The Ongoing Alien Agenda of Replacing Humans With Hybrids (3)

Read the second part of the article

Can anything be done to stop the alien agenda? The alien
agenda depends heavily upon us relinquishing our collective freewill. If the aliens deceptively
appear as “saviors”, and hybrids as a “good” step in human evolution,
then people will gladly support them.

Their enthusiastic support for the alien “saviors”
may be great enough to drive them toward suppressing any resistance movements, seeing them as
enemies to the betterment of mankind.

However, if enough people can be informed ahead of time about
the alien agenda, then the deception will not be as successful. It may even spark debate and
open the floodgates of information that expose them for what they are. When more people are
informed, collective freewill won’t be given up so foolishly.

When a contact event occurs and the barrier of disbelief is
broken, people will scour available publications for answers on who these aliens are. By seeding
truth-oriented information now, its potency and effect will be multiplied when that happens

In fact, the very existence of such information transforms the
landscape enough that aliens may become hesitant to instigate certain scenarios, and perhaps
delay leads to enough haste when the deadline approaches that it causes them to reveal their
hand and sabotage the whole thing. We can only hope.

What are they doing to counter the possibility of
people waking up and resisting?

Before the information age, knowledge was easily suppressed.
Today, it is more easily corrupted with disinformation. The alien and secret government factions
now work to suppress or corrupt truth wherever they find it.
They seek and destroy those attempting to reveal truth, weaken
others’ ability to discern truth for themselves, and program the rest to immediately
ridicule or ignore truth when they hear it.

Individuals perceived as threats to the alien agenda receive
custom attention. They are abducted and implanted for monitoring purposes. After being observed
for weaknesses, they are repeatedly abducted and mind programmed with posthypnotic suggestions
to indulge in self-destructive thoughts, emotions, and behavior. If they resist these, they are
socially ridiculed or publicly discredited. Those with less spiritual resilience receive
increasingly violent harassment.

More generally though, the Control System simply pumps out
hundreds of disinformation vectors to fill the air waves and drown out the real experiences,
real researchers, and real spiritual freedom fighters with fantasy-based half-truths that are so
fantastical and entertaining and sensationalist that the truth pales in comparison and thereby
goes ignored.

Why don’t malefic forces kill all of their

Due to certain reasons, not all who are targeted can simply be
killed; they are pushed to freely choose to destroy themselves.
However, their spiritual resilience declines if they do not
resist self-destruct programming, which then makes them susceptible to more drastic targeting

Of those who succumb, some are given diseases like cancer that
quietly eliminates them, some are permanently abducted and consumed, and others die in freak

It is also possible, and very effective, for susceptible
individuals to be inconspicuously killed, reanimated, and replaced as disinformation agents.
They then serve to undo all damage done prior to being replaced.

This can occur to vulnerable authors, researchers,
politicians, and scientists. While the switchover passes without notice, one can usually observe
a drastic and disturbing shift in their research focus and methods.

Others who fail to discern truth for themselves and instead
rely upon supposed credible sources to tell them what to think do not notice this shift and go
along with it.

As can be seen, there is no substitute for personal
discernment and the spiritual resilience that comes with integrity and knowledge.

Besides influential people being mind programmed or
replaced as disinformation agents, how else are malefic forces suppressing the spread of

Willpower, knowledge, spiritual resiliency, mental clarity,
and emotional purity are qualities that reduce one’s level of susceptibility to being
influenced by malefic forces.

There are billions of humans for whom these qualities are not
a priority due to the simplicity of their reason for incarnating.
This makes them very easily manipulated by alien forces and
the secret government to serve as buffers against the system-destabilizing effect of
“insurgent” individuals.

Their function in the alien agenda is to serve as “hired
clappers” in the crowd by using peer pressure, ridicule, and mass consensus to override
the influence of the minority who seeks truth.
They are also easily directed toward surrounding truth-seekers
and engaging them in energy draining relationships or friendships that do nothing but sedate,
distract, or sabotage.

Additionally, artificial humans exist, who are manufactured by
alien forces to serve as disinformation agents capable of corrupting the knowledge of a truth-
seeker via direct interaction.

These are virtually identical in function to
reanimated/replaced humans, except they lack a concrete traceable past. Because they are
remotely controlled, they can precisely deliver disinformation customized to fit a truth-seekers
profile, something the aforementioned “hired clappers” cannot do.

As can be seen, malefic alien forces have in place a very
effective system for the direct suppression and corruption of knowledge.

To summarize, this system includes the following:
1) the abduction and self-destruct mind programming of truth-
seekers to end their quest;
2) peer pressure placed upon them by so-called hired
3) direct targeting by artificial humans;
4) disinformation disseminated by programmed or replaced
sources of authority.

