Excess deaths and the Grim Reaper’s double-edged scythe
When the Black Death swept Europe in the mid-14th century, 1 in 3 people perished in the Grim Reaper’s awful harvest. This century’s plague has been benign by comparison, with an estimated 0.087% of the global population dying from or with covid.

But the covid scythe is double-edged: the pestilence has officially killed millions, while countless numbers have succumbed to the injections ostensibly designed to ward off the passage to the hereafter. ‘Countless’ in the context of the modern pandemic is a slippery word, for the numbers of dead from the vaccines are not just unknown, they are for the most part literally uncounted.
- In Alberta, Canada, the leading cause of death is ‘unknown’.
- In Scotland, a study into alarming surges in infant deaths refuses to question whether the mothers who lost their babies were vaccinated.
- In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration approved a combined booster after testing on a sample of just eight mice – some of which died, while the others were euthanized, as no mortality follow-up was deemed necessary.
- It took a Freedom of Information Act request to get the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to release promised vaccine safety monitoring data.
- The UK’s Office for National Statistics stopped issuing mortality data by vaccination status on May 31, 2022.
- In February 2022, Scotland stopped weekly reports of covid deaths by vaccination status “due to the increasing risk of misinterpretation”.
Death is in the air, but few in the mainstream medical establishment, the corridors of power or the legacy media are ready to confront the elephant in the room and consider the single novel element that distinguished 2021 and 2022 from previous years.
According to Eurostat estimates, throughout 2022 excess mortality in the European Union ranged between 6.6 and 19 percent above average monthly deaths in 2016-2019. Germany’s excess reached 37.3% in December, while France’s high was 24.5 % in December.
A Copenhagen-based group, EuroMOMO, collects official data on excess deaths from 22 countries. Its interactive website provides the statistics on a weekly basis, with the user able to view overall figures, or broken down by age group. It shows that since mid-2022 all the countries recorded excess deaths for every age group. Dr. John Campbell is a nursing healthcare and research teacher and has a YouTube channel with 2.6 million followers. He has done several segments on excess deaths and tweeted a link to one of them, saying: “Excess deaths in 30 countries, heck of a coincidence (unless there is a common cause)”.
In the UK, the BBC reported that more than 650,000 deaths were registered last year (2022) nine percent more than in 2019. “This represents one of the largest excess death levels outside the pandemic in 50 years,” according to the report, citing “pandemic effects on health and NHS pressures, among the leading explanations.”
It categorically rules out the vaccines, saying: “The rise in cardiac problems has been pointed to by some online as evidence that covid vaccines are driving the rise in deaths, but this conclusion is not supported by the data. One type of covid vaccine has been linked to a small rise in cases of heart inflammation and scarring (pericarditis and myocarditis). But this particular vaccine side-effect was mainly seen in boys and young men, while the excess deaths are highest in older men – aged 50 or more. And these cases are too rare – and mostly not fatal – to account for the excess in deaths.”
In a similar vein, the Daily Mail headlined: Massive spike in excess deaths sparks calls for an “urgent investigation”: NHS crisis is blamed for nearly 3,000 more Brits than usual dying each week. It surmised: “Health experts say this could include ambulance delays, long waits in A&E, unmet need during the pandemic and major backlogs for routine NHS care.”
The German government published all-cause excess death figures for 2022 compared with the four previous years. December 2022 saw an overall 19% increase, with a 32% rise in the week of December 19. “Covid-19 deaths increased from the beginning of September to the middle of October, but not to the same extent as total death figures,” the report acknowledges.
On 24 December 2022, the vice president of the German parliament, Wolfgang Kubicki, called for a full investigation into covid vaccine injuries and deaths, urging autopsies for all those who die within two weeks of receiving the jab.
British MP Andrew Bridgen also called for a probe, saying in Parliament: “Even a casual glance at the data shows that there’s a very strong correlation between vaccine uptake and the level of excess deaths. Surely we need to have an investigation! These are tens of thousands of people who are dying more than we were expecting.”
A startling subset of the hordes of people in the “died suddenly” category – a phenomenon that has become so commonplace that #diedsuddenly routinely appears more than 100 times an hour on Twitter – are Canadian doctors. According to William Makis, MD, at least 90 people have died suddenly or unexpectedly since the vaccine rollout (from knows sources, but many more families did not report the deaths). When the toll reached 80, he wrote a second letter to the Canadian Medical Association in October 2022 appealing for a halt to vaccine mandates for healthcare professionals.
