Where Does Wealth Really Come From?


Rumors and claims regarding National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA), Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA), and various other “prosperity programs” have been circulating the internet for decades. After research, there appears to be some truth to NESARA, which is the notion that a set of hidden accounts are being held in trust for some future age of economic prosperity, originally incorporated by the infamous Saint Germain. According to the story, when NESARA goes live, disbursements from these trust accounts will take place. However, what the idea or belief in NESARA also tends to do is, by awakening populations, to restore social trust in the human family, which if done, would see an incredible rise of prosperity and abundance before NESARA disbursements. In short, we don’t need to wait for NESARA to begin creating the metaphysical structures that empower us to be abundant and restore the planet.

In the research of money, law, and the legal systems of this world, a consistent theme continues to present itself.

Just to be crystal clear, nothing in this article shall be construed as legal advice of any kind. However, important concepts will be repeated in several different ways in an effort to ensure maximum understanding for the reader – partially because these things have been hidden so well in plain sight.

By taking the time to understand some of the things we use every day, we can learn how to use these tools for the creation of a benevolent society.

What is Money?

It has been said that the golden age of humanity is one founded on honor, duty, and true fellowship.
Consider that money, precious metals, gems, and other treasures only have value because we, the people, agree they do and act accordingly. Without our consent and participation, these things are valueless; it’s our full faith and credit that gives them power.

Money, which is a fungible representation of value, is only a medium of exchange for true capital. Capital is defined as the ability to call upon another in trust so as to render goods or perform a service.

Fungibility – The state of being interchangeable. For example, money has fungibility because there is no difference between one dollar and another dollar. Likewise, stocks of the same type in the same company and commodities of the same quality are generally fungible. On the other hand, assets like land or baseball cards are not fungible because each unit has unique qualities that add or subtract value, [depending on the person who wants or uses them].

Money is a symbol of trust – people in a country or nation trust in the money the nation employs, enabling them to exchange these symbols amongst themselves. Because money is a symbol of value that can be traded for other things, people can be enticed into group projects by offering them money. If someone doesn’t see the value in doing something innately, simply for the act of doing so, they can be “rewarded” for their efforts with money.

Currency, in this sense, is a social lubricant that enables two or more people to work together on some project, goal, or agenda. The goal might not be intrinsically valuable to the people involved – they might not be willing to cooperate merely to accomplish the goal alone – but offer them money, and they now have a valuable stake in the enterprise. Generally speaking, we tend to participate in things we find valuable – money, at present, are valuable, and as such, is an effective motivator.
Thus, even with respect to debt-based money – money printed out of thin air – it is our faith and trust that gives any monetary system power. If we didn’t derive some kind of value from the use of money, we wouldn’t use it.

But what makes a society benevolent is that the people within it have a genuine interest in placing their trust in only honorable projects. That is, when a people lose touch with morality, ethics, and justice, they can be enticed into malevolence through the promise of money. And this is essentially where we are today – the powers that be use us like cogs in a machine to keep the systems of control alive, which we willingly participate in, mainly through the use of money.

Ultimately, when enough trust exists in a people, they don’t need money to garner their participation in social activities. This is because where trust exists, so too does some form of compensation, whether that be a reciprocal relationship (the direct fruits of one’s labor), or even the genuine satisfaction of giving to one’s community. But since we aren’t there yet, we would benefit from understanding how to use money honorably, and most importantly, where wealth really comes from.

Wealth Comes From Trust

Currency is a metaphysical technology that facilitates the development of trust. This might seem like an abstract viewpoint, but this is essentially what money is.
Trust that exists between two or more individuals or persons is the true source of all wealth – beyond what one can create on one’s own and what is innately provided by the environment.

Wealth, in all its forms, is something of value created by people or nature.
Personal wealth is by nature, valuable for an individual and potentially others. For example, a musician makes a piece of music that they find inherently valuable (beautiful, inspiring, or expressive in some way), which might also be valuable to another.

