PhD chemist whistleblower who worked 17 years developing chemtrails: 90% of chemtrails designed to alter emotions / mood / state of conscience and provoke “flu-like symptoms” (1)

The following is a blog trabscription that reporters of stumbled on back in 2012 in which a courageous chemtrail chemist whistleblower, known only as OP, appeared on’s blog and spilled the beans on his 17 years of developing chemicals for dispersion on the human population, 90% of which were designed to “alter emotions / mood / state of conscience” as well as provoke “flu-like symptoms”!

Is it possible that in order to increase the covid-19 case numbers and get the population to submit to the bogus 85% false-positive PCR tests, masks, vaccines and the rest of it, that the Controllers are having us sprayed with chemical irritants from the sky in order to provoke covid-like symptoms? It has been noticed an uptick in chemtrail activity in many areas since pandemic started!

The following trascription reveal Day 1, from the 5 days of posts that OP shared with the readers before going silent. Link for days 2 – 5 will be found at the end of this post.

“DAY 1

I spent 17 years developing various chemicals for Chemtrails.

Ask me almost anything…

Can’t tell you the name of my employers. Nor can I tell you the exact chemical compositions of the mixtures I helped develop. I can answer almost everything else.

– Does Evergreen have planes modified for this?

I can’t say with 100% certainty that the chemicals I worked on ended up in Evergreen planes, but I do know for a fact that cargo airline companies like Evergreen routinely accept large sums of money to load and disperse chemtrails. Much more lucrative than just hauling cargo.

– What is/are their purpose(s)?

– How toxic are they?

– Do they breakdown or accumulate?

Purpose(s): Too many to count on ten fingers. It really depends on where they are going to be used. Many are calming agents. Others induce a state of haziness. Rarely, we were asked to develop mixtures to incite anger/rash behavior; 90% of what we worked on aimed to alter emotions/mood/state of conscience.

Toxicity: In almost all cases, it was made very clear to us that what we were working on should have minimal toxicity. Naturally, a small percent of the population will have allergic tendencies to a chemical compound. But in some cases we even went as far as animal testing to ensure that the chemicals we were working on were relatively non-toxic. I never worked on a project where the intended result was toxic/fatal.

Breakdown/Accumulate: Varies a lot based on the chemical structure.

Some of the mixtures we developed were intended to dissipate to concentrations as low as one part per billion by the time they reached ground level. Others were specifically designed to reach ground level and last for up to a year. Even after rain/wind/snow, etc.

– Is gold involved?

I am pretty sure that gold never played a major role in any of our chemical mixtures. If it ever was, it was a secondary ingredient that didn’t play a major role in the intended effect.

Beyond your company which I will assume is subcontracted anyway, do you have any clue who’s behind the spraying?

Do you mean which airlines conduct the spraying? Or who coerces the airlines into doing so? I do know that 99% of the time, a commercial pilot is unaware that their plane may be spraying chemtrails. I realized after some time that whatever organization is “behind the scenes” of all this is very good at making sure to directly deal with as few people as possible. I never knew who was contracting my employer’s services. Not once.

– So it’s a psy-ops in the truest sense?

– Do you know how wide spread it is?

– Are certain areas targeted more than others?

I do know that North America is not the only continent that uses ADCs (aerially dispersed chemicals) without the knowledge of the population. However, I also know that the chemical technology of other countries are close to a decade behind that of the United States.

I never knew where the chemicals I worked on ended up being used. Like I said before, there is a LOT of secrecy. I only did it for 17 years because the paycheck and benefits were beautiful. All I can say is that sometimes we were given the job of developing chemical mixtures expecting very specific results, which gave me the sense that they would be used for a specific area. State, county, city – I don’t know.

I do know that it would be very hard to target an area smaller than a city from the altitude of a commercial airliner. Although I did work on a couple projects where the intent was to develop a mixture that would not disperse very far; just drop as fast as possible without spreading out.

– Barium breaks down the immune system by depleting Vit C.

– Why use barium?

We did use Barium in more than one final products. However, for all of these projects, we conducted extensive testing to ensure that the chemicals would dissipate to non-toxic levels by the time they reached ground level. Baritosis was a huge concern of our contractors when developing anything that required Barium. Most of our final mixtures that used Barium were designed to reach ground level in concentrations of one part per million or less.

1) What do you want to tell us?

2) Name 5 or 10 reasons for spraying us, please.

I don’t really want to tell you anything. I’ve been out of the business for long enough, to the point where I feel safe revealing some of the details of my employment. That, and this glass of scotch.

Reasons for spraying… like I said, we never knew the contractors true “intent”. But 9 times out of 10, it was pretty obvious because when asking us to develop chemical compounds, they have to tell us what they want them to do.

To name a few: weather modification, emotion suppressants, emotion expectorants, environmental modification. Also, interesting that you should mention “sickness/flu symptoms” – although I said earlier that with 99% of our products we were specifically instructed to ensure non-toxicity, there were more than a few projects we worked on that were meant to create “symptoms of flu” , without causing any real harm to the subjects.

– In your opinion what is the overall agenda driving chemtrails?

Control. Whether it’s over people, the weather, the environment – it all boils down to control. It’s human nature to want to be in control.

– Chemtrails have a patent which involves the sun. I have read the patent.

