The Perilous Path Towards Awakening (7)

by Bernhard Guenther

Read the sixth part of the article

Occult Hostile Forces Targeting The Seeker


“In addition to the weak and defenseless, [these hidden] vampires seek out
people who are on the verge of a quantum, evolutionary leap in consciousness, but have not yet fully integrated their
realizations and come out the other side. These individuals are in an energetically sensitive and ‘charged’
condition, and their openness and vulnerability invites the vampiric entities to help themselves and gorge on the light of
their prey’s expanding awareness. Paradoxically, though, thriving on the absence of light, vampires can be said to be
‘light-eaters,’ as they draw and consume the light belonging to others into the cavernous black hole of their
congenital emptiness. Economically speaking, vampires want to corner the market on energy, on light, so as to centralize
their power and control.

Unable to generate the light-energy source themselves, they need to steal and use
the reserves of the beings harnessed in thrall to them. The emerging positive-and healthy elements in the other person are
either co-opted, neutralized, or corrupted. Once their victim is cornered, the vampire literally wants to keep their
captives under lock and key. Paradoxically, vampiric wetikos try to destroy others’ light, as it reminds them of what
they’ve killed in themselves, while simultaneously trying to appropriate the fight for themselves.

Wetikos see their job as ‘arresting’ the creative expressions of love,
because genuine love threatens their reign of terror. The strategy of these predators is to distract us so as to keep our
attention directed outward, thereby stopping us from finding the light within ourselves, which would ‘kill’ the
vampires. If we hold up a mirror and reflect back the insanity being exhibited by those stricken by the wetiko psychosis,
we run the very real risk of being accused of being the ones who are crazy. If we do manage to connect with the light
within ourselves and try to share it with others, these nonlocal vampiric entities (what I have in previous writings called
‘nonlocal demons,’ or NLD for short), not bound by the 3-dimensional laws of space and time, will try, via
their ‘connections’ to the nonlocal field, to stop, us by influencing other people to turn against

This process can destroy us, or, if we have the meta-awareness to see what is
happening and are able to skillfully navigate our way through, can serve to further strengthen our intention, deepen our
connection with the light of lucidity [within], hone our skill of creatively transmitting our realizations, and cultivate
more open-hearted compassion. It is as if these psychic, nonlocal vampires are guardians of the threshold of
evolution.” ~ Paul Levy, Dispelling Wetiko

“There are highly conscious forces whose sole aim, apparently, is to
discourage the (spiritual) seeker and divert him from the path he has chosen. The first sign of their presence is easily
perceptible: joy is clouded, consciousness is clouded, everything becomes shrouded in an atmosphere of melodrama and gloom.
Personal distress is a sure sign of the enemy’s presence. Melodrama is a favorite haunt of these forces; that is how
they are able to create the greatest havoc, because they play with a very old teammate within us, who cannot help loving
melodrama even as he cries out for relief.

First, they generally make a point of forcing us into sudden, extreme, and
irrevocable decisions in order to take us as far away as possible from our path – a pressing, exacting vibration that
demands immediate compliance; or else, they take apart, with remarkable skill, the whole system of our quest to prove that
we are deluding ourselves and that our efforts will come to nothing; more often, they bring about a state of depression,
playing with another well-known teammate within us whom Sri Aurobindo calls the man of sorrows: a fellow covering himself
with a sevenfold overcoat of tragedy and gloom [self-pity], and he would not feel his existence justified if he
couldn’t be colossally miserable.

The method for dealing with these adverse forces is the same as for the other
vibrations: silence, inner stillness that lets the storm blow over. We may not succeed the first time in dissolving these
attacks, but more and more they will seem to take place on the surface of our being; we may be shaken, upset, yet deep down
we will feel the ‘Witness’ in us, unscathed and unaffected – he is never affected. We fall and get back
up again, each time becoming stronger. The only sin is discouragement. In practice, the [sincere] seeker will be far more
exposed than others [for his/her aim is a threat to the occult hostile force’s agenda].” ~ Satprem,
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousnes

Anyone who is on the verge of a true awakening will attract the attention of these
forces, and it has not always the result of having negative thoughts or a negative attitude. The simple reason for their
sinister acts is that they don’t want to lose their “food” source, and so they attempt to derail you in
the midst of your frequency shift (as a result of the awakening process). They especially target our own blindspots, wounds
and predominant ego-identifications, which are different for each of us. For example, if you have an inherently built-in
“white knight” syndrome, they will enhance your savior complex, as well as inducing you into the trap of
(forcefully) trying to wake up/help others. Or, on the other hand, if you suffer from low self-esteem and self-pity (most
often due to past trauma/childhood wounding), they will enhance the victim complex. Same goes for the superiority complex,
and so on. Anything that I mentioned in the traps section can and will be augmented by hyperdimensional interference and
thought injections.

