The inanity of RNA vaccines for COVID-19 (III)

A 100% guaranteed-side-effects vaccine

Read the second part of the article

To recap, we are experiencing a rather peculiar “pandemic” that exhibits:
– a case fatality ratio lower than the seasonal flu,
– kills less than the usual infectious diseases,
– didn’t trigger marked excess mortality and
– didn’t really lower life expectancy.

This “pandemic” is given by a benign disease, which can be cured by numerous treatments that are safe, effective and cheap. These treatments are suppressed in order to accelerate FDA approval of a new drug (the Pfizer vaccine), which is only possible when the targeted disease “has no cure”. This enabled the Pfizer vaccine to go through an emergency FDA process which took only two months of limited testing and a meager trial report, while proper FDA approval requires about 12 years of extensive trials and thousands of pages of serious report.

When asked about the Pfizer ‘vaccine’, an important specialist underlined that:

– the effects of infectiousness and the duration of immunity are unknown,
– side effects are unavoidable and
– the fear of the vaccine is understandable.

Risks of the Pfizer vaccine

Not much is known about the benefits of the Pfizer vaccine and the little that is claimed is quite irrelevant. But information about the risks is slowly coming in, and it’s not a pretty picture.

1/ Adverse effects of the vaccine

According to the FDA, the Pfizer ‘vaccine’ can cause many serious “adverse effects”, and these are only the known adverse effects induced by “traditional” vaccines and their usual adjuvants:

The long term effects of vaccines are known to be the most devastating ones. So, it’s highly probable that numerous serious adverse effects induced by RNA ‘vaccines’ will be progressively identified, like Lou Gehrig disease, Alzheimer’s, cancer and multiple sclerosis as suggested by Judy Mikovitz. Infertility will probably be another “unexpected” long term side effect since the targeted spike protein is very similar to sincytin, a protein involved in placental development. When Pfizer tested their ‘vaccines’ on rats, they reported a 50% drop in reproductive behavior compared to the unvaccinated rats. It’s probably to hide this side effect that Pfizer excluded pregnant women from its trial.

Conveniently, the adverse vaccine reactions listed by specialists are increasingly considered by authorities as a consequence of covid-19. This is true of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) which, since December 2020 and soon after the beginning of the vaccination campaign, is said to be caused by covid-19. Until then, no causality between the two was claimed, only a worsening of covid-19 symptoms in patients with GBS. The same was done for Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children, which is now considered as being caused by SARS-COV-2, and for the Kawasaki syndrome, a known vaccine reaction now blamed on covid-19. To further minimize the potentially devastating effects of the Pfizer ‘vaccine’, a CDC report labels ‘anaphylaxis’ as the cause for a growing number of adverse reactions.

It would all be fine and dandy, except when you calculate the incidence percentage for these events you get the following numbers:
Dec.14: 3/679 = 0.4%
Dec.15: 50/6,090 = 0.8%
Dec.16: 373/27,823 = 1.3%
Dec.17: 1,476/67,963 = 2.2%
Dec.18: 3,150/112,807 = 2.8%

As you can see, the incidence ratio of “anaphylaxis” keeps increasing. It increased seven-fold from 0.4 to 2.8% over a mere 5 days, which suggests that the vaccine has delayed adverse effects that can take days to manifest. The problem is that anaphylaxis is known to manifest almost immediately after exposure to the allergenic agent: symptoms can start within seconds or minutes of exposure to the food or substance you are allergic to and usually will progress rapidly. On rare occasions there may be a delay in the onset of a few hours. It means that there are probably other (delayed) adverse reactions going on besides (immediate) anaphylaxis.

2/ Negative reactions to the vaccine

On top of the adverse effects we must add the negative reactions. The data below recapitulates reactions to the Pfizer vaccine (according to Pfizer) at the second inoculation.

There’s a caveat though. This data focuses solely on the 18-55 year old sub-group, basically the young and healthy individuals, who seldom develop a severe form of covid-19 let alone die from it.