In nature, wealth needs to be tamed or refined, often through the collective works of individuals. When a group of people mutually agree that they value something, like farming food for their community, they can work together to bring that value into manifestation. The formal legal process for establishing a mutually agreed upon thing of value is called a trust.

For example, when a group of families living on the frontier decides they all need food, water, and shelter, they might form a township to help manage the things they need to prosper. The Township Trust will explicitly describe the things they need, who will be responsible for producing them, and how they will be distributed. Stated another way, you have a body of property (the land, resources, etc.), you have administration (those who are given the task of facilitating the day-to-day progress of the trust), and beneficiaries (the town). In addition to this, the Trust would necessarily include a democratic mechanism to assure accountability between administrators and the town. When two or more people sit down and talk about something they value, identify how it can be acquired and who will benefit, they’ve just created a trust structure. In equity law or the laws of contracts, this verbalized or negotiated goal represents a meeting of the minds, forming the basis for a lawfully binding and honorable contract, which when acted upon creates a corporate body or estate.

Thus, a formal and well-defined relationship – which solidifies the integrity of the fellowship that exists between the people in the township – creates the foundation for the generation of wealth.
In the town’s case, the prosperity of food, water, and shelter are things everyone in it values. As long as honesty, trust, and transparency are maintained (honorable contracts and dealings), abundance can flow from all the members of the township. Each person’s life will be improved through their cooperation with the whole community.

This is the essence of the power of trusting relationships, which is that wealth and value can be generated in exponential or ever-increasing quantities.
This can be described mathematically as a ratio between trust and wealth: the generation of value (wealth) increases proportionally with trust. Trust enhances or deteriorates depending on the morals and ethics of each individual – how well they can negotiate honest agreements, honor their word and fulfill valid and honorable contractual obligations.

What should hopefully be clear is that the quality of a relationship between two or more people (how well they can trust each other) determines how much abundance can be generated through any relationship.

Knowledge of Value Creates Trust and the Potential for Wealth

For us as individuals, when we know that we can do something that another person values, the potential for wealth now exists. People generally like doing things that they and other people find valuable. What this means is that if we can explore our unique passions, and support each other in mastering them, a well-nigh perfect society can be created, one that isn’t dependent on forced trust systems, like debt-based money.
Consider that if it wasn’t for the fact a cook can trust that other people will want food, they couldn’t produce goods of culinary benefit.
If it wasn’t for the fact that a musician trusts in their fellows, they couldn’t come together as a group to produce a piece of music.
And if wasn’t for the trust a worker has in their employer, they wouldn’t work a day’s labor to produce the goods and services we need in society.

Everything we value, from small moments of happiness like feeling the sun on our face, to the joys of modern-day life, to the satisfaction felt from people working hard to accomplish a task, to loving relationships, technology, justice, education, the arts – everything, all of it, is produced through trust in some way.

Our relationships with other people, the trust we develop through our interactions, forms the true life blood of all economic, social, and spiritual power and attainment.

Trust-Based Economy


Consider that when you trust someone, when you know they are trustworthy and in alignment with your values and purposes, you are more willing to do things for them for free. A good example of a trust-based economy is a family unit.

A mother takes care of her children because she loves them and values their health, comfort, and growth. Similarly, when individuals take the time to form trusting relationships, establishing honest agreements to assist each other in the attainment of their goals and values, they don’t need money – the full faith and credit they have in each other is enough. This is what is meant by the term social capital, which is, again, the ability to call upon another in trust, wherein both people work to manifest something they value.

In banking, trust in the system is called confidence.
If a bank loses confidence, then a run on the bank takes place – people rush in to remove their assets. What this means is that if even a small population of people focused on developing fellowship and trust amongst themselves (an “organic bank”), this social capital would allow them to create undreamed of abundance. They wouldn’t need bankers or another group’s money to cooperate. Such a population of people wouldn’t even need money from NESARA to solve their manifold problems and realize their various dreams for the future.

With the knowledge of the power of trust and honorable relationships in mind, we shouldn’t abandon the idea that benefactors of humanity want to assist in the transition of our society through the disbursement of material wealth and money – NESARA.