That’s why, in light of the awakening process from an absolute perspective, the
most important part of the experience is to get out of the head and not identity with any thoughts which reside in there,
regardless if they come from our own internal ego-structure or are infused via “external” insertions. The way
out is by instilling a calm and grounded non-reactive state of being, anchoring to an embodied higher frequency, which
results in activating our original blueprint prior to genetic modification so as to transcend the matrix. But before we can
do that, we need to clear the vessel within, and that is much harder work than fighting the matrix externally (which is
futile anyway, at the end of the day), especially when getting stuck in its 3D manifestations.

It is through “mistakes” and attacks that we learn and grow – at the
end of the day, even these forces (whether they are working through others or targeting us directly) are our
“teachers”, making us aware of where our work is required within our inner-verse. When it’s all said and
done, these are just lessons and initiations to help us become more aware and conscious. The trap lies in the possibility
that we might get stuck within a lower vibration (or purely-3D “thinking”) prison, and get bogged down in
negative emotional “loops”, projecting them onto others and the world-at-large.

“While we may not always be the source of injustices against us, we are the
cause of its entrance into our lives. The Matrix, even with all its imbalances and corruption by those freewill entities
who have overstepped their place in nature, is nevertheless still a learning program entirely responsive to our own
ignorance and weaknesses. It may be a predator’s choice to attack, but it is our choice to accept the attack and
succumb to it.

The Matrix Control System can only trip us via the elements within us that
correspond to its low vibratory nature. If we ignore our intuition, have blind spots in our awareness, or engage in ignoble
feelings and behaviors, then these are the avenues through which we are had. Attacks serve to identify our own weaknesses,
thus providing focus for where to take the next step on one’s path of spiritual awakening.

In the absolute sense the Matrix Control System serves to accelerate your spiritual
growth, and although its agents see you as the enemy, know that you can utilize them as teachers. You do not need to seek
them out, for they will find you as you progress in your learning path. Most importantly, know that you will never be given
anything you cannot choose to handle successfully.” ~ Tom Montalk

“There is always a spiritual test before being able to attain the next stage
of power. Each time you have to make progress, you have to undergo an examination. When Divine manifestations take place,
they have also to pass through great difficulties and sufferings as a result of oppositions of dark and anti-divine forces
which have had a hold upon earth since the creation. Those dark powers always oppose the new Lights because they do not
want to give up their grip on the earth and sometimes their hostility even takes the form of war on earth [created and
initiated by occult/hyperdimensional forces working througt their human puppets], but in spite of all obstructions the
Divine Will succeeds at last.” ~ The Mother, Collected Works of the Mother – Sri Aurobindo

Trap of Paranoia and Attachment to Experiences

I see more and more people becoming aware of the hyperdimensional matrix forces and how
they might possibly be interfering with their own lives, working through them or through others close to them. This is
encouraging to witness, for awareness and education about this topic helps many people to heal and work through their
tribulations. At the same time, I also see people getting caught up in paranoia mode – or the victim/blame complex
kicks in. Oftentimes, I also notice (in some people I work with) that they are actually not dealing with entity
interference, but with their own thought projections (based on fear/paranoia) that have taken on a “life” of
their own and have become “entities”, so to speak, but are not directly-related to the occult hostile forces
interjecting from a different realm.

Sometimes people can also get very attached to their experiences and “story”
on an unconscious level, while at the same time wanting to heal and move on (via a conscious healing process). This
unconscious attachment and inner contradiction results in an inability to fully let go and heal, as the ego actually feeds
off of the story/experience by strongly identifying with it. Usually, there is an unconscious “self-importance”
or a sense of feeling “special” at play here in relation to having these experiences which define one’s
self-image (i.e. who we “think” we are). Sometimes, it is also just an underlying morbid fascination with the
topic, and a part of themselves (the “predator mind”) that actually “likes” the drama identifies
with this subject. Essentially, it still provides the frequency which these forces lock onto; meanwhile, none of this is
recognized by the person on a conscious level, which shows how tricky it can be to deal with these forces in order to
establish a sovereign embodied state of being (complete with energetic boundaries).

