periods of crisis, the profound convulsion of the universe described in that artwork makes a series of deep aspects of the characters appear, which, otherwise, would have remained hidden in the grey ordinary everyday life. Therefore many authors have placed often their characters in crisis moments, making them as if they were under a sui generis immense eyeglass. It is well-known that crisis brings about the opportunity of having pregnant symptomatic or revealing behaviors.

Crisis can be as well a sudden and violent manifestation of an affect, e.g. a fit of anger. Crisis can also be a moment of incertitude that occurs either in one’s life or in a community or a bigger group of people. In such cases a swing can occur toward either one side that makes appear something evil for that human being or the other side which brings about transformations, a translation towards something better. It is necessary to know that some crises occur even in some fields of the human knowledge and a certain example of this kind is the crisis of determinism, which appeared in 1920’s in physics, or crisis of fundaments, which appeared at the beginning of 20th century among various philosophers and mathematicians. An example of crisis is that which appeared at a certain moment in theology and was named the crisis theology.

This kind of crisis was called the “negative theology” crisis (apophantic) and it involves a sui generis way of approaching God according to which, in order to outline His absolute status and His Infinity, any determination is in fact a limitation. The so called “negative theology” (apophantic) cannot tell us who God is, but, rather, it tries to make us understand what He is not, as, in the view of this kind of theology, only the denial of any of God’s attributes maintains unaltered our openness towards the supreme state of infinity.

For most human beings, crisis states together with spiritual tests are necessary ways to pass from one stage to another. These moments of passing through involve each time either transformation and progress or change and regress. For most people some good transformations or some bad changes are always preceded by either critical moments or by spiritual tests which appear when the human being is on a genuine spiritual path. When a human being overcomes a certain crisis, he/she continues on the path of normality and when one fails the crisis and therefore regresses, after a while he/she will be confronted with pathological consequences.

Crisis – from a psychological point of view

It can be said that every psychological crisis is a sudden manifestation of a break of balance. Even when we do not notice it, the ordinary human existence is marked by psychological crises, the first one being our own birth, which is most often accompanied by cries.

The short and violent outburst of a state of anger or emotionalism is also a crisis. A significant example is a nervous crisis characterized by short and sudden agitation followed by shouts and gesticulation. Familiarly speaking, crisis can even point out a sudden burst of either ardor or passion or enthusiasm. For example, it is usually said that some human beings work during crises. Any decisive and dangerous period of existence is also a crisis.
During its life time, a human being experiences a series of critical stages, the main ones being: child’s weaning, going to school, adolescence and, especially for women, menopause.

For example, the crises of so-called juvenile originality contain revolutionary behavior of adolescents who search chaotically to assert their personality. The crisis of adolescence are a typical example of this double direction: objective and subjective. For many human beings, adolescence is therefore such a crisis moment which points out a critical stage. Bad violent emotions or, for women, long-term ridiculous frustrations finally cause nervous crises with agitation and anger. The psychic crisis is a kind of violent break of the evolving process whose direction can suddenly be disguised, modified or reversed. We can say that each psychological crisis marks out a profound discontinuity. The term “psychological crisis” covers also the significant impressions felt by a human being who cannot overcome a particular conflict at a certain moment: the crisis which occurs then is the acute aspect of a state of ambivalence.

The psychic crisis is a moment or a stage in a process which consists in the manifestation of acute conflicts, deprivations, frustrations, lacking, of some unfulfilled expectations, of certain difficulties or some unfavorable phenomena which can be followed, shortly afterwards, depending on whether that crisis is overcome, by either a deviation that brings regress or by beneficial steps which brings progress.

Taking into account these aspects, we can say that psychic crises are part of the normal process of development. No matter how abrupt a psychic crisis seems to be at first sight, its manifestation contains three successive stages:

a) a stage when the crisis installs that is often marked by a more or less destabilizing state of anxiety 
b) the emergence of a stage of maximum, or in other words, of climax. This phase is often accompanied by a state of global disorder which is obviously noticeable to all the close ones
c) a phase of liquidation which ends with either a considerably good transformation or with a radically evil change. At this stage of liquidation, the state of bipolarity which appeared is solved progressively and, in certain situations, quite fast. It can be said that at the liquidation phase, the human being will choose either good or evil and, especially at this stage, he/she can make use of his/her free will.

