Very important announcement regarding the Sept 6 2015 event

Attention! This announcement contains much new information that we kindly ask you to read carefully. Please keep in mind that we will soon have updates on the organizing  specifications regarding the event.

On the initiative of the yoga professor Gregorian Bivolaru, on September 6th, between 17:00-18:15, in Costineşti, Romania, within the open activities of the Theophanic Charismatic Movement, an exceptional event will take place, “that will make varied miraculous healing possible, as well as certain exceptional spiritual transformations and flows of godly Grace upon all those that God the Father, together with His angels, together with His archangels, together with His seraphim, and together with His cherubim will choose to benefit by the godly graces and gifts which God the Father will shed from His infinite superabundance upon us on that occasion.“

It is announced that “Human beings who have diverse diseases or organic disorders and who have full faith in God, and who also aspire to receive and to benefit by His godly Grace, and by the godly aid that angels, certain archangels, certain seraphim and certain cherubim will offer in unison on that occasion, may participate in this action freely and completely without a charge”.

We now offer further important final specifications for all those who want to participate in this exceptional event, which will be organized, from now on, once a year, in September, in Costinesti, within the Yoga Spiritual Holiday Camps.

It is necessary to remember that, for all those who did not take their special Theophanic Charismatic Movement participation pass on time, and for all those who lost their right to participate in the Yoga Spiritual Holiday Camps because they did not follow the camp internal Regulation – participation in this event will not be possible. Thus they will endure the consequences of disrespecting the provisions of the internal Regulation for participating in these events.

It is necessary that all those who aspire to participate in this exceptional event will register before. The organizing details about registration are to be offered soon on and on Every person who will register will receive a special participation pass, before the event takes place. We want to specify that the corresponding participation pass for this event is free.

Attention! The following aspects are and remain optional!

To increase the chances of the occurrence of spectacular improvements or even healing, by divine miracle, of the diseases and health disorders of those who intend to participate, it is welcomed that each of those make the first important steps towards God. Therefore, we advise that it is profoundly beneficial and even necessary that all those who intend to participate in this event will strictly fast 12 days before – practice which is so-called „total alimentary rest”. This fast will be done only with water,  for at least 24 hours, in the days prior to the event. So we suggest fasting for 12 days prior to the event.

On September 6th, 2015, all the participants will fast for the 13th day. Fasting will finish three hours after the ending of this exceptional event.

It is appropriately to realize in advance that through this sacrifice that is freely consented, we considerably increase the chances that Good God would show mercy and make each of us benefit of His godly grace and of His endless godly compassion.
However, it is necessary to keep in mind that it is welcomed for the prior intention, which will be manifested by each and every one before the 12 days of fasting begin, not to be a selfish, petty manifestation like: “Here, God, I make this sacrifice, but I’m waiting for You to heal my diseases and disorders”. Therefore, doing this fast implicitly implies a total, unconditional, altruistic, selfless sacrifice from us, which does not imply in any way the idea of a lame mercantile barter done by us with God the Father, like: “Here, I’m fasting, but You, God, must heal me, because look, I am undergoing these fasting days, but You must heal me immediately for this”.

To all those who want to apply this advice by fasting 12 days before this exceptional event, we suggest that they may choose to fast only with water for one, two or even three days a week, but we suggest that it is not the case, or in other words, it is not necessary at all for those respective fasting days, that they choose, to be consecutive fasting days.
The last fasting day of the 12 will be no later than three days before the event, respectively on Wednesday, September 2, 2015.

At the same time, it is important to remember that all the participants in this exceptional event will also fast on Sunday, September 6th, 2015, starting with 00:00 hours in the night and they will finish fasting 3 hours after the event ends.

So, we might say that the fasting day on September 6th, 2015 will be, for those who choose to fast, the 13th water fasting day, which, unlike the other 12 days, will finish only after 3 hours had passed after the event ends.

Attention!!! We want to specify that all human beings who take different natural treatments or cures based on medicinal plants may continue to take them  as it is necessary during the water fast, possibly in powder, under the tongue, but they will only use, in the indicated amounts, the healing plants which are effectively in the respective treatment they do.

Important!!!All the 12 fasting days which will be chosen by each person (as well as the 13th water fasting day, which will be done by all participants on September 6th, 2015) will be consecrated before, in a clear and categorical manner, for the participation in this this exceptional event, using the following formula:

“Lord God, Heavenly Father, to You I offer, totally and unconditionally, here and now, the fruits of this water fasting whose duration will extend for an interval of 12 days plus the actual day when this event in which I will participate will take place, which will be 13th day.”

To all those who have already done the consecration of the fruits of this fasting before they were aware of these specifications, we suggest to (possibly) do the consecration again, using this ritual formula. Proceeding in this way, they will benefit of the godly integration that they implore in this manner.

Optional! If they choose to, all the persons who participate in this event will receive (only if they want) a special mixture of sacred healing plants (in the form of powder), which they will moisten with blessed water from the bottle that they will bring with them, and then they will place the plants paste under the tongue, and after they keep it there for at least 20 minutes, they will chew it for another 2 minutes and in the end they will swallow it carefully with water.

