Secret Space War: The Draco’s Secret War Against American Goyim (2)


by Preston James, Ph.D

World Zionists (WZs) have labeled Khazarian Imposters as the real “Descendents of Abraham” in order to form a tyrannical Racial Delusion and Criminal Conspiracy against those they wrongly believe are “American Goyim”.

Read the first part of the article 

Allegedly the Dracos created a master racial delusion by World Zionists (WZs) which is now in place in America and which involves the creation and deployment of the obviously Neo-Bolshevik Department of Homeland Security (DHS). DHS was set up by Israeli-American (Israeli Firster) dual citizens with an evil Draco Agenda to tyrannize, and eventually haul off most innocent “American Goyim” to FEMA and US Military prison camps, where they will eventually be mass-murdered.

This is the secret agenda of DHS who was set up and is now secretly run by World Zionists representing the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS) the largest crime syndicate in the world, run out of Israel (Palestine) and is the main Cutout and Action-agent of the City of London Zionist Central Banksters.

Is a racial delusion and a deep demonic fantasy driving a secret Top Policy of the SSG which is an obsession to militarize the American police, construct numerous FEMA and Military Internment Camps across America, and build up the DHS, which is actually a Zionist outpost and foreign run army inside America?

Allegedly these top “Circle of twelve’s” deepest demonic fantasy is to load what they define as Goyim into trucks and take them to FEMA camps and do exactly what they believe was done to “their people” in Germany by Goyim? Of course many now realize this was the City of London World Zionist (WZ) Central Banksters set up the Bolshevik Revolution in the first place, followed by the Nazi regime (Hitler was a British Agent) and then set up the whole Internment Camp situation and created the Holocaust (translated from old English as a “Fiery Sacrifice”).

It is now known the Internment (work camps) in Germany had plenty of non-Judaics interred there two part of a devious WZ plan to create a racial holocaust to be used to manipulate money and power from surviving Judaics and a tool to radicalize them to serve as their action-agents against “Goyim” everywhere?

Obviously an important part of the Draco’s evil Cosmic Agenda to take control of the whole Earth using Khazarian Cutouts was to infect them with this racial delusion fostered by the pre-planned WZ deployment of Interment camps and the inculcation of the Big Lie and delusion that they are the true ancient Hebrews that the “Goyim” (who are actually the true descendents of Abraham) tried to eradicate them.

Has the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) been hijacked by the Dracos and is it serving their evil, anti-human Agenda?

This group of twelve Top Policy-Makers appear to be ruled by a Draco induced/demonic racial delusion that if they don’t murder all Goyim, they will eventually be murdered by Goyim as an extension of the anti-Semitism now once again emerging worldwide. Actually this so-called anti-Semitism is anti-khazarianism and has also been artificially stimulated and evoked by the Dracos and their WZ representatives. It is this Top WZ Policy that has been determining all other political policies of the Secret Shadow Government (SSG), which is the invisible but real government.

And the SSG using this Grand Policy to determine all subordinate policies of the visible USG (which is the Congress, the Judiciary and the Executive) has enabled AIPAC and 70,000+ K Street Lobbyist to keep members of Congress and so many USG officials adequate supported, re-elected and greased with large amounts of Bacsheesh.

Perhaps this group of twelve Top Policy-Makers (the Denver Circle of Twelve or Denver “Blood-thirsty” ones) has apparently adopted this racial delusion and blood lust to kill every Goyim after asset stripping them and it is their main or Top Policy and functions as a secret policy. And perhaps they have determined the top USG policy to fulfill this most evil Draco Agenda to kill all true descendents of Abraham which is darned near all Western people as well as all Arabs. And perhaps this secret policy is now becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy which once again will bring their own persecution and worst fears into reality as the public starts to figure this all out thanks to the lightning speed that truth travels on the worldwide Internet.

Where did the Evil, anti-human Cosmic Parasites the Dracos come from and what is their mission?

The best guess is that they were the “Fallen Ones” or the Angels that Almighty God kicked out of his Kingdom for their rebellion against him. These allegedly Dracos descended to earth and mated with earth women and against God Almighty’s rules and as punishment were stripped of their immortal spirit being status and limited in their years of life, destined to be destroyed by God at a delayed but future judgement.

Some historians believe that the Dracos were comprised of both male and female with the ancient Greek and Roman fables based on their presence on Earth. It is known that there have been numerous very large clearly inhuman skeletons with six fingers and toes recovered all over the world by immediately suppressed over the last 200 years.

