The Internet of Bodies

When I first heard the term “Internet of Bodies” a few years ago, it seemed to me like another sophisticated plan to attack human dignity and autonomy. It also sounded a little like science fiction, and I wondered how far away this technology was. It was also an idea that was dismissed as a conspiracy theory. A conspiracy theory is simply a distorted representation of an alternative theory that exists outside of the accepted narrative. What’s interesting, however, is how many so-called conspiracy theories turn out to be valid after a while.

What is the Internet of Bodies?

I have to admit, when I first heard the term “Internet of Bodies,” I also wondered what we were talking about and why we were talking about it. Literally connecting everyone to the Internet seemed neither feasible nor desirable in the near future.

In 2016, the term “Internet of Bodies” (IoB) was coined. It describes connected devices that monitor the human body, collect physiological, biometric or behavioral data and exchange information over a wireless or hybrid network.

Who wants to be connected to the Internet and why?

In a 2021 Ted Talk, Mary Lee, a researcher at the Rand Corporation, talks about what she calls the exciting “benefits” of the Internet of Bodies. Mary Lee talks about a hypothetical scenario where your smartwatch detects a cardiac arrhythmia and paramedics rush to your home to save you before you go into cardiac arrest. You will then receive a defibrillator that is wirelessly connected to your doctor’s office. Now you can sleep peacefully knowing you are safe and your doctor can monitor your heart in real time. Mary Lee also describes the Internet of Bodies as a connected ecosystem that can change our bodies’ capabilities and collect personal, intimate data to learn more about us and improve us.

Then she tells about a man who holds several microchips the size of a grain of rice that allow him to open his smart front door, scan his phone, access his personal website, and do many other “fun” actions. When Mary Lee asks the man why he implanted these microchips, he replies, “Because I can.” She then makes an indirect hypnotic suggestion, explaining that she knows some of those present will start googling where they can get microchips implanted, but she notes that others are cautious, even though it is proven to be a safe technology.

The Internet of Bodies is being touted as a revolution in prenatal healthcare. Nanotechnology, Wi-Fi advances, 5G, advances in computing, and other technologies will allow more devices to be connected. This will enable the transition from an Internet of Things to an Internet of Bodies. These nanotechnologies could even be swallowed and measure internal body chemistry. We could even build sensors into our face masks and toilets to prevent the spread of a pandemic.

No joke, really, that’s what she said.

In the future, we may wear contact lenses that tell us the weather, the name and title of the person we’re about to meet, control our smartphones with our eyes, have videos beamed to our eyes, and even have a personal assistant transplant our brains. There could be a brain-computer interface that automatically types your words as you think.

Oh, how nice!

This is of course another transhumanist scam to enslave humanity. Imagine a world in which humans no longer have personal autonomy. A world in which biological processes are constantly monitored, without any privacy. Imagine a world where thoughts are transplanted into your head. Imagine a world where a heart attack can be triggered from within via the internet. In short: Imagine a world in which you are simply excluded from life if you disobey.

Pharmaceutical researcher and whistleblower Karen Kingston presented research on patents and other documents showing that the nanotechnology in the covid injections contains tracking devices. This nanotechnology appears through Dr. Evidence presented by Ana Mihalcea to be supported. Using dark field microscopy, Dr. Mihalcea demonstrate that the nanotechnology is present in the covid injections, in the blood of vaccinated people, in the excretions and apparently even in insulin and dental anaesthetics more recently.

In her Ted Talk, Mary Lee promotes nanotechnology and devices in the body as well as networking. In her speech, she advocates for an open approach to this technology, but also for voluntary use. Based on available information, it appears that this technology is already being used in covid injections and apparently in some other medications as well.

It is fascinating that the nanotechnology in covid syringes is a taboo subject, even among some people who are against these injections and know that these syringes harm people on a mass scale. Why this is so, is unclear. Regardless, covid and mRNA injections are biological and technological weapons. Nine Republican county parties in Florida have released official statements in the form of resolutions calling covid and mRNA injections biological and technological weapons. County parties in several states, as well as the Republican Party in Idaho, have released the same resolutions. As the “Ban the Jab” movement continues to gain momentum in politics, alternative media continues to educate local police departments and prosecutors by providing them with evidence of “vaccine” crimes and violations of bioweapon laws, murder, extortion, and present treason.

Meanwhile, Fascist-Marxist psychopathic authoritarianism and the Nuremberg crimes are on the rise in the northeast. In doctors’ offices, patients seeking medical attention are already being militantly asked to wear a face mask. The specter of more lockdowns (that prison term again), more psychological terrorism, and more bioweapon injections are a growing threat as we head into the fall.

Ultimately, The Internet of Bodies is about changing humans into something else. It is about depriving people of their basic autonomy and their right to remain human. As the transhumanist agenda advances with its Internet of Bodies and the depopulation campaign continues, the debate should shift from whether or not these bioweapons should be banned to the question of who we should investigate and prosecute.

Energy and focus needs to be directed toward detecting these bioweapons and banning their proliferation.

A just offense is the best defense.

Author: Dr. Joseph Sansone


October 22, 2023


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