Anything but the jabs
Few officials are prepared to explain or investigate. For the government of Alberta, Canada, the term “other ill-defined and unknown causes of mortality” first appeared in its causes of death statistics in 2019 at number 10. It rose to fourth position in 2020 and then to the top cause in 2021.
The UK’s Chief Medical Adviser, Chris Whitty, pointed to difficulties obtaining heart medicines. The assertion was contained in a government technical report dated 1 December 2022: “There is little doubt that delays in presentation, reductions in secondary prevention (such as statins and antihypertensives), and postponement of elective and semi-elective care and screening will have led to later and more severe presentation of non-covid illness both during and after the first three waves. The combined effect of this will likely lead to a prolonged period of non-covid excess mortality and morbidity after the worst period of the pandemic is over,” Whitty wrote in the report cited by the Exposé website.
But a cursory look at openprescribing.net belies this assertion, as former government minister Esther McVey pointed out when she asked for an “urgent and thorough investigation” into the excess deaths, the Exposé noted.

What else could be causing all this excess mortality? An article in the New Scientist published on 14 December 2022 cites a figure of nearly 15 million excess deaths worldwide, ascribing them largely to covid. It quotes William Msemburi of the World Health Organization as saying: “We think the doubling in mortality in 2021 compared to 2020 is not only due to more infectious covid-19 variants, but also because covid-19 was spreading into populations that had less access to vaccinations.”
A raft of studies going back to September 2021, listed in this article by tech entrepreneur Steve Kirsch, found the exact opposite to be true. Even official UK data show that the vaccinated population accounted for 75% of covid deaths between 6 December 2021 and 2 January 2022, whilst the unvaccinated accounted for just 25%. And the most heavily vaccinated European countries – Portugal and Germany – had elevated new deaths from covid, while least-vaccinated Bulgaria had far fewer, as shown in this graph. The figures for the UK are absent here, as the ONS stopped issuing such figures on 31 May, 2022.
Another example of a low-vaccinated country with a low covid death rate is Haiti, a desperately poor country of 11.7 million people where 515,718 vaccine doses had been administered as of February 17, 2023, with a covid death toll of 860.
Africa, the world’s least-vaccinated region, has also emerged little scathed by covid: African countries have administered 757.6 million doses. That means 28.5% of the population of the continent that is home to 1.4 billion people is fully vaccinated, for a covid death toll of 175,284 according to the WHO dashboard referenced above.
Two articles by statistician and blogger Igor Chudov also show a strong correlation between vaccination uptake and worse covid outcomes.
The evidence
Yet little research is needed to turn up irrefutable evidence that it is the vaccines that have caused hundreds of thousands of deaths, and that the hecatomb is ongoing.
One of the most prominent official sources of statistics available is the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), which was set up by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1990. As of February 10, a total of 34,385 deaths blamed on covid vaccines were reported to VAERS.
An ongoing debate concerns how close VAERS comes to a true reflection of the actual numbers of adverse events. The notion that ‘anyone’ can report them to VAERS implies that they are over-reported, while under-reporting is far more likely, according to Steve Kirsch. He recommends an under-reporting factor (URF) of 41, the multiplier calculated for anaphylaxis – an outcome most clearly tied to a vaccine as it occurs within hours and is required by law to be reported to VAERS. Using the multiplier of 41, the result is 1,409,785 vaccine-caused deaths as of 10 February. How could this figure be even remotely acceptable? For a reality check, consider that a baby formula was recalled last year after two infants died.
The surge in deaths reported to VAERS in 2021 is eye-popping, but fact-checkers have used a number of arguments to dismiss the figures. The Associated Press described VAERS as a passive reporting system, “which relies on unverified reports submitted by the general public [and] is not an official database for proving that the vaccine caused the adverse events reported.”

In fact, the vast majority of reports are submitted by health care professionals, and the process typically takes at least half an hour. Furthermore, the FDA explicitly requires vaccination providers to report “all serious adverse events, cases of myocarditis, cases of pericarditis, cases of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS) in adults and children, and cases of covid-19 that result in hospitalization or death following administration of Pfizer-BioNTech covid-19 vaccine.”
In a footnote, the ‘fact sheet’ dated 8 December 2022, says the requirement also applies to the Comirnaty and Pfizer-BioNTech covid-19 vaccine. The adverse events must be reported both to VAERS and to Pfizer, which in turn must report them to the FDA.
However, the data is incontrovertible. Igor Chudov found what he called ‘ironclad’ significance in the association between the uptake of covid boosters and excess deaths. He used mortality figures from the Short Term Mortality Database and booster and vaccine uptake statistics from Our World in Data. The conclusion from the linear regression that he ran showed that “booster uptake was extremely strongly (and clearly) related to excess mortality,” with a p value of 0.0002. He notes that a p value below 0.05 is considered statistically significant, “so p = 0.0002 is ironclad.”