Dracos, the ultimately Evil Cosmic Parasite.
Apparently the Dracos anti-human agenda is based on their cold-hearted, soulless evil nature from being cut off from God Almighty the source of all real love for each other. Allegedly their need to serve as negative energy parasites of the human race goes back to their loss of life as slow deterioration of their inter-generational genetics which has been completely corrupted by their disobedience to God’s Golden Rule of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. It is believed that the Dracos are an exceedingly blood-thirsty bunch and are the source of so much human violence and shedding of blood.
Some have even theorized that they have even been able to infect the genes somewhat of many humans or that they have been able to induce violence through their ultra high tech deployment of mass mind-kontrol and psychotronics through satellite based transmitters as well as perhaps via certain pulsed digital waves patterns transmitted in parallel by cell phone towers as well as their exceedingly evil use of Psi-power.

Allegedly they can replace this massive loss of energy into themselves by parasitizing humans through creating and accessing negative human suffering, snatching the souls of humans by provoking them or tempting them to sin via drugs, hardcore pornography, and actually implanting Draco spirits into soulless humans that voluntarily cross a certain line of evil by inducing demonic possession. Of course those “Bloodline Family” individuals that have no souls who show great promise are approached by Draco spirit guides which offer special Blood Contracts (often these folks are under the heavy influence of drugs).

If they make the contract then they are assigned their own Draco “spirit guide” which appears to them in a variety of forms but once doing so stay in that form which they first appeared in. These so-called personal spirit guides are alleged to provide advanced warning of forthcoming problems, and apparent can serve as Intel advisers and psi-power servants as long as their contractee continues to do as much covert evil as possible and engage in periodic human sacrifice and sexual magic according to the satanic holidays.

This spirit form appears periodically but more often after their “Blood Contractees” perform human sacrifice rituals. It has been alleged by insiders at the periphery of all this that the more human suffering and painful human death these “Blood Contractees” produce to feed their masters the Draco spirit guides, the more power, wealth and prestige they are given.

The Dracos are believed by some to be the sources of the WZs world power system and are also believed to have mated with earth women and produced Draco-human hybrids and the Circle of twelve Denver Bloodthirsty-Ones as well as the Illuminati or luciferian Bloodlines.

Some who have knowledge of highly classified Beyond-Black SSG files have claimed to close friends at the end of their lives that Dracos were actually Anakem or Canaanites and that the ancient Hebrews were instructed by God Almighty to destroy all of them to the last one because they were soulless, were giants, were Draco alien-human hybrids and had grossly contaminated genetics which contained an anti-human “evil gene” for intrinsic demonic possession and no soul. It is also believed by some historians that when the Draco Alien-human hybrids were not completely eradicated they reproduced at a very rapid rate and populated much of the earth.

These historians also believe that their culture was exceedingly evil and based on frequent human sacrifice and every single sexual perversion and demonic aberration imaginable. One rumor from a very highly connected insider was that these Dracos, like their WZ inductees are obsessed with inducing who they consider “American Goyim” and all “Goyim” to engage in as much blatant perversity as possible and this provides great entertainment.

And apparently the Dracos like to mock humans in general and even their WZ recuits who they induce to worship the all-seeing eye of Lucifer which is reputed to be duplicitous as many of their occult symbols. Can you guess what the secret esoteric meaning of the all-seeing eye is and why many of their crime cabal WZ recruits are induced to engage in anal sex at the Bohemian Grove annual get together and men’s only party? Allegedly the motivation is to access powerful sex magic as proposed by Aleister Crowley, called ‘The Beast 666’ and the most evil man that ever lived. Like so many luciferians he died a terrible death (a burned-out, sick, demented, fallen heroin addict). Now I certainly hope these rumors are wrongs but Dick Nixon was recorded in the oval Office making statements which supports such a rumor.

Also believed is that because the Earth was filled with these soulless giants filled with Evil almost everywhere, God Almighty destroyed them with the flood and instructed Noah to build a large Ark to escape such a fate. Many reject this story about Noah and believe it is merely a fable. However there are leaked “Eye in the Sky” top Secret satellites photos, as well as numerous photos taken “on the ground” by explorers on Mount Ararek in Turkey that show remains of what could easily be interpreted as the Ark. There have also been wood samples collected by explorers at the site.

The WZs and the Circle of Twelve well understand and greatly fear any emergent moral density via emerging populism in the masses. That is why as soon as they hijacked the American Monetary and Production System in 1913, they used all the money they could create and access any time they needed it to buy up and control, every single major mass media in America.

This process has continued and now all Major Mass Media is fully under their control and has been consolidated into six large international corporations, three of which are defense contractors and three are very large international media corporations but all are completely controlled by the WZ top Policy-Makers appointed by the Circle of twelve.

