When those in power ignore voters but are afraid of protesters, that says something

Politico reports that the DNC moved part of the party’s convention in Chicago online to “contain the protesters” against Biden’s genocide in Gaza. The Democratic Party’s apathy toward this election is almost as blatant as its support for police raids on political dissidents.

When no one in power lifts a finger to get your vote, but instead tries with all their might to nip a strong protest movement in the bud, then that shows you what the powerful are really afraid of and where you should really focus your political energy.

Your vote doesn’t matter, but your activism does. They are afraid that one day people will stop playing with the toy steering wheel they were given to divert their political energy and use the power of their numbers to take control of the real steering wheel.

If I were Jewish, I would be angry that the world’s most powerful governments and the world’s most influential media keep telling everyone that opposing mass murder is anti-Jewish.

The supporters of Israel act as if they believe that the supporters of Palestine have a genocidal hatred of Jews, when their real crime is that they do not share Israel’s genocidal hatred of the Palestinians.

The difference between liberals and right-wingers in Middle East politics is that the right-wingers openly believe that the people of the Middle East are ape-like savages who should be beaten or exterminated to subjugate them, while the liberals believe exactly the same, but lie about it.

The way to see through the distortions of the imperial propaganda matrix is to learn to distinguish between empty narratives and the raw data about where weapons, money and resources are flowing.

It is difficult to understand the tyranny of a system based on propaganda and manipulation as opposed to outright totalitarianism, just as it can be more difficult to recognize a psychologically abusive relationship than a physically abusive one.

We grow up knowing that in other countries there are evil dictatorships where dissent is forbidden and the government controls the population with an iron fist, but we go our whole lives failing to realize that we are ruled by powerful people, use massive psychological manipulation to exert even more control over us.

The truth is that we live in a highly abusive, consciousness-controlled dystopia where people’s thoughts, words and actions are largely predetermined by an information system controlled by powerful plutocrats and empire managers, and the genius of it is that it controls us controlled to a greater extent than open tyranny ever could, while at the same time giving us the collective illusion that we are free.

From early childhood we are indoctrinated by corrupt educational systems that construct in our skulls the worldview authorized by the mainstream empire, and this worldview is constantly reinforced, directed throughout our adult lives, from all the directions from which we have learned to obtain our information and supplemented. The news media is controlled by wealthy oligarchs who have a vested interest in maintaining the political status quo on which their wealth rests. The tech plutocrats of Silicon Valley are quickly learning that it is much easier for them to live a life of luxury if they cooperate with US government agencies and help protect the information interests of the centralized US empire. Wealthy elites control mainstream culture by restricting which people and ideas are given a platform in the cultural production centers of New York and Los Angeles.

We grow up believing that we are free, but in reality people in our society are less free than in a real dictatorship: in a normal dictatorship, people’s consciousnesses are freer because they know that they are not free. In our society, people think, speak, vote, buy, work and behave exactly as those in power want them to, blindly regurgitating the political opinions their rulers have put into their heads and sincerely believing that they came up with it themselves.

A quote from Chomsky:

Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the American media.”

Another quote from Chomsky:

The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the range of acceptable opinions, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum – and even encourage the more critical and dissenting opinions. This gives people the feeling that there is freedom of thought, while at the same time strengthening the premises of the system by limiting the range of debate.”

And another one:

Propaganda is to a democracy what the stick is to a totalitarian state.”

Author: Caitlin Johnstone


May 22, 2024


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