Meditations, favorable astrological conjunctures and spiritual events for May 2015
”Sometimes people stumble over the truth, but only the foolish one are rising immediately and indifferently continue walking on their path.”
Each of these beneficial moments that are hidden gifts we are given by God, are helping us entering and enjoying, in a spiritual way, the secrets of occult astral resonances. The strong and continuous focus of our attention on these ineffable moments offer us the opportunity to live fully and deeply the mystery of the present moment.
by yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru
(Note: All hours in the program are according to Romanian time)
Saturday, May 16, from 21.00 – YANG spiral for awakening the Romanian people soul, performed in unison all over the country (Romania).
Saturday, May 16, between 21.45-22.30 – Meditation of communion with a beneficial astrological aspect: Venus trine Neptune.Effects: Endowes the refinement of emotional states, inspires an intense state of romance, awakens artistic inspiration, the state of devoutness. Wakens and stimulates aesthetic and artistic talents, increases sensibility, intuition and sensuality, facilitates the aparition of a state of profoundly emotional and mystical understanding. It is also an auspicious moment in order to cultivate the state of unconditional devoutness for wonderful divine ideals.
Satruday, May 16/Sunday, May 17, between 23.30-1.00 – Special meditation of communion with SHIVA, on the occasion of SHIVARATRI moment.
Sunday, May 17, from 21.00 – YANG spiralmeditation of invoking the divine grace.
Wednesday, May 20, from 12.15 – Angelic angelic technique for contacting and entering in communion with the misteryous Soul of the Planet Earth. It will be held at Pipera 1 Hall.
Thursday, 21 May – Ascension of the Lord. Between 19:00-19:45: Meditation of communion with Jesus in glory (rising of Jesus from physical world into the Kingdom of the Heavenly Father).
Saturday, May 23, from 14.57 – YANG spiral of communion with the soul of the Hungarian nation and Romanian soul, performed together in several towns in Hungary and Romania. In Bucharest, the spiral will be held in Pipera 1 (locker room).
Sunday, May 24, from 17.00 – The meeting of the Group for deepening the relation Spiritual Guide – Aspirant.
Sunday, May 24, from 21.00 – YANG Spiral meditation of invoking the divine grace.
Monday, May 25 – Spiritual Celebration of the Great Cosmic Power KALI. Between 13.00 – 14:30 meditation of ample, profound and overwhelming spiritual communion with The Great Cosmic Power KALI.
Monday, May 25 – Begins the fourth TAPAS in unison of communion with the great avatar KALKI, the last from the four TAPAS of 49 days series sustained by Grieg in a subtle, telepathic way.
Monday, May 25, between 18.00-18.45 – Meditation of spiritual communion with the great christian mystic Padre Pio.
Wednesday, May 27, between 13.20-14.05 – Meditation of communion with a beneficial astrological aspect: Mercury in conjunction with Mars.Effects: It awakens the spirit of initiative, increases the rapidity in thinking and the courage to freely express the beneficial ideas and opinions. It amplifies spontaneity in expression, the concentration and mental focusing. It is an aspect that favors the practical concretization, in any domain, of the beneficial ideas and knowledge.
Friday, May 29 – Begins the International Spiritual Retreat for the Revelation of the Divine Self ATMAN (May 29th – June 2nd, Tuscany, Italy), coordinated by yoga teacher Nicolae Catrina.
Saturday, May 30, between 19.40-20.25 – Meditation of communion with a beneficial astrological aspect: Sun in conjunction with Mercury. Effects: It awakens and stimulates a harmonious solar state, spirit of initiative, the detached state of competitiveness, clarity in thinking, practical sense, efficiency in beneficial actions of a practical nature, ingenuity. At the same time this aspect increases memory and the power of intellect; it brings the full manifestation of courage and it sustains us to bring to a successful end the beneficial actions we make. Some purification processes at the solar plexus level are amplified and the harmonious aspiration of overcoming ones limits, as well as lucid and detached affirmation is supported. This aspect brings the appearance of a state of harmony between the mental and vital spheres of the being and it awakens creativity; it increases firmness in expressing beneficial ideas, it facilitates the manifestation of oratorical abilities. It improves attention and the power of awareness. It is a favorable moment to share full of responsibility the accumulated spiritual knowledge and for the fruitful study of spiritual works. It generates a striking phenomenon of increased solar energy in the being at the mental level. It is a favorable moment for the detachment from obsessive ideas.
Sunday, May 31 – TRIPURA SUNDARI. The moment of maximum benefit is at 15.41. The favorable period for engagement in lovemaking for couples, with love, transfiguration and sexual continence is between 7.30-23.30.Special Meditation of communion with the Great Cosmic Power TRIPURA SUNDARI is done Sunday, May 31, between 15.10-16.10.
Sunday, May 31, from 21.00 – YANG spiral meditation of invoking the divine grace.
May 2015
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