Timeline Reality Split, Frequency Vibration, And The Hidden Forces In Life (7)


by Bernhard Guenther

Read the sixth part of the article 

Many people have cunning intellects and are well versed in articulating their thoughts when it comes to topics of the external world, but when it comes to accessing their deeper feelings and expressing themselves through their “emotional IQ”, things can be very challenging for them. [They] are cut of from their emotional Selves, and have a hard time tuning into their bodies [stuck in the males aspect of consciousness].

They are not embodied in any real sense of the term, and tend to rationalize away anything that may come up within their psyche and/or shadow-project it outwardly onto others and the world at large. Alternatively, they may understand (on an intellectual level) what the issue is, but they can’t allow themselves to feel through it and let arise what needs to come up on a deeper emotional level, due to their being so out of touch with their vulnerability.

Oftentimes, the intellectual pursuit of information alone can also become a “buffer” and (unconscious) distraction/addiction so as to avoid doing the necessary inner work. This is especially apparent when shadow projection is at work between individual egos, and we scream and shout (literally or figuratively) at the world for how screwed up it is, projecting hate, anger, and disgust (perfect “food” for the hyperdimensional critters), or suggesting that we need to revolt violently or even kill all the psychopaths (who are just empty shells that are hosted/possessed by negative entities).

Killing the host in order to bring down the Cabal/Illuminati/New Word Order (as I’ve seen many “activists” proclaim) and “save humanity and the world” won’t actually change anything within the grand scheme of the Matrix Control System, but will only result in supplying the hyperdimensional overlords with the negative “food” frequency they want.

The Trap of Fighting Evil

This whole notion of fighting evil and trying to save the world is based on a misconception of what “evil” actually is, and how it operates within the duality of light and dark.

No one is “better” or “worse” than others – all are unique, and are essentially a fractal expression of the Divine/God/Source Consciousness or whatever you may want to call that Unified Whole-ness of Totality. Each being has their own talents, lessons, and karma – there is nothing here that shouldn’t be here. Even psychopaths and the hyperdimensional overlords have their roles to play in this cosmic drama (or farce, depending on your point of view), creating the necessary, contrasting friction for the evolution of consciousness.

It’s not about denying “evil” either, but understanding its role in the bigger picture. Part of our work is to be discerning, and to make the darkness conscious, both within and without; not living in a bubble, nor using generalized higher truths like “we are all one” or “all is illusion” as an excuse for inaction.

However, there is nothing “wrong” with reality. Everything and everyone has its place in this game of consciousness evolution and expression of “God”-self. The frequency of Evil (sometimes referred to as the ‘wetiko virus’ and expressed in socio-cultural terms as ‘ponerology’) and psychopaths have their place and their own purpose in the trajectory of our conscious evolutionary arc. It has its own free will “right” to exist as part of creation. It just comes down to finding our own unique “setting” within it all; to be discerning and choose consciously, and to understand what it really is that we are aligning ourselves with, since we are all transducers of higher energies.

The overarching reality is that humanity is never going to succeed in completely eradicating or removing “evil” from our worldly consciousness, nor will everyone be capable of experiencing “rehabilitation”, either. But while we acknowledge these facts, there may be a different way of going about seeking to mitigate the impact of evil in our societies – and the key in this endeavor involves understanding frequency/vibration and how this relates to reality in order to transcend the mutant Matrix.

There are predators/psychopaths who are predators by choice – they have their own purpose in this incarnation, and cannot be changed. Hence, understanding “evil” and darkness in humanity’s cosmic play (with all the discernment this requires) is a crucial component, as opposed to denying it, running from it, trying to get rid of it or attempting to fight it on a purely 3D level.

If we believe that “evil” can and should be eradicated, or that we need to “save the world” by fighting it on a purely 3D level – or even deny the possibility of evil and believe it doesn’t exist – then we will remain not only ignorant with regards to the whole purpose of this miracle called life on earth and the evolution of consciousness but are also manipulated to align with the negative Realm agenda.

“In the higher densities, the Name of the Game is Consciousness. This simply means that the higher densities of existence, whether positive or negative in orientation, all recognize that the business of all being and existence everywhere is always that of Consciousness… becoming more and more ‘Aware.’ Awareness is related to ‘density’ of consciousness, so to say.

The STS (Service To Self) way of achieving ‘density of consciousness’ is to ‘gain weight’ by assimilation of other consciousness units. This is generally promoted as ‘All is One’ and refers to ‘evil’ as a ‘rebellion’ or a fault or something that will ultimately be ‘done away with.’

STO (Service To Others), on the other hand sees ‘gaining weight’ in a different way. It sees that an acknowledgement of the consciousness of ‘other self’ as equal to its own consciousness, in spite of completely different manifestation of that being, is the way to ‘network’ the consciousness so that the Whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

The difference is that the STO guys recognize consciousness as being an ‘integrative’ activity of mutual networking and interdependence because they view all others as self, even if they are different, and therefore seek to help and assist because the other IS self in an absolute internal sense. In this way, Absolute Consciousness, or God is ‘glorified’ by a marvelous diversity of being if you wish to put it in those terms.