This supplements the various religious, political, economic,
and scientific control mechanisms already established by the secret government to control
society at large.

Are there any beneficial extraterrestrials?

Yes, but they are not the caricatures found in New Age
channeled material. Those are instead the products of wishful thinking or malefic aliens,
demons, mischievous ghosts, and shadow military masquerading as beneficial aliens in order to
deceive. Real beneficial extraterrestrials are extremely talented, intelligent, wise, lucid, and
advanced beings. They say a lot in few words and are highly respectful of our freewill and

They care for our freedom, knowledge, and discernment, in
contrast to the impostors who will speak all kinds of platitudes, promise everything under the
sun, and throw you a thousand fortune cookie aphorisms but in the end gain more control, seed
false knowledge, and reduce discernment. That is the key difference between the real and the

Some beneficial extraterrestrials look like us, or at least
could pass for human considering how many different-looking people we pass by in our lives
having been taught from a young age not to stare or point.
They are careful about non-intervention and also have their
proxies here in our population. They only interfere to the degree required to offset the
imbalance caused by the malefic aliens.

They do this via a long term, butterfly-effect, tao-like
approach that uses knowledge and spiritual empowerment rather than violence or propaganda as the
primary weapons.

If we do wake up as a planet, will desperate malefic
alien factions risk using force?

The malefic aliens have invested much energy toward securing
Earth and its population for their exploitation, so they will not give up easily.
As discussed before, force is usually kept to a minimum while
strategy is optimized to ensure efficient use of energy and the preservation of their desired
resources. But sometimes force is the only strategy left.

As always, they would use it by getting others to do the work
for them.
Due to their aversion to the physicality of our environment,
they employ physical and expendable beings as their enforcers. This could include human
soldiers, the hybrid elite, and any additional reinforcements they may bring in from outside our
solar system. The latter tend to include soldiers recruited from other worlds they have already
conquered. Nevertheless, direct confrontation with 4D forces is inevitable if we were to
transcend our 3D states and enter their realm.

Acting alone in our present physical condition, even with a
world united under a single technologically advanced government, we would be unable to
successfully repel such an overt takeover.
In the best of such cases, we would be like monkeys fighting
armed poachers. Such conditions are unlikely anyway since the secret government or hybrid elite
will ensure that the world does not act unilaterally against the alien forces and instead works
to suppress resistance movements.

Given the scope of their knowledge suppression
mechanism — and if that fails, the overwhelming nature of their overt invasion — is
there any hope?

Yes, there is hope in the sense that Godly plans are in place
to balance the equation and give us a fighting chance of transcending malefic alien manipulation
and escaping our fragile physical conditions.

The help we receive from higher sources is of a catalytic
nature, meaning it assists our own efforts. That includes the support being provided by
beneficial alien groups.

From one perspective, right now Earth is little more than a
prison planet run by tyrannical forces about to implement their “final solution.” We
cannot fight as prisoners because we are too weak.

To avoid enslavement and liquidation, we must become empowered
by first escaping this prison — thankfully with the help of those who have escaped before
This means accepting God’s help, transcending our
limited egotist states, and evolving into higher dimension beings ourselves. Only then will we
be on a level playing field with our malefic alien manipulators.

From a more spiritual perspective, Earth is a school of hard
knocks. The quantum leap in evolution we require to withstand the overt malefic alien takeover
is not impossible, it is inevitable — every life lesson we learn brings us closer to
graduating from our three dimensional physical existence.

This process is natural and need not be forced; for those of
us who have chosen the path of integrity and truth, our individual destinies are intertwined
with the Godly plan, and we have been guided since birth to have the right experiences needed to
prepare us for what is to come.

Among us are numerous advanced souls from higher realms who
have incarnated into our world to help destabilize the alien control system and catalyze the
evolution of those ready to graduate for the first time.
Many don’t remember who they are or where they came
from, and from early childhood most are heavily targeted by malefic forces for self-destruction
due to their threatening roles as system destabilizers.

Those who overcome these obstacles grow strong enough to
contribute toward the Godly plan by spreading knowledge and assisting the evolution of
They are former prisoners who have come back to show others
how to leave the prison. Many of these we might call positive aliens. Take note that no one is
chosen or special; anyone can take part in the divine plan who chooses to follow his or her
heart and seek knowledge.

Knowledge is the key, for it helps us see through deception
and fuels our evolution. Because of knowledge, the malefic alien agenda will be exposed.

Because of knowledge, we will evolve new insights and
spiritual abilities that can prepare us to better counter an overt malefic alien takeover.

Godly forces are at work to help us learn — if we
actively seek knowledge, the way will be shown. If we actively apply knowledge, the path will be
cleared. And if we actively share knowledge, the path will be followed by others.


February 5, 2020


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