I see the same pattern occurring in the fringe/UFO/alien community, where some
researchers and people who had/have encounters with occult hostile forces (in whatever shape or form they manifest, and
specific names we give them) are getting caught up in a tunnel vision, and tend to “forget” or miss the point
of essentially transcending the occult influences/interference via sincere esoteric self-work, embodiment and anchoring to
a higher frequency. While it is obviously important to understand the “modus operandi” of the hyperdimensional
entities and educate ourselves (and others) about it, we need to be careful not give “them” more power by
giving them too much “attention”. It’s not a black & white scenario and as always, each situation is
different. This also relates to the Trap of getting stuck in the rabbit hole of information overload.

“We have considered the modus operandi of telepathic suggestion in detail
because it forms the real basis of every kind of occult attack. Whether it be a discarnate entity, a being of another order
of evolution, a demon from the Pit, or merely the panic-stricken soul of a selfish friend, clinging to the life of form
regardless of consequences, in all cases the opening gambit is the same.

Until the aura is pierced, there can be no entrance to the soul, and the aura is
always pierced from within by the response of fear or desire going out towards the attacking entity. If we can inhibit that
instinctive emotional reaction [zero-point non-reactive consciousness, grounded in the body – embodiment/soul
anchoring], the edge of the aura will remain impenetrable, and will be as sure a defense against psychic invasion as the
healthy and unbroken skin is a defense against bacterial infection.” – Dion Fortune, Psychic Self-
Defense -The Classical Instruction Manual for Protecting Yourself Against Paranormal Attack

“It is so that they [the hostile suggestions] must be regarded – without
interest, with indifference. That removes the necessity for constant struggle which is itself a form of interest, and it is
as discouraging and more to these suggestions. To think too much of the hostile Powers is to bring in their atmosphere. One
has to recognise them when they come and repel them, but to think much about them, to fear, to be expecting or looking out
for them is a mistake [for it invites them]. It is better not to trouble about the hostile forces. Keep your aspiration [to
the Divine, your embodied I AM presence] strong and sincere. If you begin to concern yourself about the hostile forces, you
will only make the path more difficult.

The worst thing for sadhana [spiritual self-training and practice] is to get into a
morbid condition, always thinking of ‘lower forces, attacks.’ If the sadhana has stopped for a time, then let
it stop, remain quiet, do ordinary things, rest when rest is needed – wait till the physical consciousness is ready.
My own sadhana when it was far more advanced than yours used to stop for half a year together. I did not make a fuss about
it, but remained quiet till the empty or dull period was over. The adverse forces take advantage of any perturbation of
that kind, for it opens, as it were, a passage to their action. Fear is the one thing that one must never feel in face of
them, for it makes them bold and aggressive. Moreover, fear, calls the thing feared – it must therefore be thrown out

It happens so with everybody so long as there is not the positive siddhi of
transformation by which it becomes contrary to the very nature of the instrument to respond to these vibrations –
because they have become foreign to it. Till then all depends on the vigilance of the consciousness and its will. The
repetition of the response does not increase the difficulty – it only retards the clearing out of the invading
forces.” ~ Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga

Sincerity and Radical Self-Honesty

The most important part in the process of and work towards awakening is self-honesty,
how sincere we are with ourselves. As mentioned at the beginning of this essay, lies to the self are the most harmful and
biggest stumbling blocks in esoteric self-work and also the hardest to detect. As we gain higher levels of awareness and
consciousness, we realize the responsibility we have, what “awakening” truly is about and how challenging true
freedom actually is for it entails letting go of control (the illusion/limitation of personal will), realizing that we
cannot blame anyone or anything.

“Forgiveness is the most fundamental forward movement towards the integration
of light and shadow within. Without it, we run aground in the quagmire of judgment and denial. It is the foundation of the
spiritual journey, which requires that we immerse ourselves in the waters of perpetual renewal. Forgiveness instigates a
dynamic that employs not only the emotions and intellect, but reaches the very fountainhead of behavior – the DNA
– setting up new neural pathways and changing the chemical balance within the Human brain.

In this way, the electromagnetic field then holds a resonant support system for
forgiveness, creating an inner dialogue of compassion. When we forgive, we embrace absolutely our response-ability within
the interconnectedness of all creation. The gateway to the path that leads to the transmutation of the life-death-rebirth
cycle is opened through forgiveness, and is the shedding of the first layer of mortality, initiating the journey from
victimhood to creatorship.” ~ Juliet Carter

The more sincere we are in this process, the more we will detect the traps we can get
caught up in, and the more predominant our inner voice (Spirit) becomes as it increasingly “checks in” on us;
conversely, the more sincere we are in this process, the less we’ll be able to pretend to ourselves – and to
the outside world (and others) – of being someone we “are not”. Essentially, it’s about coming out
of hiding, dissolving the buffers and masks that cover up the real “I”.

Read the eight part of the article


July 23, 2019


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