Not sure which patent you are referring to. Our mixtures were never patented. Mainly because patents are public information. But patents can still be kept private; our mixtures were never patented for the purpose of plausible deniability and lack of a paper trail. Keep in conscience that nearly everything we were contracted to do was not legal by nearly any sense of the word. I can, however, remember one project that was designed to work differently based on sunlight levels – it was a weather modification project.

– The elderly, very young, and immunocompromised would suffer ill effects, including possible death.

Like I said before, a lot of care was taken to ensure non-toxicity of almost all of our mixtures. We didn’t just achieve this with healthy, middle aged people in mind. As far as immuno-compromised individuals, well, that’s a pretty broad term. There are hundreds if not thousands of different immuno-compromising diseases and conditions. Most of these leave the person overly susceptible to bacteria and viruses, not chemicals. But as I said before, it was inevitable that there would be a marginal number of ill effects to what we developed.

– Would you be willing to tell us the years (dates)you were actively involved?

– And/or how long have we been getting sprayed in secret?

I’d rather give a range than exact years – early 80s to early 2000′s. Not sure when spraying started exactly, but judging from the scientific papers we based our some of our research on, it didn’t take long after the dawn of modern chemistry for people to learn that chemicals can be used for nefarious purposes as well as good ones.

– Why did you choose this website ( of all places to reveal this knowledge?

Where else would anyone believe me?

– There is a patent on chemtrails for weather modification. You sound highly educated. I’m becoming interested in what you have to say.

I’d be interested to know the patent number you are referring to – it certainly wasn’t filed for by my employer.

– Alternations in biofunctioning can lead to the susceptibility of disease from bacteria, virus, fungal…barium reduces Vit C levels, which in turn compromises the immune system, especially in those already compromised. The levels discovered on the ground were higher than what would be considered marginal.

What levels on the ground are you referring to? If it’s true, then it was either a mixture developed by another research group (the one I worked with was definitely not the only one), or something went wrong with the deployment of our mixture (i.e. it was deployed under atmospheric conditions in which we specifically advised our contractors not to use them in).

– I just love how casually people interact with mass murderers.

I’m sorry, but I resent that – you clearly haven’t read any of my responses. 99% of the time, non-toxicity was top priority. I can say with complete confidence that even our most dangerous mixtures never had more than a 1 in 50,000 mortality rate, assuming they were deployed as advised.

– Is it true that some chemtrails help amplify the effects of Haarp?

Sorry, but I really don’t know anything about HAARP other than that they are believed to be actively researching weather modification. If they ever contracted our services, I never knew.

– Are you still in contact with any old coworkers who are still involved? if so are there any updates or current info you would like to share?

There was an odd generation gap in the research group I worked with. I.e. by the time I left, everyone at our lab fell into two groups – 55 years and older, or less than 5-10 years out of college. I actually felt like they did this on purpose, to minimize the chance that we would keep in contact with anyone “still in the business” after retiring. Besides the mountains of non-disclosure agreements I was forced to sign. But no, I don’t keep in contact with anyone still conducting research. In fact I only keep in touch with one former lab mate, who resigned two years after me.

– As you already indicated, patents are in the public arena. I read an actual patent pertaining to this, but as you indicated patents are public so just Google “chemtrail weather modification patents” and you will find patent numbers. Your language is that of a PhD Chemists.

After searching for that, I did find results, but none on the website. If there are indeed US patents filed for weather modification chemicals, I wouldn’t be surprised if they are some sort of distraction. I.e. the oldest magic trick in the book – watch this hand over here, don’t worry about what the other hand is doing behind the back. If people are spending all their time pursueing to figure out what is going on with the publicly listed patents, then that is less people aiming to find the real research.

– Were these chemicals delivered through inhalation, absorption, ingestion? What was the route of delivery to achieve the desired goal?

We developed mixtures that worked via all three of the pathways you described.

– Did any of your compounds ever cloak the sky?

I’m not sure what you mean… as in they were intended to block out the sun? If that is the case, then no.

By the way, in case some of you haven’t noticed, I’m choosing not to respond to any religious trolls who are asking me how it feels to be doomed to eternal hellfire. I’ve come to terms with my career over the past decade. I’m not here to argue religion and the afterlife.

– Was this for the military? Are you Chemist? Is it a worldwide phenomenon? What is the purpose of Chemtrails?

See previous posts – I had no idea (still don’t to this day).

Am I a chemist: Yes, I received a B.S. in Chemistry, and my PhD in biochemistry.

Is it a worldwide phenomenon: See previous post – North America is not the only continent to use aerially dispersed chemicals.

Purpose of chemtrails: See previous posts.

– Write it all up (with proof) and send to all the newsdesks in the U.S. I bet someone would run it.

I would worry for my safety if I were to actually do that. I don’t even feel completely safe discussing this on an internet forum.

– But how do you feel about what you have done? Like I said, I’m not judging, nor am I seeking a religious argument.

Not great. I would feel much, much worse if non-toxicity had not been as much of a concern as it was. But even so, I’ve dealt with a great amount of regret since retirement. Developed a drinking problem. But I’ve managed to come to terms with my nearly two decades of work, and I am ready to accept whatever fate awaits me.

Read the second part of the article


January 31, 2022


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