The negative guys, on the other hand, play the game in terms of domination, subjugation and absorption of other consciousnesses into ‘One.’ But, they too, understand that the rules of the game posit that in order for them to truly ‘absorb’ into their being these other ‘consciousnesses,’ that the ‘other’ must choose to become part of their ‘self-aggrandizement.’
An unwilling ‘food’ is, in essence, not ‘nutritious’ so to say. If the consciousness does not choose, it becomes a ‘poison’ to the consciousness that seeks to ‘eat it.’ And so they must promote ‘Oneness’ in a very particular way.” – Michael Topper, The Positive/Negative Realms of Higher Densities.

The Future Is Not Set In Stone

As the planetary energies increase more and more, people are becoming fearfully-uncertain about the future. With various alternative media figureheads making all kinds of predictions – from economic collapse, imminent World War III, nuclear warfare, cataclysms, comet bombardments, martial law, and de-population; to a mass awakening, “defeat of the cabal”, First Contact, UFO disclosure, uniting with our “space brothers”, free energy, etc. … and various other scenarios that are supposedly happening “soon”, some of them even on a specific date (and in fact should have happened many years ago, according to past predictions, especially around the year 2012) – we are also being tricked into the illusion of 3D linear time.

Personally, I have heard all these predictions (“positive” and “negative”) for the past 20 years repeatedly. There was a time I bought into some of them, getting caught up in future projections based on fear or misplaced hope (there is a reason why politicians use the slogan “Hope we can Believe in”). In reality, they really only did one thing to me: distract me from my own inner guidance, my bodily intuition, and my own emancipation and embodiment process that would enable me to truly BE the change.

Our mind can come up with all kinds of “what if” scenarios and projections, but it is caught in linear time, and cannot possibly foresee the future in detail, let alone map out our own unique soul purpose, the lessons we need to learn, and the talents we are here to develop as embodied individuals during this Time of Transition. Fear is literally an illusion, rooted in the fear of death, and stemming from ego identification. Danger can be real, but fear is ultimately a choice.

The more you are concerned about possible future outcomes, the more you are living solely from your head and disconnected from your body – detached from the essential-ness of the present, from nature and the divine within, and from your internal guidance system that is SPECIFIC to you – and therefore, the more vulnerable you are to being manipulated via hyperdimensional injections/interferences.

Most of the people who make or indulge in these kind of predictions are not integrated, not engaged in any sincere self-work; they lack emotional intelligence and are dis-embodied, mostly engaging in shadow projection. Some of them tend to make a good living off of the fear-mongering or savior-promises. In the end, all of this prediction “business” only works in favor of the Matrix Controller, because they eat up the frequency you emit with all your worries and fears, or even emotionally-charged hopes based on lies. Both do the same thing: they take away your own inherent power to be a co-creater in alignment with Divine Will – an active participant in your own emancipation process.

I still keep an “eye” on 3D global politics and some of alternative news sites, but I don’t get invested, nor do I feel the need to figure out every obvious false flag (or any other event on the global stage) in any great detail. The invisible thread that connects them all has become too obvious.

Over the past few years I’ve started to increasingly experience life and “reality” on a different level that is hard to even put into words. I’m more and more grounded in the present moment, unconcerned about the past or future. By no means do I claim to have fully “awoken”, let alone achieved a real state of “enlightened” existence, but there have been internal changes within me – which reflect my “outer” reality – that are undeniable (resulting in an exponential increase in synchronicities). There is also more joy and simply contentment and gratitude in my heart, I’m feeling very grounded and very connected with nature. Yet, my personal emancipation and embodiment process continues, and there are always more lessons to learn.

I don’t make decisions out my head (or through a thought process) as I once did, but rather, they arise through listening to my inner non-verbal guidance and bodily intuition more and more. There is also a deeper trust in life and the “universe”, that I’m being “taken care of” and “supported”, a clearer sense of just being a vessel for the Divine which is doing its work through me (and all of us) and to which I humbly align with to the best of my current abilities. I still have my days when I get stuck in the head, get disconnected, or caught up in a thought loop, but it’s not even close to the state of Being I was in a few years back.

I also sense (and feel, on an increasingly embodied level) the Timeline-Reality split moving at full force. I see it in my immediate surroundings and in other peoples’ lives as well: separations, breakdowns, breakthroughs, etc. We see it on the world stage: people partly awakening, partly disintegrating; some taking the red pill, others the blue pill, and some of them mistaking the blue for the red pill… but there is no judgment regarding either choice.

So much is happening at the same time, which we cannot possibly grasp via the mind. As things speed up, it is important to slow down, sink into your gut/pelvic bowl, be present to what IS, and the universe, nature, and the Divine will open to you in ways you cannot possible grasp intellectually, and in ways you could have never “predicted”.

Be first. Then Do. In Alignment.


July 20, 2019


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