The frequency of the side effects is high: 59% experience fatigue, 52% experience headache, 37% muscle pain. Virtually every patient experienced side effects.

The severity of the symptoms is quite appalling too. For example, 38% of those young and healthy subjects experienced moderate to severe fatigue and 26% experienced moderate to severe headache. “Moderate” meaning interfering with activity and “severe” meaning preventing daily activity.

In contrast, the general population has a more than 60% probability of having no symptoms after contracting SARS-COV-2. The relatively young and healthy subpopulation selected by Pfizer has about an 80% probability of being asymptomatic.

So, on one side we have the Pfizer ‘vaccine’ with its 100% guaranteed side effects, on the other side we have the 80% symptom-free SARS-COV-2.

Is this vaccine causing more symptoms than the disease it is supposed to cure?

Notice in the data above that, just like the data for adverse vaccine reactions, only negative reactions soon after inoculation are recorded. The occurrence of negative reactions more than two months after the first inoculation were simply not investigated. It means that we have no idea whatsoever about the medium and long term risks of the ‘vaccine’.

3/ Vaccine deaths

Death was listed in the FDA’s list of adverse reactions, and the FDA was right. Several deaths occurred soon after vaccination. At first, it seemed like sporadic cases. One death, then a second death occurred in Israel soon after inoculation. Around the same time a similar death occurred in Switzerland. And then a Florida doctor died soon after receiving the Pfizer ‘vaccine’.

The case of Norway is more interesting with 2 vaccine deaths in the beginning of January followed by 23 deaths in one elderly home. That’s a total of 25 vaccine deaths while about 20,000 doses have been administered in Norway in the weeks preceding the “incidents”. So, the vaccine fatality rate is about 0.125% which is comparable to the case fatality rate of covid-19 mentioned above. And those vaccine-induced deaths are only the early ones and after just one inoculation.

Even more shocking is the case of Nice nursing homes, with 50 excess deaths on January 15th, only 4 days after the start of vaccinations. During those four days, about 16,000 doses of the Pfizer ‘vaccine’ were administered in the homes. That gives a preliminary vaccine fatality rate higher than 0.3%, which is more than double the CFR of covid-19 and, again, this death toll is limited to a few days after the very first inoculation.

Norway and Nice are not isolated cases. After the first inoculation of Pfizer ‘vaccine’ on 5,847 patients in Gibraltar, 53 of them died within days. That’s a vaccine fatality rate of 0.9%. A New York nursing home which had experienced zero covid-19 death before vaccination, reported 24 deaths right after the vaccination of 193 residents. That’s a vaccine fatality rate of 12%. The list of vaccine casualties goes on and on, and this is just after the first dose.

Is the medicine deadlier than the disease it is supposed to cure?

Of course, the authorities deny any link between vaccinations and these deaths. They blame comorbidities. When a vaccinated individual with comorbidities dies, it’s because of the comorbidities. When an alleged SARS-COV-2 positive individual with comorbidities dies, it’s because of the SARS-COV-2. Does that make sense?


Covid-19 is a benign disease for which safe and effective treatments exist. But those treatments are banned or suppressed while a dangerous and ineffective RNA vaccine is imposed on us through blackmail: no vaccine = no freedom.

The elites don’t want to protect us, they want to control us. Those self-proclaimed reality creators manufactured an ‘obedience’ vaccine which backfired royally and transformed into a ‘disobedience’ mutant. So, they created out of thin air a fake pandemic in order to impose a vaccine that is designed to cancel the beneficial effects of the ‘disobedience’ mutant. In addition, this vaccine is deadlier and more harmful than the minor disease it is supposed to cure.

But instead of putting on a show of preventing a fake pandemic, the RNA vaccine might very well recombine with dormant endoretroviruses and start a very real pandemic in a second epic backfire. If this comes to pass, it would show again that history has a superb sense of irony.

July 15, 2021


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