Romanian Masonry Unburies Dead Kings to Invoke the Sweden Brothers’ Support, Even Before The Hearings at Stockholm
New Masonic Directives in ZIUA
By Anca Munteanu
October 11, 2005: First day of the litigation trial in Sweden concerning the extradition request of the Romanian state against Gregorian Bivolaru. The same day, the inevitable Masonic order that Sorin Roşca Stănescu has got us used with appears in Romania. « Sweden supports Romania. King Oscar II, honourable member of the Romanian Masonic Order». Coincidence? Not at all.
The newspaper that published this article does not need introduction: when you say ZIUA, you say Masonry. Still, the author of the article deserves a couple of comments. Victor Roncea is the head of the External Politics Department of ZIUA newspaper and the author of the book “Romania in the New World Order” published this year. As you can see, he does “not” have connections with the Masonry also…
Our surprise was not small when, after googling, we found out that King Oscar II ruled more than 120 years ago. Yes, you have read it right, the masons dug up in the history of Sweden until they found a persuasive reason for the Swedish Masonic lodges to help the Romanian Masonic lodges destroy Gregorian Bivolaru.
As ZIUA has got used us with, there is a big discrepancy between title command and article content. Thus, towards the end of it, we do not know for sure how Sweden supports Romania and what Masonry has got to do with it. Actually, the article speaks about an official visit of a delegation of the Romanian Attorneys’ Union (UJR) – a juridical association, to Sweden. Gavril Iosif Chiuzbaian, the president of UJR, former minister of PUNR Justice before CDR governing, was a member of it. He expressly speaks about his affiliation to the Romanian Masonry in an article in Evenimentul Zilei from May 17, 2004. Furthermore, according to the site AIM – Active Information Media – Iosif Chiuzbaian is the second Romanian, after King Mihai, who received the highest Masonic honour – “Alexandru Ioan Cuza Princeps” – of the Romanian Masonic Order Supreme Council. The name Chiuzbaian is linked to a hundreds of thousands dollar scandal. To make a long story short, after 1989 Chiuzbaian received the right to use for free, in the name of UJR, a giant building downtown Bucharest for 99 years. This right was given to him by Petre Roman who was the premier back then. After being appointed Minister of Justice in 1992, Chiuzbaian rent the commercial spaces from the ground floor, earning tens of thousands of dollars per year. The few owners of some apartments inside the building found themselves thrown out on the street for disturbing the jurists’ businesses, illegal businesses as the associations have no right to run commercial activities, even less in the places obtained from the government.
Romanian jurists met with the Swedish Chancellor of Justice Gran Lambertz and discussed about developing the Swedish-Romanian juridical cooperation, just before Sweden started the trial concerning the extradition request of the Romanian authorities against Gregorian Bivolaru. A vast collaboration program regarding joint projects for integrating Romanian into the EU was adopted at the meeting, “the Swedish officials expressing their support for Romania’s aspirations”. This, under the conditions the Swedish Justice’s decision concerning Gregorian Bivolaru file can seriously influence the integration into the EU process. Rejecting the extradition request and granting political asylum to Gregorian Bivolaru in Sweden by the Law Court of Stockholm would be the clear proof that Romanian justice is not capable of giving a right decision regarding this case, so it is not ready to integrate into the EU.
ZIUA informs that “UJR delegation was invited to visit the Royal Palace and the Swedish Masonic Order Temple, where the figure of king Oscar II was evoked, king who, as leader of the Swedish Masonry, supported Romanian Masonry, being himself an honorific member of the Romanian Masonic Order”. Which is the logical connection between the discussions of the jurists and visiting the Masonic Temple? And why is Masonry involving in the problems of the Romanian Justice precisely now? This article can be looked at as an encoded message where the Romanian masons ask for help from those in Sweden regarding the file of Gregorian Bivolaru. Thus, historical ties are being unburied. King Oscar II, who ruled 120 years ago, is suddenly the star of the day. Is “Sweden supports Romania” an order? A hope? An attempt to intimidate?
YOGAESOTERIC has a special section dedicated to exposing Masonry. Their secret protocols and confessions of former masons clearly show masonry is much more than just a benefit society, as they like to introduce themselves. It represents a real danger for the national security of the states and the article published in ZIUA represents an additional proof of its cutting in, including Justice’s affairs. How can you have a fair justice if the masons, who are totally obedient to the interests of their lodge, share it?
Gregorian Bivolaru became public enemy no one because he unmasked their plans. Now, when the Swedish Justice, who does not obey the Romanian Masonry, is on the point of making justice, the brothers activated all the so appalling possible destructive means, risking publicly revealing their true intentions. They have only obtained this one thing: Stockholm judges unofficially admit, for now, the absurd allegations against Gregorian Bivolaru have not been proved.
ZIUA October 11, 2005
Sweden supports Romania. King Oscar II, honourable member of the Romanian Masonic Order
An UJR communiqué informs about an official visit to Sweden of a Romanian Jurists’ Union’s (UJR) delegation, between October 6 and 10, 2005, as a response to the invitation of the Swedish Chancellor Gran Lambertz. The Romanian delegation was formed of Gavril Iosif Chiuzbaian, the president of the Romanian Jurists’ Union, Sorin Popescu, the department president of the Legislative Council, Ovidiu Predescu, vice rector of the “George Baritiu” University, Bogdan Ionescu, general secretary of UJR. The two delegations discussed about developing the Swedish-Romanian juridical cooperation and debated upon the similarities and the differences between the justice systems of the two countries. A vast collaboration program concerning joint projects for integrating Romania into the EU was adopted. The Swedish officials expressed their support for Romania’s aspirations. As the vice president of the International Association of the Democratic Jurists from Bruxelles, Gavril Iosif Chiuzbaian discussed with them the affiliation of the Swedish Jurists to this important world organization that has a special position of ONU, conveying upon the fact that their affiliation was to be done soon.
In the end of the discussions, they agreed the meetings between the Romanian and the Swedish jurists would take place at least once a year and would emphasize the studies in compared law.
The UJR delegation was invited to visit the Royal Palace and the Swedish Masonic Order Temple, where the figure of King Carol II, member of honour of the Romanian Masonic Order, who supported the Romanian Masonry as the leader of the Swedish Masonry, was evoked. (Victor Roncea)
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