In some situations it is possible that even crises of growth can occur, related to disharmonious relationships which interfere with the bodily evolution and which usually lead to the passing into a superior stage of development when they are well overcome. For example, the moments of nervous crisis a human being goes through, mirror some contradictions the resolution of which coincides with overcoming the crisis. In the human beings’ psychic development, phases of crises occur at certain moments and they are explained by some existent requirements of that human being and not by the actual conditions of psychic evolution. For example, it is significant that certain primitive populations do have not puberty crisis because they do not have the tense problems specific to modern society. Generally speaking, psychic crises phenomena can be qualified as normal or abnormal, depending on their predominant occult resonance processes. It is also necessary to know that some psychic crises can be transitory while others can persist. If there are persistent psychic crises, they can unleash cumulatively different illnesses. Some psychic crises can be considered intellectual and, in the light of occult anatomy discovered by yoga practitioners, they point out certain unbalances, flaws or disharmonies which exist at the level of the subtle centers of force AJNA CHAKRA and SAHASHRARA CHAKRA. Affective crises show perturbations, flaws or disharmonies at the level of the subtle center of force ANAHATA CHAKRA. The crises of amnesia related to the memory and remembering point out perturbations, flaws or disharmonies at the level of the subtle center of force VISHUDDHA CHAKRA and secondarily at the level of the subtle center of force AJNA CHAKRA. Volitional crises point out perturbations, flaws or disharmonies at the level of the subtle center of force MANIPURA CHAKRA. Personality crises point out perturbations, flaws or disharmonies mainly at the level of the subtle center of force SAHASHRARA and secondarily at the level of the subtle center of force ANAHATA CHAKRA.

Seen especially from the psychical point of view, a crisis is punctual and located. The end of a crisis always attracts a decisive modification. Every psychic crisis points out a more or less acute moment of unbalance.

Therefore, a crisis is closely related to a state of continuity or discontinuity of development and when it is well overcome, it triggers a certain clear transformation in our inner universe. Thus, a crisis reveals a validation of certain natural stages in human being’s development.

In the case of psychic crises in which the persistence of ambivalent or regressive behaviors appears, it can certainly be said that it indicates a state of affliction. It is important to keep in mind that not everybody necessarily faces exactly the same kind of psychic crisis. Each psychic crisis also reflects the complexity and specificity of the inner universe of that human being. This is why it is possible that a certain kind of crisis which appears for a human being will never appear for another one. When a psychic or a spiritual crisis is passed or overcome and that human being chooses the good, the harmony, the beauty and the divine, shortly after, this choice attracts a qualitative leap, triggering in the inner universe specific beneficial occult processes of resonance. These specific processes of occult resonance inevitably bring in that human being profound reorganizing and restructuring. During psychic development, we can distinguish periods of time when the expression of an unbalanced dynamism predominates; then, through the processes of occult resonance that appear unceasingly in the human being’s universe, these will eventually lead to a new stability through the play of either functional alternation or of compensatory secret adjustments when everything unfolds harmoniously.

Crisis – from a spiritual point of view
From a spiritual point of view, many human beings can go through acute spiritual crises, which occur most often when that human being fails, one by one, major spiritual tests. Shortly afterwards, he/she can enter into an intense state of spiritual crisis that in the most cases makes him/her to leave definitively the spiritual path, despite all previous efforts or despite the realizations attained so far. It is important to understand that there is a tight link between such spiritual crises and some major spiritual tests that human being failed one by one, causing regress inside his/her inner universe which makes him/her fall under the evil influence of some demonic entities that increase their malign influence on that person. In such situations, that human being either leaves definitively the spiritual path or turns against it with exaggerated vehemence and unexplainable hate and also against all those who previously have helped him/her to go through the stages of that spiritual path.

In some situations, the initiated who failed and finally stops, deviating from the spiritual path, turns against the initiator, feeling full of absurd resentments, manifesting hatred and exacerbate criticism. The great wise men have called this kind of crisis “The crisis of the initiated”, who, due to his/her unconscious failure, turns against the initiator (spiritual guide) full of hatred and, being influenced by different satanic abyssal entities, he/she will manifest the weird tendency of systematically destroying the one who was his initiator, through all malefic available means. It is necessary to be aware that this is a major risk which a spiritual guide is always exposed to. This fact was wisely emphasized by Jesus when he said: “Do not offer pearls to the pigs as they could turn furiously against you and they would kill you”. Also Jesus saw the possibility that aspirants could deviate from the spiritual path, especially when they fail certain major spiritual tests and temptations and expressed it in simple wise words: “On the narrow path to God there are many who are called, but only few are the chosen ones.”

Considering that, during its existence, when on a genuine spiritual path, each human being faces different spiritual tests, especially when he/she fails certain major spiritual trials, shortly afterwards he/she is confronted with a so called “point of no return”, and then enters a spiritual crisis.

The initiated ones consider that each spiritual crisis through which a human being on a spiritual path passes can become (depending on how that spiritual crisis manifests) either a moment of complete breakage, which attracts the abandoning of the spiritual path and the going astray, or it can become a stage of suture (a sui generis junction and reunification between some parts or aspects of it which were about to separate during the crisis). The wise ones consider that especially when we think badly during the state of crisis and when we let ourselves possessed by different malign (demons) influences, mainly when we are not aware of the games played by these malicious entities with us, we prepare to an extent of 99% the rupture and the almost unavoidable separation from the spiritual path we follow.