In the case of the human beings who, for various reasons, choose not to fast for the 12 days, they will consecrate only the fasting on September 6th, 2015, starting with 00:00 hours in the night and, adequately, will utter the following ritual formula beforehand:

“Lord God, Heavenly Father, to You I offer, totally and unconditionally, here and now, the fruits of this water fasting which I do starting with 00:00 hours in the night and I humbly implore You, with righteous hope and with love, to help me, according to Your great mercy, by offering me everything that I need, both regarding my bodily health and regarding my soul and spiritual well being. So help me God! Amen!”

We want to specify that, in the case of all those who will notice appreciable health improvement or even miraculous healing of diseases and disorders that they were facing, it is welcomed – for the continuation and completion and of the miraculous processes of healing, and also for the healing to be permanent – that each participant who will notice such miraculous healing effects consecrates afterwards one day of water fasting a week, especially for this. In case some persons already chose to fast one day per week for other purpose, they may choose another appropriate day, which (possibly) may be either Friday or Sunday.

Attention!!! All those who will notice considerable improvements or miraculous healing of the diseases and disorders that they faced before are invited to continue to participate, for seven years in a row, to these miraculous manifestations, in order to further deepen the process of improvement of health, benefiting of the Grace of God, and also to deepen and finalize the process of miraculous healing which already occurred in their case through divine miracle.

By proceeding in this manner, the human beings who will benefit from the godly help which will be offered to them, will be able to be certain that in this way they rhythmically deepen the beneficial effects that occur periodically, on the occasion of this yearly event.

Please note that all those who will appropriately consider this advice – we may be absolutely certain of this in advance – will have only to gain, and will be able to have the certainty that the their actual healing process, and then the full consolidation of the miraculous healing, will manifest in their inner universe and also this will allow them to fully benefit of the sublime subtle energy of godly Grace which will flow abundantly periodically, once a year, in their inner universe, which will thus open even more to fully benefit of this miraculous and inestimable godly help.

It is imperatively necessary that any human being, especially if they aspire sincerely and fervently to participate in this exceptional spiritual event and really wants to fully benefit from the flow of divine Grace, to decide, immediately after reading this announcement, to prepare in an appropriate way, and for this it is welcomed to give up consuming meat, fish, coffee, tobacco, hallucinogenic mushrooms, narcotic products or substances, drugs and alcohol in a strict and categorical manner (except alcoholic extracts like bitter and other medicinal plants tinctures, that may be used by those who cure themselves through such means only in small amounts, which needn’t exceed the cumulative total amount of 10 g per day).

By proceeding in this manner, each human being increases considerably the chances of benefiting, by divine Grace, of a significant improvement of heath, or even of  a miraculous healing of the disorders or even serious diseases that each one is already facing.

FACULTATIVE! It is also imperatively necessary and even welcomed that each of those who want and intend to participate in this event to previously do a fundamental solemn spiritual inner covenant between their own being and God the Father, covenant that is then necessary to be respected for life. By this covenant, each one who chooses to do this implores help, implores godly Grace, implores godly aspiration so that their life, their existence will get an eminently beneficial divinely integrated direction, orientation, for the respective human being to begin and then to continue a process of deification, process that is very important to extend and even to amplify more and more during their entire lifetime.

This solemn covenant will be done three times in a row, in three different days, and will be completed in the 11th water fasting day of choice. We suggest that the three covenants of this kind will be actually done in the 9th fasting day (the first integration), in the 10th fasting day (the second integration) and in the 11th fasting day (the third integration).

We offer you such a ritual formula, that each of you may use:

„Lord God, Heavenly Father, from the very Beginnings, You are the One who have created me in Your image and likeness. To You I offer myself from now on – body and soul – totally and unconditionally.
I implore You with love, with faith and with humbleness, to often manifest Yourself in and through my being, to help me ascend towards You and to take sure and more and more rapid steps on the path of  deification of my being, in every moment, with Your help.
I humbly implore You, with righteous hope, with love, to help me according to Your great mercy and I beg You to make it so that Your signs and synchronicities, which I need for guidance, ceaselessly occur in my life.
I humbly implore You and I open myself forever and totally to You, so that only Your Will manifests more and more often in and through my being. I know that this Will of Yours is a Godly Attribute that always manifests in the form of a sublime subtle energy, whose vibration frequency never modifies.
I implore You and at the same time I fervently aspire that You help me to become and then to remain, the mysterious channel in and through which You often manifest Yourself,  both in my own existence, and in the life of  human beings who are willing and open to receive godly inspiration, godly guidance and godly help that manifest through me, in the hypostasis of humble channel of Your eternal, almighty and mysterious presence.
Only Thy Will be done, in all eternity. I gratefully thank You for all that You offer me and for all that You will offer me. Amen! Amen! Amen!”

Note: For new and up to date announcements regarding the activities of the Yoga Spiritual Holiday Camps, please visit



August 2015

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