Raw Pine Pollen Is a True Superfood and Premiere Food for the Pineal Gland and Hormone Balance
We hear the term ‘superfood’ these days to describe foods far from out of the ordinary; however, it is needed for us to recognize the most prestigious of nature’s gifts at the highest tier of nutrition. Enter pine pollen.
Picture giant pine trees, far away from civilization, essentially untouched by humans. When the pine shoots begin to bloom on pine trees, pollen starts to fall and a harvest can be received.
In ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine practices dating back to 200 A.D., pine pollen was considered useful for the liver and spleen meridians. It was used as a YANG substance, which is closely related to hormonal health. Specific mentions of pine pollen in ancient texts were said to help people’s appearance become more beautiful and increase will power.
Powerful Pine Pollen
It appears that we humans share some of our genes with pine trees; genes that code for the making of bio-identical humans genes androgens like testosterone and DHEA. Besides these plant hormones, pine pollen has five other potent plant hormone compounds such as auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins, ethylene, and abscisic acid.
The phyto-androgens in pine pollen are essential for rapid growth during its germination period. This is achieved thanks to the so many healthful amino-acids, vitamins, and minerals needed for transformation. When consumed, pine pollen delivers proper nutrition for anabolic growth, also helping to activate nitric oxide and enhance blood flow throughout the body.
Pine pollen contains over 200 bioactive nutrients beneficial for human health including 14 vitamins, 24 minerals, 20+ amino acids, 18 live enzymes, fatty acids and phytoandrogens. On top of that, pine pollen is a great source of glutathione and superoxide dismutase (SOD).
Glutathione and SOD are the body’s two most potent internal free-radical scavengers and help support healthy detoxification, brain health, and many other vital functions within the body. Normal glutathione supplements are broken down in the gut before they can be absorbed; however, in raw pine pollen or in pine pollen tincture these two amazing substances are bioavailable due to their ability to absorb directly into the bloodstream.
Unlike other hormone supplements commonly found, hormones found in pine pollen do not disrupt the body’s own biofeedback loop that controls the body’s natural production of testosterone and other androgens.
Push Beyond Natural Limits
Prolonged use of pine pollen is optimal to promote a peak hormonal environment to improve resilience and will power. Everyone can feel pine pollen as a boost in our daily lives to help overcome the stress of our environment.
Many can benefit from the raw elements in pine pollen needed for hormones like testosterone, epitestosterone and androstenedione. Athletes especially can benefit greatly, thanks in part to the increase in available free testosterone as well as a greater ability to perform under hypoxic conditions.
High amounts of antioxidants found in pine pollen helps promote cellular and humoral immune response and is considered a novel potential immunomodulator.
On a cellular basis, pine pollen’s ability to influence SOD levels will attribute to less DNA mutation and damage to our mitochondria. Better mitochondrial health is associated with greater production of energy and longevity.
One study on mice had them poisoned with arsenic; however, pine pollen protected their brain cells from damage. This shows pine pollen’s ability to inhibit cell apoptosis or the death of cells that otherwise are normal functioning.
Get Organic Pine Pollen Only
Almost every company selling pine pollen is selling China-sourced “cracked cell-wall” pine pollen, which claims to boost nutrient availability. There are a few issues with this though.
First, the nutrients that become only modestly more bioavailable are starches and proteins. Most people are not taking pine pollen for starches and protein, but rather, are taking them for their diverse range of nutrients, including the highly sought after phytoandrogens.
Second, the outer layer or cell wall of the pine pollen is a built-in self-defense mechanism created by nature to help preserve the light-sensitive phytoandrogens, flavonoids, enzymes and nutrients within the pine pollen. When this cell-wall is cracked, these nutrients quickly start to oxidize and degrade in quality.
So make sure you purchase only the best, which means pine pollen where cell-walls stay intact to help offer the most alive, robust and vigorous pine pollen available.
May 13, 2021
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