Experiment for Contacting in Unison Extraterrestrial Beings
At the initiative of Steven Greer’s group, on Saturday, December 4th, 2010the ET contact procedure will be realized by many people who have contact with this group or know of this procedure.
This is the 3th experiment done by Steven Greer’s group, made with the intention to move to a higher level of interaction with our friends from the Universe and to be of as much help as possible to planet Earth in the process of transition towards a new era. This time you are welcome to gather yourself or a group during the 24 hr. period from Fri midnight Dec. 3th through Sat midnight, the 4th of December, so at all times on the 4th of December – any time that is convenient for you wherever you are. You just link-up your CE-5 site – in heart, mind and soul – with all the rest of the sites and then interact in the many ways that are available to us and our Star Friends.
For finding out where the other groups worldwide will be, please confirm your participation at
. This is also important so the rest of the participants and groups will be aware of your involvement and location. Also please send your experiences during this action to the same email address. These experiences will be shared with Steven Greer’s team.
– Perform the ET contact procedure anywhere you are, and any time you want, within the 24 hours interval (local time)
– Ideal (but not required) is to realize this procedure in a group of people, away from inhabited areas.
– Throughout the entire procedure, remain aware that there will be thousands of people around the planet that are in unison with this initiative.
– During the technique, ask our ET friends to manifest in a way that is undoubtedly a sign of their presence on this planet and of the fact that we, as a civilization, can communicate with them.
- The special music that we can use (sounds of extraterrestrial origin that have been recorded in England and then synthesized) can be downloaded from http://dl.transfer.ro/transfer_ro-29nov-981b6c3154ecc938.zip
Technique for Contacting the Beneficial Extraterrestrial Beings
– Consecration
– Entering an elevated state of consciousness and deep mental peace (use any techniques you know – LAYA YOGA, etc.)
– become aware that the Universe is a projection of the Divine Mind that all beings that exist in the Universe are united through the Divine Consciousness that created them (we are all children of the same God)
– The expansion of consciousness in space, as follows:
beyond the limits of our planet, which is seen now from space
beyond our solar system, which is seen now from outside
beyond the limits of our galaxy, that we see now from outside
As a help in this phase you can watch the movies http://www.amnh.org/news/2009/12/the-known-universe/ and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOnJP4KNIH4&feature=related
Another useful website for Cosmos visualization is: http://www.google.com/sky/
Perceive the extraterrestrial beings that exit in this vast spaces, and their space ships.
– Become aware that these ET beings are connected to a Supreme Intergalactic Council, composed of highly spiritual ET beings.
– We aim to contact both the extraterrestrial beings perceived and the members of the Intergalactic Council. We introduce ourselves to them and manifest towards them all the love and friendship that we are capable of. We invite them to come where we were, in order to learn more about them, and to contribute to the creation of a spiritual civilization on planet Earth.
– We ask the extraterrestrial beings to manifest to us in any way that is appropriate and safe for them and participants in our group.
– We show them mentally where we are (as a “zoom in”: the Milky Way galaxy, our solar system, planet Earth – the third planet from our Sun, the continent which we live on, our country and its position on the continent, our city’s geographical position in the country, the area of the city where we are, street, house etc – with as many visual details as possible.
– As a means of identifying ourselves we can visualize a column of white light that goes up from the middle of our group. We can also use laser beams and / or certain sounds
We can do this zoom out / zoom in procedure several times.
– We remain quietly in a state of receptivity, trying to perceive the presence and manifestation of the extraterrestrial beings.
– It’s best to allocate at least 2-3 hours for this procedure – the perfect time are nights without moon, when it’s easier to look at the stars, but not only. The procedure can be done anywhere, even in a room. Ideally, however, is to be outdoors.
– You can use radar detectors with battery, and also magnetometers, which may easily indicate the ethereal presence of ET, and can even manifest interactively.
– If you take pictures – use a tripod and long exposure (30 seconds), without flash.
– Do not use any light sources – like lights, flashlights, flash etc (they decrease the sensitivity of the eye for about 30 minutes)
– To perceive easier the ethereal manifestations of ET, de-focus your vision.
– Alternate periods when you look at the sky with periods of meditation, and various spiritual techniques (like prayers for Planet Earth, blessings or anything else that you feel inspired to do).
– On departure thank the ET beings.
Materials needed (ideally) – obviously we can realize this procedure without them as well:
– Laser Beams
– Radar detectors and magnetometers
– Digital Cameras
– Folding Chairs
– CD player
For questions and feedback related to this experiment please contact Ileana Stefanescu at ileana@usyoga.net .
For details on Dr. Steven Greer’s activity, please visit http://www.cseti.org
Dear all,
We need your support and active involvement in the following activity:
As most of you know, Dr. Steven Greer is a highly spiritual and brave man who has been working for many years to reveal the truth about extraterrestrial civilizations and to educate people on how to contact them. He is also revealing the truth about the evil plans of the Shadow Organizations that plan to take total control over this planet. For more information on him please check his website www.cseti.org or read his book “Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge”, or the book given as part of the camp materials last summer in Costinesti.
One of the major activities Dr. Greer is coordinating now is the creation of a free energy device that will be clean, effective and available for the entire planet, which can change the life on Earth greatly in a very short time. The project dealing with this activity is called The Orion Project www.theorionproject.org
Of course the organizations who want to have full control of this planet are not happy with Dr. Greer’s plans and activities, and they are attacking and threatening him and his team more and more and in many ways. Steven Greer has asked for support from us and other people who want to help the transformation of this planet.
Our spiritual teacher agreed for us to support Dr. Greer and his team and has set up a global meditation program for this. The activity will be consecrated to God the Father, and the intention of the action will be to protect, inspire and support the activity of Steven Greer and the whole team involved in the Orion Project.
If this interferes with other spiritual activities you may have, please simply use other hours.
This spiritual action is scheduled every Friday 22.00-22.15 Romanain time, as follows:
22.00-22.05: 3 blessings for Steven Greer
22.05-22.15: concentration upon the YANTRA of the Great Cosmic Power TARA
This meditation program is sustained by Grieg.
If you have questions, feel free to ask Ileana Stefanescu (Ileana@usyoga.net)
December 2010
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