Some essential aspects highlighting the beneficial effects of practicing yoga techniques (II)
by eminent yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru
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A lucid and sincere acceptance of the imperfection of our nature
Many researchers have pointed out that human beings are built in such a way that they need to interact harmoniously and beneficially with others. For many of us, this is an essential aspect that gives us a sense of fulfilment. Often, however, we do not want others to see that we are facing difficulties in our lives, that we are experiencing contradictory states and that we are struggling with our ominous emotions. This can isolate us, weaken our contact with others and damage our relationships.
Instead, we should have the courage to be open to other human beings and let others see us as we really are, with all our qualities and possible imperfections. Even if this makes us feel vulnerable, it is important to understand our emotions and accept them as such.
Authenticity and spontaneity in our relationships with others always bring us much love and acceptance from them. Learning to be kind to ourselves, to treat ourselves with understanding and to recognize our essential true nature will help us to live grounded in the present moment.
We will thus remove the demands of “I wish I could be…….” from our lives in favour of who we really are. By embracing that vulnerability, which is in fact an abandonment of the mask of our ego, we will instead receive the gift of joy, creativity and deep connection with other people.
Proper and persistent yoga practice brings about an excellent inner balance in the human being
In the profound process of inner transformation, yoga is a true ally. Jennifer Daubenmier, a psychologist and researcher at the University of San Francisco, conducted a study on the body structure of women practicing certain sports and made some observations.
She noted that some of the women had exceptional body development as a result of playing sport professionally. At the same time, a large number of sportswomen who practiced artistic gymnastics, one of the sports that requires maintaining a very slim body shape, had problems with their eating habits.
At the same time, Jennifer Daubenmier conducted a parallel study on a group of women practicing yoga. Through these tests, the researcher sought to discover whether yoga could help these women to feel more at ease in their bodies and to harmonize their bodies. The results of her research showed that, compared to women who practiced certain sports, the yoga practitioners were much more aware of their bodies and much happier.
This gave them a greater capacity for objectivity on many levels, allowing them to spot any signs of imbalance and correct them in time. The psychologist has also observed a reduction, as a result of practicing yoga, of destructive tendencies in people who previously had a defective image of their body or who had a mechanical, more “functional” relationship with it.
Instead, she has observed that yoga invites the practitioner on an inner journey, in which each person follows his or her own rhythm. Careful and consistent practice of the yoga process lessens the tendency to criticize one’s own body and allows us to perceive who we really are. The test also showed that, over time, women who practise yoga overcome the automatisms that often make them think they are not beautiful or have no waist, or that they are not dynamic or sensual enough.
Yoga practice facilitates the awakening and dynamizing of self respect in our inner universe
It is a well-known fact that the states that human beings experience are also reflected in the body. Thus, a lack of respect for ourselves is manifested at this level by a specific defensive attitude, expressed by the very posture of the body. In a human being in such a state, we will notice slumped shoulders, a downward gaze or shallow breathing.
In order to alchemize this unhealthy state, we can act starting from the external aspects. In other words, if we start to smile sincerely and approach an upright body posture, aiming to stick our chest out and raise our arms in the air, the beneficial effects will appear immediately. By working on our bodies, yoga practice allows us to let go of constricting habits and body attitudes and at the same time helps us to find the inner strength to appreciate ourselves more. We can say that yoga practice harbours the seeds of self-respect and self-confidence.
Both the bodily postures (asana-s) and the techniques of attentive rhythmic breathing (pranayama) help us to detach ourselves from the body and to observe the fluctuations of the consciousness with clarity and detachment. The practice of yoga is an excellent way of opening the being, and centering in the present moment allows the fluctuations of the consciousness to diminish and gradually eliminates the exaggerated tendency towards self-criticism.
On the other hand, the yoga practice facilitates some improvements or even visible breakthroughs on multiple levels, showing that beneficial transformation is always possible, even in the most difficult situations. Systematic yoga practice allows us to see and recognize our life and existence as a miracle. Through it, we learn to appreciate the qualities and virtues of our body, which is perceived as more than a mere manifestation that does not conform to the dominant aesthetic conceptions of our age. The practice of yoga awakens in the human being the happiness of existing here and now, in a wonderful state of loving and accepting ourselves as we are, while at the same time manifesting the desire and aspiration towards Godly perfection, towards completion.
An important revelation (intimately correlated with the Law of Occult Resonance) that we often need to reflect on
In reality, the states of perfection that we experience are always the expression of a process of occult resonance with the sublime subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Perfection, whose vibratory frequency never changes.
It is essential to remember that the subtle sublime energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Perfection is endless, and when in the universe of a human being the specific conditions for the occurrence of a process of occult resonance with this Godly energy are met, it is received or, in other words, is captured in the Microcosmos of the human being, and then the state of perfection appears or, in other words, is experienced (in direct proportion to the respective subtle sublime energy which triggers the state of occult resonance with the Godly Perfection and which is accumulated in the aura).
What occurs then is, analogically speaking, something like receiving and tuning in to a particular radio station, as soon as our radio is tuned in to the specific and exact vibrational frequency of that transmitting radio station. As soon as the tuning to the broadcasting frequency of that existing radio station is accurately carried out beforehand, by means of our radio set (which is, however, working optimally and is also connected to a suitable source of power supplying it with the electric current it needs), it immediately becomes possible to receive, exactly on the vibration frequency of that broadcasting station, the uninterrupted broadcasting of that radio station which we listen to for as many hours as we wish.
This meaningful analogy helps us to understand the mysterious way in which the state of perfection arises and is then experienced in our inner universe, which, as we have shown, is the manifest expression of a process of occult resonance with the subtle sublime energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Perfection.
The specific frequency of vibration of this sublime subtle energy characteristic of this Godly Attribute never changes, just as the characteristic, distinct frequency of vibration of a particular radio transmitter always remains the same, or, in other words, never changes.
This analogical aspect helps us to intuitively grasp the mystical process of occult resonance that occurs in the universe of the human being (under certain conditions) with the sublime subtle energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Perfection, which is then received, captured in the Microcosm of the human being and which generates the state of perfection that is experienced as such, with an intensity that is proportional to the accumulation, whether small, medium or large, of this sublime subtle energy of this Godly Attribute.
It is essential to remember that the mysterious aspects I have described here, regarding the triggering of each state of perfection as an expression of a process of occult resonance with the sublime subtle energy of this God Attribute, remain entirely valid for any other Godly Attribute, such as: Godly Attribute of Godly Love, Godly Attribute of Godly Compassion, Godly Attribute of Godly Goodness, Godly Attribute of Pure Godly Eros, Godly Attribute of Godly Will, Godly Attribute of Godly Forgiveness, etc.
September 12, 2024
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