Federal Whistle-blower Stew Webb was the first to blow the lid off of the Circle of Twelve and expose their evil plan and choke hold on the Major financial and governmental Institutions of America as well as their domination of AIPAC. And he is the only one to ever blow their cover and name actual names.

And yes, the cat is out of the bag, Pandora’s box has been opened, the Genie is out or the bottle and Humpty-Dumpty has fallen, broken into pieces and cannot ever be put back together. Despite massive efforts to discredit Strew Webb and jam and hack his popular web site, he has persisted against all odds and appears to have major Intel protection around him. His credibility has been significantly sustained by disclosures by other investigative journalists. But it is important to emphasize that his exposure and part in blocking an actual Circle of twelve December 21, 2013 planned human sacrifice along with certain VT principals is most notable and praiseworthy.

Here is the “Bad News” for the WZs, the Draco-human hybrids and the Circle of twelve Denver Bloodthirsty-Ones and the very, very “Good News” for all Americans who love our Great Nation, America the Constitutional Republic.

The emergent worldwide Internet is the Achilles Heel of the WZs, the Draco-human hybrids and the Circle of twelve Denver Bloodthirsty-Ones. The reason is that widely diffused truth to the masses truth cuts like a red-hot knife through butter and is like driving a wooden stake through a Vampire’s heart. The WZs, the Draco-human hybrids and the Circle of twelve Denver Bloodthirsty-Ones know this and greatly fear this, but are truly powerless to stop it. They have designed more major false flag attacks like 9/11 to stop this but far too many top Military and Intel already know they were the ones that did the Gladio-style inside-job false flag attack on 9-11-01 to allow this to happen.

Exposure of their deployment of the 9-11-01 attack will turn out to be their Waterloo and the major turning point in their coming loss of power and their complete demise.
Yes, it’s a fact, the IZCS and the WZs and their Cutouts the NeoCons, the PNACers, and the Israeli-American Israeli-first dual-citizens went for broke on 9-11-01 in order to stat a final onslaught to finish expansion of greater Israel and take America into a nuclear WW3 confrontation with the Russians over the Mid-East and the Ukraine.

They were successful in the first part of their mission but failed when thanks to the Internet and numerous leaks of Top Secret information “leaked” from very dissatisfied former and current high ranking USG, Military and Intel Officials. Yes they over-reached and have been fully exposed and this truth can be diffused to mainstream mass America via the Internet Alternative News.

And yes, the apparent End-game of the Dracos is to induce a major worldwide Nuclear WW3 because their long term agenda is to drastically depopulate the Earth in incremental stages and eventually repopulate it with their own creations which like them will have no souls.

The Hijacking of whole peoples, governments, nations and international bodies of governments is the Draco’s game and key mechanism of “placing a spell on humankind”.

It is important to note that the Draco’s main tool of furthering their Evil Agenda is to delude and hijack whole peoples, governments, nations and international bodies of governments. This is done through the establishment of individual “blood contracts” with certain select “bloodline families” and those in those particular families that are judged to already either to be soulless, or easy prey for giving up their souls for riches, fame, and power.

It is important to note that the fake Judaics of Rev. 2:9 and 3:9 have been the main targets of this massive Cosmic hijacking, yet even so most only suffer marginally or not at all from this race based delusion entrained into their minds by the Dracos using the power of Black-Magic, aka the power of ancient Babylonian Magic which was an empire based on leaders who were allegedly Draco-alien hybrids.

And now about a very strange disclosure about a very strange largely unknown aspect of an ongoing Cosmic War (aka Space War) perhaps far too incredulous for most.

As this narrative goes, the pre-WW2 Germans formed a secret alliance with the Tall White Nordic Alien ETs and were allegedly given many technological secrets. Allegedly the Tall Whites are a peaceful group that wanted to advance human kind, and wanted to help Germany rebuild and recover from the damage and punishing war reparations imposed by their arch Cosmic enemies the Dracos through the City of London WZs.

As it turned out Hitler was a secret agent for the British and was mind-kontrolled at Tavistock Institute in 1921-22 and deployed as secret weapon to hypnotize the German masses, build them up as a warring counter-force to the Bolshevik Monster force they created in Russia in 1917 and went out of control threatening their London masters. This pan was designed to have the dual purpose to also destroy Germany in an ever expanding world war with the whole rest of the world, especially America which would also be deployed against them.

This would create massive bank loans due to the WZ Central Banksters, industrialize the world and help to establish a small number of interlocked corporations and oligarchical hierarchies ruling over all of the world’s masses. As the Nazis emerged and deployed their alien technology for war, falling into the Draco Trap and drifted into increasing Evil, it is rumored that the Tall Whites abandoned them because there is a certain line they will not cross.

(to be continued)


July 29, 2019


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