It is hard to ignore the fact that the overwhelming preponderance of reported deaths occur within 48 hours of receiving the jab. A study published in the Taiwanese journal BioMedicine posited: “It is highly likely that many apparent side effects seen shortly after a subject has received a vaccine could be the result of restricted or congested blood flow from blood vessel or arterial constriction caused by emotional distress or placebo based on fear around vaccines.” The author, Raymond D. Palmer, states that the “science for the vaccines causing blood clots has not been found”, even though the link was documented in this New England Journal of Medicine study back in October 2021.
Studies such as Palmer’s have become a veritable cottage industry. A search of PubMed.gov using the keywords “vaccine hesitancy” brings up 5,505 results dating back to 1968, with the vast majority published in 2021 and 2022.
In addition to the proximate deaths, Steve Kirsch found statistically significant peaks in deaths occurring five months after vaccination. “When you hear of a death from stroke, cardiac arrest, heart attack, cancer, and suicide that is occurring around five months after vaccination, it could very well be a vaccine-related death,” he wrote.
But the lethality can extend much farther out in time. Oncologists have been sounding the alarm for more than a year over their clinical observations that patients whose cancers had gone into remission are suddenly presenting with recurrences of their cancers, often fast growing or more widespread. Many other patients are presenting cancers for the first time, often in late stages – requiring long-term study – especially as some cancers can take years to develop.
Igor Chudov copied a table from the UK’s latest Vaccine Surveillance Report (for week 5, 2023) showing that “for people over 50, the most dangerous period after vaccination is between 6 and 9 months after their last dose (with a) risk of hospitalisation (that is) several times higher than before six months or after nine months. The increase in risk far outweighs a small reduction in the first six months.”
Immunologist Jessica Rose says that ‘class switching’ occurs by the third dose of a covid vaccine as a result of chronic exposure to antigens, creating “immune tolerance”. She explains that antibodies called IgG1 antibodies, which are responsible for tumour control or suppression, are “outcompeted” by IgG4 antibodies which do the opposite: they promote tumour growth.
‘Could you imagine the scandal?’
Meanwhile, the vaccines have been shown to be a major threat to reproductive health, blamed for sharp increases in miscarriages, stillbirths and neonatal deaths as well as drops in fertility in both women and men, with birth rates declining in many countries. In Project Veritas’s now infamous undercover journalist’s conversation with Pfizer executive Jordon Trishton Walker, the company’s “global director of R&D – Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning” let drop that if the vaccine is in fact “affecting something hormonal to impact menstrual cycles, the entire next generation is like super f***ed up”.
Considering the implications, he asks the Project Veritas journalist posing as his date: “Could you imagine the scandal?” then blithely adds: “Oh, my God. I would take Pfizer off my resume.”
Walker glibly admits that widespread disruptions to women’s menstrual cycles are “a little concerning”, adding: “If you think about the science, it shouldn’t be interacting with it. It’s called the hypothalamus, pituitary, gonadal axis, the hormones that regulate their menstrual cycles and things like that. The vaccine shouldn’t be interfering with that, so we don’t really know.” Pfizer should look into it ‘down the line’, he suggested.
But internal documents show that Pfizer knew that the vaccine caused miscarriages, according to information obtained through a Freedom of Information request. Buried deep within thousands of pages of documents they were ordered to release is data showing that the mortality rate of fetuses and babies of 32 women vaccinated with Pfizer’s mRNA injection was nearly 80% during the first 12 weeks of the vaccine campaign, according to blogger Pierre Kory, a pulmonary and critical care specialist. Of 270 pregnancies included in the trial data, Pfizer recorded outcomes of only 32, of which only one was normal. Of the 32 known outcomes, there were 25 spontaneous abortions, two premature births with neonatal death and one spontaneous abortion with neonatal death. Miscarriage normally occurs in only 12 to 15 percent of pregnancies, Kory noted.
What is the tipping point?
The numbers game is in full swing as the Grim Reaper’s scythe cuts both ways. According to the WHO, covid has claimed 6.83 million lives, while the vaccines have killed an unknowable number in the absence of honest official investigations – besides the some 1.4 million that can be extrapolated from the VAERS reports. It’s a so-called “vaccine” that causes untold injuries and deaths and fails to provide long-term protection against infection. In what sense, exactly, can it be described as “safe and effective” as the CDC still asserts to this day?
May 26, 2023