Comments on „Archangels Week – Eight FREE Live Webinars
„I like the way this event was organized, together with the explainations offered along with the excellent presentations and meditations.”- P.N, USA
„Great information.I liked the information that doctors and scientists know about the effects of the power of prayer. I liked her references to books and other materials.”- J.L, USA
„I loved Wolfgang’s presentation discussing spiritual healing. I felt such a sense of love flowing through me during the meditation and blessings.”- R.D, USA
„I loved the honest and open discussions about God and his Heavenly Angels. Good topic!”- B.J, USA
„I enjoyed very much Carmen sharing her heart-felt experiences with Archangel Metatron. I also experienced special feelings during the blessing for planet Earth.”- D.R, USA
„It was really wonderful. Thank you for all the information and your dedication.”- D.H, DK
„It brings people who have the same aspirations together and it is a wonderful tool to experience the unison in spiritual actions; the ideas expressed during this webinar where diverse, inspiring and practical; our presenter, Virginia was very spontaneous and humoristic, having control of the situations.”- D.G, D.K
„I liked the stories about exceptional people inspired by angels; the meditation with archangel Michael;links between different religions; doing spiritual actions together with the others; meeting people; sharing and receiving.”- G.H, DK
„I feel to say only one thing: please do continue! It is very uplifting! I enjoyed the meditation with the guardian angel and the open interaction with the other participants and all they shared with the group; thank you, Virginia, for bringing us together!”- F.H, DK
„I loved hearing everyone’s testimonials and special individual experiences from their week with the angels.”- E.N, DE
„The information received and meditations were excellent. The prayer had immediate effect.”- S.A, FI
„Thank you for the beautiful paradise like presentation. We send our love.”- I.Z, GR
„It was rich in information,very inspiring and motivational. It made me realise the importance of praying every day as a method of purifying our soul.”- M.M, MT
„The teacher is very clear and strongly impacts my curiosity. Virginia masters in purity. The progression is very interesting through the few that I have seen due to my work engagement.”- F.P, FR
„Very nice presentation!”- A.B, IT
„Dear Virginia, thank you and congratulations for organizing the Archangels Week online! Success!” – V.P, RO
„I want to know where I can find the recordings.”- M.R, MA
You are cordially invited to join our very special event online that is being offered live and for free on Saturday, Nov 20th 2010, 18.00 – 20.00 GMT.
Within the sexual life of a loving couple lies happiness, amorous fulfilment, health and longevity, the premises for harmonious interaction with other people, the great inspirations in how to accomplish our goals, the spiritual revelations and transformations.
Either you are single looking for the ideal love relationship or already committed in a couple wanting to maintain or revive the sparkles of the beginning and take your relationship with the one you love on a heigher spiritual level, you are welcome to join our special free live webinar on sexual continence and bliss!
On this unique occasion you will have the opportunity to enroll in the live online course for sexual continence and bliss and sample the first class for free. We look forward to your attendance on Saturday November 20, 2010.
Sexual continence is addressed to men and women, young and adults. Sexual continence can include both the exercise of the human sexual function or the sexual abstinence. Sexual continence can be used as a natural birth control method as well as one of the best aphrodisiacs with no secondary effects.
The benefits of practicing sexual continence expand well beyond the sexual and physical level into the psychological and spiritual levels of our being. Among these we mention:
Unlimited availability for lovemaking;
No more sexual frustrations and inhibitions;
A huge number of orgasms per each sexual intercourse;
Very good physical shape;
Regeneration, rejuvenation and slowing down of the aging process;
Deep contentment, happiness, optimism and positive outlook;
Couples become more united and charismatic and they discover how to transform the attraction and love from the beginning into everlasting bliss;
A huge energy to accomplish spiritual goals;
Profound spiritual transformation;
Awakening of Kundalini Shakti and development of paranormal powers SIDDHIS;
In this webinar you will discover sexual continence as a path to everlasting bliss. The fascination of Tantra persists over centuries yet few are the ones deeply understanding and correctly practicing its fruitful methods. Modern scientific discoveries bring more light upon Tantric mysteries.
AGENDA I Presentation (60 mins): 1. Introduction to Sexual Continence 2. Sexual Continence and Everlasting Bliss 3. Live Online Courses Preview II Practice (30 mins): Meditations with music composed by Jozsef Boda III Q/A (30 mins)
Well selected music can enhance your inner journey for discovering and mastering the forces within you.
The music that will be used as support for the meditations during this webinar was composed by Jozsef Boda, relaxation music composer and yoga teacher from Bekescsaba, Hungary – the Association of ATMAN YOGA. He edited four albums of relaxation music.
Thank you for your interest regarding our events and courses!
LiveOnlineYoga offers the most comprehensive live classes of Integral Yoga for novices and yoga practitioners, Live Online Karma Yoga, Live Online Courses on sexual continence and bliss and FREE webinars on yoga, health and spiritual traditions. Stay in touch with the LiveOnlineYoga news and events by joining our mailing list today!