Is A Noetic Parasite Infecting Your Astral Body?

Many people are infected with a noetic brain parasite which prevents them from being able to understand that two mutually-exclusive aspects cannot both be true at the same time.

It therefore maintains a state of cognitive dissonance in their consciousness which it uses to feed off of their psychic ability and psychic energies.

Cognitive dissonance is where a person believes in two mutually-exclusive aspects at the same time, and subconsciously feels uncomfortable about it.

Normally, when a person is healthy, they will resolve this discomfort by becoming consciously aware of it and then choosing which belief is true, and discarding the one which is false.

However, when infected with the parasite, the dissonance is either reinforced as a good feeling, or, is simply unable to be comprehended, thus maintaining a state of rational dissonance where the victim is unable to think logically.

This seems to provide a form of psychic energy leakage which the parasite feeds off of.

The parasite is secreting toxins into their systems which prevents conscious rational thought, and it may also be actively blocking conscious thought in the first place. It represents a serious health problem in the form of a psychic parasite which controls them – or they are in fact entirely such a noetic parasite incarnated in the human form.

A series of deep fasts along with a prescribed dietary hygiene regimen is the recommended and only-known modality of treatment, and it MAY be able to help them if there is any component within them of what should be a normally-functioning soul.

However, the parasite may be so deeply embedded in their system that they are unrecoverable. They will then have to be recycled. They can try to dislodge it before having to undergo recycling, by committing to an extended fasting and dietary hygiene regimen over several years.

If they consume pornography or use any illicit and/or unhealthy substances, it is highly recommended to stop these addictions as well as undergoing the primary fasting and dietary regimen.

If you wish to perform a self-diagnosis as to whether or not you are infected, see the attached slides and answer the questions. If you are incapable, or if the questions make you feel angry and wish to retort to their asking and find the questions upsetting or even you simply find them meaningless and irrelevant, then you may be infected with the parasite.

As an example of people who are infected by and being run by this noetic parasite, it would be most scientific materialists and all the academics who, specifically, support the alarming ‘climate change’ narrative based on flat Earth pseudoscience.

This is why such people hate the questions asked in the attached graphics.

Teleological, epistemological, and ontological analysis has been performed on the nature of this noetic parasite, and in analogy to its biological counterparts, it seems to feed upon the psychic as opposed to the physical energy of its host by reinforcing cognitive dissonance in the victim’s thinking ability.

Also, in analogy to how a biological parasite runs down the health and physical well-being of its host, this noetic parasite runs down the psychic and spiritual health of its host. The parasite may have a biological component, and this may be why fasting helps to dislodge it, however, the symptomology and recovery behaviour seems to be exclusively psychic and spiritual in nature.

Fasting has long been recognized not merely as a physical process beneficial to the body, but has always been acknowledged as a spiritual cleansing process in almost any religious tradition.

The infection seems to be a “spiritual” parasite, an energetic parasite which exists in some fashion in the psychic noetic domain, and so we cannot or at least do not as yet detect it physically.

So far, the parasite can only be recognized and diagnosed with psychic analysis, specifically, analysis as to whether or not a consciousness can both recognize and wish to reconcile cognitive dissonance.

Author: Joe Postma


February 12, 2024


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