The Epistle of Saint Helena: The Hidden Map Of Truth


“For the apparent foolishness of God is infinitely wiser than human wisdom, and the apparent weakness of God is infinitely stronger than human strength.” – First Epistle to the Corinthians, Chapter 1, Verse 25.

Kathleen Helen compiled in 1923 a book named The Epistle of Saint Helena, which was a monumental effort, thoroughly worth reading.

Saint Helena (250-330 A.D.) was the mother of Constantine the Great (272-337 A.D.), whom he appointed as Augusta Imperatrix, and gave unlimited access to the imperial Roman treasury in order for her to locate the relics of Judeo-Christian tradition.

Saint Helena

Of the most sought after relics by Saint Helena were maps of the ancient world and Egyptian mathematical papyruses – of which the only ones surviving into today’s world being the Papyrus Anastasi I mathematical text and the Piri Reis Map. The later was created in 1513, and discovered in 1929, and used 20 different maps and charts as its source documents, eight of which were Ptolemaic maps (maps of the known world according to the 2nd century Hellenistic or Greek society), four being Portuguese maps, one being an Arabic map, and one drawn by Christopher Columbus.

To understand the critical importance of not just the Piri Reis Map, but the others it was based on, too, you need to know that our world can only be circumvented by knowing what latitude and longitude you are located at. Latitude can be determined by celestial observations (such as Moon, Sun, stars, etc.), but longitude can only be determined by exact time measurement. That wasn’t discovered, however, until the late 18th Century, thus meaning that these ancient maps couldn’t possibly have existed – most particularly because they showed an ice free Continent of Antarctica.

Exactness of ancient Piri Reis Map confirmed by 20th Century satellite readings

In Kathleen Helen’s translations of letters written by Saint Helena, she noted the Augusta Imperatrix’s knowledge of the true world, but further evidenced the frustration she had in trying to decipher and understand ancient Egyptian and Greek mathematics – and that was due to the Roman Numeral system of mathematics not having any zeros – that some historians believe was deliberate in order to keep hidden the Roman Empire’s vast trade routes.

Upon being able to understand ancient Egyptian and Greek mathematics, though, Saint Helena began to see a hidden world of numbers that even today are mind boggling – some of which include:

Time Measure

1 Solar day = 24 hours;
24 hours x 60 minutes = 1,440 minutes, and 1+4+4+0=9;
1,440 minutes x 60 seconds = 86,400, and 8+6+4+0+0=9;
That divided in half is:
720 minutes x 60 seconds = 43,200, and 4+3+2+0+0=9.

Space Measure

1 Foot = 12 inches;
1 Square Foot = 144 inches, and 1+4+4=9;
1 Cubic Foot = 1,728 cubic inches, and 1+7+2+8=18, and 1+8=9;
1 Square Yard = 1,296 inches, and 1+2+9+6=18, and 1+8=9;
1 Cubic Yard = 27 cubic feet, and 2+7=9.

Circumference Of A Circle

360 degrees of arc = 21,600 minutes of arc, and 2+1+6+0+0=9.

Equilateral Triangle

3 x 60 degrees = 180 decrees, and 1+8+0=9.


4 x 90 degrees = 360 degrees, and 3+6+0=9.


5 x 108 degrees = 540 degrees, and 5+4+0=9.


4 x 180 degrees = 720 degrees, and 7+2+0=9.


6 x 360 degrees = 2,160 degrees, and 2+1+6+0=9.


8 x 180 degrees = 1,440 degrees, and 1+4+4+0=9.


20 x 180 degrees = 3,600 degrees, and 3+6+0+0=9.

Dodecahedron (that Plato called the shape of universe)

12 x 540 degrees = 6,480 degrees, and 6+4+8+0=18, and 1+8=9.

By following the mysterious progression of the number 9 thorough both time and space, Saint Helena (no doubt aided by her mathematicians) was able to accurately determine that the two foundation sizes of the Great Pyramid of Giza (which with its base is 760.817 feet + 760.900 feet + 760.783 feet + 759.933 feet = 3,042.433 feet – and without its base is 755.421 feet + 755.874 feet+ 756.081 feet + 755.763 feet=3,023.139 feet) are a near exact match to Latitude = 3,043.547 and Longitude = 3,022.940. The ancients knew and mathematically encoded in this pyramid the exact circumference of our Earth, making it no surprise how accurate the ancient maps were.

Kathleen Helen, writing in 1923 about the mysterious mathematical discoveries made by Saint Helena, voiced her growing fears that the new (and never proven) theories of Charles Darwin would supplant proven Christian teachings and ancient writings, wondering how this could be so when “the hidden majesty of God is so plainly visible to anyone would open their eyes to see”.

Her fears proved all too correct as this past century saw Darwin’s unproven, and un-provable, theories overthrow centuries of ancient knowledge and fact. Denying “the majesty of God”, Western world’s top scientists are struggling to explain how “God’s fingerprints” are all over everything they discover. That has caused the avowed atheist and eminent American philosopher Thomas Nagel to create an entirely new field of science called Panpsychism, which admits (like the ancients did) that everything – from atoms to rocks or trees – is conscious, but without admitting the existence of God. This fulfills the last days prophecy written in the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, Chapter 2, Verse 27 that says: “God chose the apparent foolish elements of the world to shame the so-called wise; God chose the apparent weak elements of the world to shame the so-called strong.”


March 4, 2020


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