Pope Francis Urges Jews to “Kill Jesus Again” if He Returns to Earth
Pope Francis left onlookers stunned at an Italian prison when he made a statement that sent shock waves through the Catholic Church.
During what many have described as an openly occult ceremony—one that allegedly involved opening a “portal of darkness”—the Pope declared that if Jesus were to return, he hopes He would be “killed by Jews” again.
Yes, you read that right. On Christmas Eve, of all days.
If you thought Pope Francis couldn’t possibly make it any clearer that he is a false prophet who worships the Devil, you would be wrong.
It’s no shock to find open Luciferians and Satanists hiding in plain sight within the entertainment industry, wielding their influence as part of a coordinated attack on humanity.
What’s more shocking is finding Luciferians hiding in plain sight within the Christian world—holding the highest positions of power and influence and working overtime to lead their flock astray.
Pope Francis opened a symbolic door inside Rome’s Rebibbia prison on Christmas Eve, marking the first time a pope has opened a “Sacred Portal” in such a setting.
According to Vatican insiders, the ritual is deeply symbolic and Satanic, believed to represent the unleashing of demons from the depths of hell through the portal of darkness.
What makes this even more disturbing is that the Pope is determined to open five more portals in 2025.
If the first portal ceremony at the Roman prison is any indication, we can expect more disgraceful and blasphemous statements from the Pope this year.
In a conversation with a member of his congregation about the birth of Jesus and the Christmas season, the Pope reportedly said that if Jesus returns, he hopes He is “killed by Jews” again.
Later, in a dark twist, the Pope invited all prisoners—including murderers, rapists, and child molesters—to look toward the future with renewed hope and confidence, calling himself their “Pilgrim of Hope.”
Should we really be surprised that Pope Francis is opening portals of darkness in prisons, giving hope to paedophiles, while trash talking Jesus?
This is the man who has voiced his support for Klaus Schwab’s Nazi-style eugenics and depopulation programs, while openly called for a global government, run by the WEF, to override the sovereignty of nations.
WikiLeaks emails taught us that Francis was installed in the Vatican in a globalist coup orchestrated by George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
The globalist bulldog wasted no time repaying his globalist masters by repeating disturbing globalist rhetoric at every opportunity.
The same pope who recently told his followers that Jesus should be killed is also on record informing his followers that “relationships with Jesus are dangerous and harmful.”
Breaking with centuries of Christian tradition, Francis told a crowd of 33,000 pilgrims in St. Peter’s Square that “a personal and direct relationships with Jesus Christ” should be avoided at all costs.
As though that wasn’t disturbing enough, Francis followed up by ordering Christians to stop bringing people to Jesus and Christianity.
Then he joined forces with former president and Jeffrey Epstein associate Bill Clinton to announce that humanity should be urgently depopulated to save the planet.
Are you starting to see a pattern here?
As an Agenda Contributor at the WEF in Davos, Pope Francis is fluent in blasphemy and is actively working to destroy Christianity from the inside.
Pope Francis’ inverted version of Christianity is confusing for many, however the picture becomes clear when you understand who the pontiff is really serving.
Pope Francis and his Luciferian colleagues are working tirelessly to infiltrate our institutions and corrupt our youth—it’s absolutely shameless.
The entertainment industry is used to brainwash and corrupt the youth, but the global elite understand their dark spirituality can only succeed in a world devoid of religion.
This is why they decided to destroy the world’s major religions from the inside and enlist Pope Francis, a notorious Jesuit, to actively defying Biblical scripture and create a “one world religion.”
The plan has been out in the open since day one.
First, Francis shocked the civilized world by hosting Islamic prayers and Quran recitals in the Vatican.
Then came the pagan ceremony and brazen idol worship on Vatican grounds.
Later, the Pope prayed alongside chanting Buddhists, breaking ancient canons and committing what Mortalium Animos identifies as apostasy.
If the papacy falls into apostasy, it raises a serious question: Is Vatican false? And if so, does that mean papal indefectibility and infallibility are also false?
In 2019, Pope Francis signed a historic covenant with leaders of the world’s major faiths, pushing us much closer to a one-world religion, one of the major goals of the New World Order.
Somebody should remind Francis that the Bible says “Ye shall have no other gods before Me”. But Francis is unlikely to listen. He is more interested in blaspheming and destroying Christianity in favor of what he calls “Chrislam.”
All of which raises the question: Is Pope Francis opening the way for the Antichrist?
Saint Malachy prophesied the last Pope, and his description sure sounds a lot like Pope Francis.
The Pope’s associations are equally troubling—connected to figures like George and Alex Soros, the Clintons, the Rothschilds, and more. So, who does this man really serve? And why does he continue to protect so many paedophiles?
The answer is an unequivocal Yes, according to Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who was excommunicated by Pope Francis for the supposed crime of simply following the teachings of the Holy Bible.
In response, Viganò issued a dire warning, claiming that Pope Francis is a false prophet involved in a criminal conspiracy against humanity, acting as an eager collaborator in the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset.
Pope Francis has made it more than clear whose side he is on. And we have barely even mentioned the paedophilia scandal that is rotting the Catholic church from the inside out.
We should keep a very close eye on this Jesuit pope during these pivotal years.
January 26, 2025