Gandhi’s mirror

They say that had someone asked Gandhi about the factors that destroy a human being, he would have answered: “Politics without principles, pleasure without commitment, wealth without work, business without morals, science without humanity and prayer without charity.” 
Life has taught me that the world is affable if I am courteous; that individuals are sad if I am sad; that everybody loves me if I love them; that they are all mean if I hate them; that people have smiling faces if I smile at them; that there are hopeless faces if I am hopeless; that the world is happy if I am happy; that the world is angry if I am angry; that there are grateful people if I am grateful. 
Life is like a mirror: If I smile, the mirror returns the smile.  The attitude that I have towards life is the same that life will have towards me.
Who wants to be loved, should love!

4 January 2012



Also available in: Română

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