Even when we are not aware of it, the spiritual evolution of a human being on an authentic spiritual way often involves an inner growth realized by following, one by one, some stages separated by certain critical moments, some of them being short, other ones being of a longer term.

Crisis seen from a philosophical and initiating point of view

Seen from a philosophical point of view, crisis seems to be a state of unbalance or, in other words, it looks like the more or less violent manifestation of a disturbance, anguish, an acute bad prolonged state or of an illness. If we look attentively and lucidly at these aspects, we can notice that this first report designates more the crisis manifestations or its consequences rather than the crisis itself. The essential questions we should ask ourselves imply that we first become aware whether that crisis is just a moment when our inner clarity and lucidity are absent, or does the respective crisis also outlines a chaotic abyssal and scattered manifestation (when the clarity and lucidity characterizing a balanced human being are missing and it is often inaccessible both to those who experience it and to those who witness its manifestations). Considering these aspects, it is useful to ask ourselves: Is it possible to interpret a state of crisis as easily as we analyze any other phenomenon? Does that state of crisis mark a certain impasse? Does it reflect a certain spiritual test confronted by that human being? In case of a faulty uninspired choice is it possible that the crisis makes us choose an incorrect way? Is every crisis that human beings face an unavoidable and necessary moment?

When it is regarded from an initiating point of view, the crisis seems to be, first of all, the expression of an inner conflict; even when we are not aware of it, it looks like a secret confrontation between two different forces: good forces and evil forces. The state of crisis designates also the moment when that human being begins to fight the chaotic elements manifesting in his/her inner universe. At the end of each crisis, there are only two possibilities: either that fight ends with a victory and then it can be said that the truth, the good, the divine and the harmony conquer; or the fight ends with a failure and then it can be said that error, evil, abyss, disharmony, Satan win. No doubt, the destiny of this fight becomes clearer during this state of crisis and finally the result will be decided. This is why it can be said that, in reality, each crisis brings the manifestation of a critical decisive moment that can be considered a sui generis moment of “no return” which marks either victory or failure. In conclusion, one can say that every state of crisis eventually brings in our inner universe either certain inner victories or lamentable failures.

Each moment of crisis is also a moment of antagonism of forces manifested inside ourselves. These are the good forces and the evil forces and, depending on the final result, either convalescence, transformation and growth will be installed, or change, regress, breakdown, sinking into evil more and more and, in some serious cases, this ending means the beginning of agony. Only human beings can have crises because they are endowed with consciousness and only human reasoning that already has a certain maturity can evaluate the state of crisis by anticipating intuitively both its possible damages and its benefits. Such an inner endowment is very useful as it helps us to solve wisely our own crises or it allows us to help and advise the others how to overcome the crises they face. It is important to understand that the state of crisis becomes almost complete for a being which interprets it in the general framework of a downfall, in one’s one consciousness, of the divine universal beneficial values that he/she faces. The emerging crisis does not become immediately a decisive moment. All these are true if we keep in mind that, if it is experienced in an acute way, in such dramatic moments, the destiny of certain inner beliefs regarding order, harmony, good, beauty and mysterious meaning can be decided. In these conditions, everything beneficial and clearly favorable for us generates in our beings inner universe beneficial processes of occult resonance which amplify the probability of achieving victory.

Therefore it is important to keep in mind that in such decisive moments of crises, we can play a decisive part through our thoughts and aspirations we strongly manifest that will help us overcome that crisis. It is good to be aware that if we are in an acute state of crisis and we manifest beneficial intentions and we act with determination in order to attract in our inner universe the immense subtle energy of the tachyon particles, we can be sure with anticipation that our state of crisis will end well and, shortly after, in our being a spiritual leap will appear, corresponding our inspired and wise choice that we made at the maximum moment of that crisis. By understanding well these aspects, we can see why the great wise men and women have often asserted that initiating genuine knowledge facilitates our access to a divine power. In such situations, as we can overcome almost every crisis we face, with the help of the huge energy of tachyon particles, when we are able to apply (every time) this initiating knowledge, we will win almost every time we confront with an inner state of crisis. This aspect is true both in health related crises and in psychic crises. Furthermore this aspect is universally valid even when we face acute spiritual crises. At the same time it is essential to learn that the successful overcoming of every crises, either health crises or psychic or spiritual ones, causes a sui generis revival, it enriches us, it transforms our vision upon reality and, another very important aspect, it makes possible the fructification of the state of victory, which amplifies a lot our self-confidence. Considering these aspects and knowing that we can always have available an useful ally that allows us to defeat any crises, including the most acute spiritual crises, we can be liberated for ever from the fear triggered in some human beings by crises.

