The Techniques of Pranayama

We are permanently exposed to the impact of the unexhaustible energies of the Universe that pour torrents of prana on us. The Sun is the most important source of this prana and the cosmic rays have an immense but still undetermined influence upon man from a scientific point of view. On the other hand, Earth absorbs and stores these cosmic energies and so constitutes the second energetic pole. Man can also be regarded as a bioelectrical system which is home to continuous energy exchanges and transfers with the cosmic and telluric energies that surround him. Therefore we should not continually remove and alienate ourselves from these energy sources behind veritable isolating energetic screens of walls, windows, clothing and footwear. Our lungs and skin are our main organs of energetic exchange with the exterior world. We realise this energetic transfer of prana through our lungs and skin. They act as sponges that absorb electricity and energy, and then we can direct prana through the circulatory system or through other means of a subtle nature to every cell of our body.

Thus, we can understand that pranayama offers the psycho-physiological techniques necessary to control and to consciously use the prana-ic energies for our physical, psychic, mental and spiritual blossoming.

In ordinary people, the subtle centres of force, chakra-s, are “asleep”. Through pranayama techniques, we become capable of manifesting exceptional mental, psychic, physical and spiritual powers that transcend our common experience. This is achieved through resonance with the energies from the macrocosm. The so-called fabulous occult powers of the yogis are nothing else but such endowments that, regardless of the mystery that surrounds them, gradually appear  in the practice of pranayama techniques. These powers become evident when we advance in the control and amplification of the prana force, have purified the subtle channels (nadi-s), and have gradually intensifed the communication between the subtle subconsciousness and the exterior consciousness of our coarse and superficial physical existence.

Regardless of the names that are given to it (Qi, ki, mana, od, orgon or bioenergy), the characteristics of prana, this universal force of Life, are generally the same. It has been used and controlled in the most diversified cultural, medical, spiritual, etc. systems and traditions, in order to obtain better health, longevity, paranormal powers, a state of spiritual elevation and for healing.

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