Yet, as a people, we also shouldn’t abandon the cornerstone of all societies: the development of honorable social agreements, structures, and trust. If we did restore the human family, the powers that should not be would quickly become obsolete, and in doing so, we would remake the world for future ages of prosperity.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – R. Buckminster Fuller

Love, Honor, and Trust

What should hopefully be clear is that trust, which can only emerge out of a loving, honest, and truthful relationship, is the real backbone of society.
This non-material asset backs all capital on Earth, whether debt-based money – printed out of thin air – or asset-backed currencies, or simply the cooperative power between parents in the care of their children.

Trust is everything. This is why, on most forms of money in US, the phrase “in God we trust” is brandished. The powers that be recognize that, for all intents and purposes, trust is the force that rules over “the kingdoms of men in the world”. We can look to nature to understand how enhancing the mechanisms of trust can realize a golden age for humanity. Consider the power of social coherence, which is how new life emerges from systems of order among living things. Trust is the coherence or structure that allows our bodies to maintain their form. If it wasn’t for the trust that each cell has in the whole organism, these individual units of life would rebel against the body-government, which we call cancer.

Trust is Fragile: Willingness to Restore Trust

Trust is fragile because it requires honesty, transparency, dedication to truth, and values fairness and equal treatment under the law – all of which is put in jeopardy by a single act of deception, corruption, and egoism.
Consider that a husband and wife can be happily married for decades but a single act of deception on one person’s part could utterly uproot the previous years of honesty. Despite the delicate nature of trust, it can be restored, even made stronger, through the willingness of individuals to reconcile their differences honesty.

In building trust, we must recognize that loss is always possible. In fact, without the risk of loss, building trust in another is often only a token gesture. For example, lending a car to our friend comes with a risk of loss. But if it is returned without incident, this exchange will enhance the trust we have in our friend.

Ideally, we should extend trust carefully and courageously confront others when our trust has been broken. We shouldn’t deny someone the chance to rebuild trust when it has been broken, due to our fear of loss. At the same time, rebuilding trust requires healthy boundaries and milestones of progress. When our trust has been violated, like when a friend lies or steals from us, we might forgive them, but we’ll also be sure that future extensions of trust are examined carefully.

Ultimately, so long as a genuine willingness to build or restore trust exists within all parties, any violation of trust can be resolved – all relationships can be healed with honesty and reconciliation. That said, there is a definite technique for ensuring that the trust we extend to others won’t cause us hardships if violated.

When a person has broken our trust, we need to recognize what’s happened, explicitly address the situation with the person (confront them), and then work carefully to rebuild what was lost. This rebuilding process involves extending additional trust to them and seeing what happens – taking care to only risk things we’re comfortable losing.

Given a long enough course of time, all relationships encounter tests of minor and major breaches of trust. If these incidents are navigated well, the bonds of fellowship are strengthened. The challenge is to recognize when trust has been broken, working to restore it, without becoming paranoid, nor blindly trusting.

Thus, developing trustworthy relationships is more about working through challenges than trying to find some perfect relationship, or person, where we don’t have to worry. Blind faith, in people or things, won’t help us to form trusting relationships.
Notice the similarity between the very words trust and truth? This seems to suggest, in alchemical language, that these things are mutually reinforcing, and that recognition of the truth is what makes trust possible.

Honest, abundant and mutually beneficial associations require diligence on each person’s part to ensure the honesty of all members. This diligence with respect to relationships has been described as ethics. In this sense, we can unconditionally love others by forgiving breaches of trust, yet remain vigilant by recognizing the potential for malevolence – we forgive but we never forget.

Trust and the Legal System

The only thing that makes a legal system truly honest and fair, something that actually benefits society, is adherence to the golden rule of law. This precept asserts that all legal policies, statutes, and codes of conduct, must apply to all people equally and fairly. If not, then there is no trust in the legal system, and as a result, any power granted to a morally corrupt authority is void.
Trust is what makes a truly wise and fair society work. But trust is a razor’s edge path, where misstep and mistake are always encroaching from all sides.

