Godly Magic and the Collective Consciousness


by Eric Raines

Consciousness shapes the reality you exist in. Your consciousness dictates how you fit into the collective version of the whole, but the collective consciousness dictates what we all agree upon as “reality”.

Since the majority of humanity is blocked from recognizing their own internal universe/mastery, the lie that there is not a spiritual power has been easily sold to the majority of the collective, thus trapping everyone else incarnated onto the planet in the lie that we cannot physically transform our world with nothing more than our thoughts and energy.

The small minority of humanity that not only listens to the internal world, but also works with it, have access to the Godly magic that is within, and as a first step works with the unseen energies.

Chi, prana, kundalini, shakti, reiki, Creator energy, vital life force essence, orgone energy, etc… All of these are terms that describes the essential energies that drive the universe.

By opening up your internal channels and clearing out the sludge and blockage of generation after generation of energetically ignorant masses from your personal soul vessel (physical and energetic bodies), you are literally doing the very essence of the term, “Light Work”.

You are finding the invisible weights and blockages that are keeping humanity stuck in a cycle of vicious self-perpetuating trauma, and dissolving them.
By cleaning out your own personal field, you are by proxy injecting this possibility back into the collective consciousness.
More and more are realizing the mastery they have in their own bodies. More and more are turning on the internal magic, activating chi flow, and lighting themselves up in the truest sense of the words.

What is taking place is the beginning of a revolution of consciousness. By doing your own internal shadow work, by cleaning yourself out of stagnant emotions, traumas, grudges and clashes, you are pushing forward with everyone else doing the same. You are step by step, helping the collective consciousness to begin to include the innate knowledge of chi… of the Universal Energy.

When enough understand that they can heal themselves, turn back the hands of time and regenerate anything they need to with nothing more than their own breath and a smile, then… the spiritual magic will become real.

When the majority recognizes the Godly magic of the internal universe, unseen, but absolutely felt in every significant way possible, then we will see a true transformation of the world around us. Then the spiritual inner power will shine once again for everybody.


July 10, 2019


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