Such states of fear are closely related to the oscillation which persists at that moment in us. In such moments of acute crisis the human being asks himself/herself: “Will I overcome this crisis or will I crash?” Considering this revelation and applying it each time, especially when we are in acute states of crises, we can confront courageously any crisis, being anticipatively sure that we will win. The chance for such victories is almost always provided in advance by the immense energy of tachyon particles which must be attracted as much as possible within us, especially in moments of crises. This is possible as long as we do not we indulge ourselves in laziness and manifest the classical larval pessimism. In such situations, it is necessary to be attentive and to not already think: “But when I will be in such acute state of crisis, will I bother to attract in my being the tachyon energy?” For this stupid question we offer you a simple clear answer. Especially when we confront with such acute states of inner crisis, it is stringently necessary – more than any other time – to attract in our inner universe the huge energy of tachyon particles, in order to be sure that we will overcome that crisis. We all know that when one is about to drown, one grasps even at straws to save oneself. When we face acute states of crisis we should think like this: “Apart from the immense and infinite help that the God Father can offer us abundantly, the huge energy of tachyon particles that is stringently necessary to be attracted by us in our inner universe in acute crises moments in order to become a winner is also available, as a supplement”. Knowing this, we should never forget that from the very moment when the crisis is about to manifest, from the first stage of the crisis process, we should begin to abundantly attract in our being the huge tachyon particles energy. By always acting in this way, the huge profound beneficial harmonizing creative energy is going to be available for us since the beginning of the crisis. The huge tachyon particles energy that we attract in our inner universe in such critical moments will ensure that we will get over that crisis and it will allow us to finally be triumphant.

When we get over, even just once, an acute state of crisis by using the huge tachyon particles energy at the right moment, we will obtain the necessary experience and, afterwards, we will be absolutely sure every time that we will succeed to overcome any crisis no matter how severe and acute its nature could be. After we accumulate more and more experience, we will be able to say with a smile: ”No matter how many crises could appear in my life from now on, and whatever shape they might have, now I am absolutely sure that, supplementary, the huge tachyon particles energy is always at my disposal and it allows me to triumph over any state of crisis. Furthermore, as I triumph over every state of crisis both with the help of God and with the help of the huge tachyon particles energy, I will be enriched inside by these regenerating experiences. This will trigger in my inner universe an inherent spiritual maturity that will transform profoundly and considerably my view upon reality and it will expand a lot my knowledge horizons.”

In addition to this, all of us will be able to say: ”As I accumulate especially at that moment in my inner universe the giant tachyon particles energy,  any inner crisis which occurs in my being allows me to triumph and this is why it does not make me regress. By always appealing to the instant help that the huge tachyon particles energy can offer me, it sustains and inspires me so that I will not deviate from the way toward God and, moreover, it transforms me and it makes me become more and more powerful. ”

It is important to remember that all these aspects revealed here will convince you that they are efficient only if you apply them and, through the gram of practice, they will be a real help especially when you face no matter what kind of inner crisis. Furthermore, when you manage to overcome every crisis, you will be convinced that the gained experience brings an ineffable state of fecundity in the microcosm of your being and this will redefine your understanding by elevating you every time on a new level where you remain just to soar on another superior level shortly after. It is important to realize that, by overcoming each crisis, we have access also to a new way of understanding reality and this is why we should be aware that any state of crisis could be a moment when an ineffable new face of reality is revealed and certain limits are overcome.

We should also discover by ourselves that overcoming a crisis moment brings a sui generis “basic moment” of our reasoning. Every overcoming of a crisis anticipatively announces a profound transformation.

Every overcoming of a crisis leads the human being to expansion and to a mysterious deepening, which reveals the reality in a new light, allowing one to gradually soar, step by step, beyond one’s limitations. After overcoming successfully each crisis moment, we can say that we are not the same any more, that we have transformed deeply and we will also realize shortly afterwards an unanticipated qualitative spiritual leap. Every crisis moment successfully overcome with the help of huge tachyon particles energy attracts an inner growth and it also reveals an unanticipated range of extraordinary experiences. For achieving this we have to dare to attract in our inner universe the huge tachyon particles energy, especially when we feel that a crisis is about to be triggered. If we forget to do so and after we crash down because of that crisis, we will eventually be able to do nothing else but saying: ”I am convinced now that knowing and not acting is the supreme cowardice. ”

As a conclusion, please do not forget that in all circumstances when you face no matter what crisis, the prompt adequate action that involves attracting in your inner universe the huge tachyon particles energy is clearly superior to inaction and to indulging in a state of laziness.

From the Spiritual Booklet of the International Yoga Symposium, Costinesti 2009

December 2010

Also available in: Română Français

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