As such, the only way for a society to maintain trust, and true law and order (founded on the golden rule of law), is for each individual to learn the ways of truth, trust, and honesty so as to become a beacon of light and law unto themselves. If the trust between people is maintained by each individual in a trusting relationship, then the citizen of any society is, at some level, duty-bound to keep watch over it.

In other words, each person needs to learn the laws of morality, ethics, and harmlessness – honor, and duty – or else the quality of trust between individuals breaks down. Without these essential foundations, any society will eventually crumble into the chaos of self-aggrandizement, greed, corruption, and deception, where tyranny rules and the color of law are maintained by the threat of violence.
Looking to existing societies and legal systems, it’s clear that the poverty of knowledge within the general population enables corrupt powers to run rampant. The average person, due to their lack of knowledge, isn’t capable of confronting the government and various authorities in their breaches of the public trust.

We, the people, through no direct fault of our own, accept the mistrust of the government as an unchangeable fact – “This is just the way things work!”
We assume that governments can be nothing but corrupt, and as such, we don’t realize we can be forces of change to address this problem of trust. But as each person takes on the burden of self-education in law and trust, they become a unit of honesty that can one day unite with others to form a truly honest and fair society.
In short, just because human history is plagued by tyrannies and corrupt governments doesn’t, in the least, prevent us from forming a truly benevolent government. Such a body, as was implied earlier, would be built from the ground up, it would be founded on a population of highly educated and vigilant people, who know how to form trusting relationships as individuals and as a collective.

A Poverty of Trust: Tyranny, Oppression, and Violence

Our world is plagued by dishonesty, unfairness, and wholesale rejection of the truth as a founding principle of life.

The order of the day – lawlessness – is where the law of the jungle and survival of the “fittest” are the primary order makers. And yet, despite the poverty-stricken status of human realms of trust, there is nothing stopping us from turning the ship of civilization around and righting our course toward prosperity and abundance.

All the money in the world can’t solve the core problem humanity faces – the destruction of social trust and the capacity for individuals to restore the human family.

The Cabal, for all their powers of technology, their abundance of monetary wealth, and their seemingly limitless capacity to pollute and distort the minds of humans, is well-nigh powerless without the trust of their subordinates. Even they, in their ivory towers of splendor and opulence, need a population of trusting dupes to act as pawns for their games of domination and control.

The powers that should not be know that trust is the blood which flows through the veins of all social enterprise, and as a result, have worked tirelessly to ensure we, the people, never restore trust amongst ourselves. Since we can’t trust each other, we end up trusting in the corrupt power structure, growing increasingly dependent on the very people who have destroyed our trust.

This is why history is pockmarked by endless divisive movements, religions, creeds, and wars, all designed to destroy the human family and social trust. The most dangerous thing to these morally blind fools who have managed to climb the pillars of egocentric personal power is an awakened individual and their potential to restore honor, rapport, and trust with others of like mind.
One of the best weapons against tyranny is the love of truth and the willingness to work in trust with others.

Why is all this talk about trust important in relation to NESARA?

Because NESARA, if it even exists as advertised, is only a tool for settling debts and arresting financial powers away from the parasitic elite. The root problem – lack of social trust due to dishonorable personal conduct and behavior (untrustworthiness), and lawlessness in the people in general – will likely still be present after NESARA goes through. We can’t avoid our personal lack of trustworthy behavior if we want to solve the core problems we face as a people.
One secret, rarely spoken of but well understood by the Cabal, is that money, as it exists today, is a kind of false trust.

When people have failed to settle their differences, when they succumb to ego aggrandizement and the trappings of intolerance, when they see their fellows as potential enemies instead of potential allies, then they can’t cooperate with each other to do things in the world; they lack social trust. This divided and conquered population – the world we live in today – is ripe for the over control of an oligarchy. The wealthy elite use money to dilute and mystify the masses, who in their state of confusion, ignorance, and division, seek to satisfy their material needs that are under constant threat from other disillusioned people.

