How have states and cities adopted the UN climate action plans of the “Agenda 2030”?

How did all this rubbish – pure sustainable development, also known as technocracy – appear in our cities and states? Answer: through a veritable barrage of UN representatives. Search Google for your city and the words “climate action plan.” You will be shocked! Maybe around seventy percent of cities already have a formal plan, and another twenty percent are working on it.

Listen to the video (2017) featuring Patrick Wood and the late Rose Koire. You have been warned!

More recently, Patrick Wood interviewed ChatGPT about the climate action plans.

Patrick Wood: My city doesn’t have a formal “climate action plan” similar to the United Nations 2030 Agenda? Should we create one?

ChatGPT: That’s a great idea! Creating a climate action plan for your city can have a positive impact on the environment and the community. It can help set goals, strategies and actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote sustainability and combat climate change. If you’re interested, I can help you find resources and guidance to get started. Let’s work together to make a difference!

Patrick Wood: Please define “sustainable” in this context.

ChatCPT: Sustainability” in the context of a climate action plan means meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It is about implementing practices and policies that promote environmental protection, social justice and economic prosperity in a way that ensures long-term viability and resilience. By incorporating sustainable practices into a climate action plan, cities can work toward a greener and more equitable future for all.

Patrick Wood: What does “fair” mean for my city?

ChatGPT: “Fair” in the context of your city means ensuring fairness and justice for all residents, regardless of their origin, income level or social status. This includes developing policies and initiatives that eliminate inequalities and provide equal access to resources, opportunities and services. In the context of a climate action plan, promoting equity means taking into account the needs and concerns of all community members, particularly those disproportionately affected by environmental problems. By prioritizing equality, your city can work towards creating a more inclusive and sustainable future for everyone.

Patrick Wood: Will a climate action plan increase energy prices for residents?

ChatGPT: Implementing a climate action plan does not necessarily mean that energy prices will rise for residents. A well-thought-out plan can actually help reduce energy costs in the long term by promoting energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, and sustainable practices. By investing in clean energy technologies, improving building efficiency, and promoting energy conservation measures, cities can help their residents save money on their energy bills while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Additionally, many climate initiatives offer programs and incentives to help residents transition to clean and affordable energy options. It is important to carefully consider the potential impacts on energy prices when developing a climate action plan and to explore strategies that balance environmental objectives with economic considerations to ensure a sustainable and just transition for all residents.

Patrick Wood: What about the studies that show alternative energy is more expensive than traditional energy?

ChatGPT: While it is true that some studies suggest that alternative energy sources may be more expensive than traditional fossil fuels in certain contexts, it is important to look at the bigger picture. The cost of renewable energy technologies such as solar and wind power has steadily declined in recent years due to technological advances, economies of scale and government incentives.

When evaluating the costs of energy sources, it is also important to consider the long-term benefits and externalities associated with each option. Renewable energy sources offer numerous benefits, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving air quality and reducing dependence on finite resources. These benefits can result in long-term cost savings, improvements in public health and environmental protection that can outweigh the initial investments in alternative energy infrastructure.

In addition, investments in renewable energy can create jobs, boost economic growth and increase energy security, contributing to a more sustainable and resilient energy system in the long term. By carefully analyzing the costs and benefits of different energy sources, cities can make informed decisions that support their climate goals while ensuring affordability and accessibility for residents.

This reads like a United Nations propaganda brochure.

And on another note, on September 20, 2023, the Biden Administration met at the Sustainable Development Summit in New York to recommit to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A White House fact sheet states: “The United States is committed to the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs at home and abroad”.

At their core, the SDGs aim to:

Expanding economic opportunities – This means public-private partnerships, i.e. client capitalism. In this system there are winners and losers, with the gains being privatized and the losses being socialized on the backs of the American middle class.

Promoting Social Justice – This means appeasing and promoting people based on the color of their skin. At its core, this is discriminatory.

Promoting Good Governance – This bypasses our elected form of government and introduces unelected special interest initiatives into our lives where no one gets to vote.

Ensuring that no one is left behind – This means serving protected classes and minorities to create “capacity” for initiatives and redistributive programs. In the context of Diversity and Inclusion (DEI), these groups are granted “equality” and “inclusion” based on the color of their skin.

In a ping-pong game of executive orders, President Obama brought federal agencies into the SDGs; President Trump brought the SDGs out; President Biden brought them back in in the first week of his administration. Congress has done nothing to put them back in.

It conflicts with the Constitution of the United States and is therefore unconstitutional. Even though it is voluntary, that does not stop the government from implementing it.

Biden sent an emissary to California to study what the state has done with its radical climate legislation in order to incorporate the ideas into the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill and the $720 billion anti-inflation bill. In order to give states “incentives,” the federal government is offering grants for voluntary, non-binding United Nations SDGs. In other words, states don’t have to do this, but they can be bribed for the money.

To receive bribes in the form of grants, states have signed up to California-style climate action plans to reduce arbitrary greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. You can no longer say, “That only takes place in California.”

According to the EPA, “States have submitted climate action plans as part of President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act. Under the first phase of the $5 billion program, EPA provided a total of $250 million in grants in 2023 to the states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, 80 MSAs, four territories, and over 200 tribes and tribal consortia to develop ambitious climate action plans that address greenhouse gas emissions. 45 states have now drawn up a climate action plan. 5 states: Florida, Iowa, Kentucky, South Dakota and Wyoming have decided not to participate.”

Sustainability is collectivism: it is a worldview in which free individuals must give up their rights and private property for the common good; in which everyone is equal – equally poor. It conflicts with the Constitution of the United States and is therefore unconstitutional. Even though it is voluntary, that does not stop the government from implementing it.

It’s about using less of everything: less food, less energy, less choice, less water, less mobility and less freedom.

Sustainability can be defined as artificial scarcity under the guise of conservation. Their goal is transformation by controlling society through behavior modification and social engineering. It’s about using less of everything: less food, less energy, less choice, less water, less mobility and less freedom. At its heart is rationing, which is being developed by unelected authorities, boards, commissions, non-profit corporations, international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and Indian tribes. This “governance” is designed to replace our representative form of “government” by turning elected officials into shills who introduce ready-made solutions to problems that don’t exist.

Once climate action plans become law or are linked to regulations, it will be difficult for property owners to reverse them.

How to Fight Back: Steps to Review and Criticize a CAP

Download the city’s CAP.

Download the letter to the City Council, which includes page references to the CAP for comparison.

Find your EPA state and/or city/town’s CAP, download it, and start your critique using the example above. You can find your city/town’s CAP on their website. Google your city/town’s name and the words “Climate Action Plan.”

Send or deliver your criticism of the CAP to your local representative and ask him how it got into the state and tell him to get rid of it because it violates everyone’s property rights protected by the Constitution, to the United Nations. If you send an email, make sure the recipient has received the message. At the top of the page write “Please confirm receipt and forwarding of this email.”

As you review, consider the following questions:

Are climate action plans (CAPs) mandatory?

Are greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions mandatory?

Are regulations in CAPs binding?

Answers: NO, NO and NO!


May 22, 2024


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