The Human Condition of Scarcity: Rats in a Cage

Everyone has material needs like food, water, and shelter, not to mention emotional and intellectual needs, such as intimacy and access to inspiring information.
If these needs aren’t met, scarcity or poverty consciousness sets in, making it difficult to trust another person. A subsistence starved person tends to view anyone who has the basics of life as a threat – becoming resentful.

From this place of envy, fueled by feelings of lack and starvation, a person can justify all manner of dishonesty. They might steal, cheat, or lie to provide for themselves or their loved ones; and in the process, they break trust, cutting their ties to their community, the source of abundance. From here, debt-based money and usury (the charging of interest on debt) can be introduced, allowing the elite, who control the banks, to slowly siphon more wealth out of the now scarcity programmed morally bereft population.

This human condition of scarcity can be described as the rat in the cage phenomenon, wherein such materially, emotionally, and intellectually starved people will agree to almost anything for a morsel of security and comfort.
We are deprived of physical affection from birth, leading to lifelong personality narcosis and longings of emotional acceptance.

We are materially deprived of healthy food and clean products.
We are intellectually deprived of the truth and the self-empowerment that comes therefrom.
And we’re spiritually deprived of the healing power of fellowship, the restorative boons of genuine human interaction, and the transcendent joys of exploring cosmic meanings and values as a unified people.

Each human being has been effectively reduced to a starved rat.

We spend our modern technologically enhanced lives in overcrowded towns and cities, connected to thousands of people through social media, all while feeling more alone and dissatisfied than ever before.

We chase dreams of perfect romantic love – in movies, TV shows, and books – to compensate for a profound state of loneliness, intimacy deprivation, and chronic abandonment. We yearn for meaning and personal attainment, indulging in entertainments laden with cosmological archetypes and spiritual overtones, all while denying the spiritual nature of existence.

We rage against anyone labeled theenemy by social engineers in the mainstream media, feeling a sense of righteous empowerment as a result.
The effect of these seemingly endless cycles of lack and dependence is divide and conquer – the destruction of the human family.

In this estimation, the elephant in the living room isn’t that the Cabal or the globalists exist. It’s not that extraterrestrials or spiritual forces are here and likely wanting to help. It’s not even that fraud, deception, and lies are the backbone of our broken civilization. It’s that we, the people, continue to allow the programs of division and self-disempowerment to run our lives. We continue to act without trust, honor, and goodness, even within the awakening community.

But this seems to be coming to an end as more and more rediscover the source of wealth: love, trust, and fellowship.
The desire for material wealth in most people reflects the fact our basic human needs aren’t being met. But if we can, as a people, come together to solve this problem and build trust in the process, we’ll become immune to the rat-in-a-cage social program.

So while we might be all for the disbursement of money from various benevolent sources, we should also recognize this won’t solve the core problem.
As unpopular as it is to say this, massive piles of money aren’t going to make us better people. It won’t make us more honest, trustworthy, and wise. It won’t make us more tolerant, loving, and selfless. Only the love of truth and the wisdom of self-mastery can do these things.

Restoring Love, Trust, and the Human Family

In this estimation, we don’t need NESARA to begin this work of restoring personal competence and social trust. We can start right now, as many already have.
As individuals, we can focus our efforts in honestly seeking the truth about the world and ourselves. We can learn how to communicate honestly and compassionately with our fellows, keeping our word so we can develop the capacity to be trustworthy. We can become more humble by transparently revealing our mistakes, instead of hiding them from others. We can face our fears and revulsions so we don’t feel compelled to deceive so as to avoid personal growth.

As a people, we can rediscover the ways of honorable commerce. We can work together to help each other develop material security and abundance. We can sacrifice our personal needs for unimportant things, so as to help another who is barely surviving. We can be more forgiving and tolerant while also defending against corruption, deception, and harm.

Communities founded on trust and honesty are amazingly powerful because the people within them, should they remain honest, build more and more interpersonal trust as time goes on. The more challenges that are faced, the greater the social coherence that forms is producing a stable metaphysical foundation.

From this wellspring of love and trust, any personal hardship can be alleviated, any social condition can be improved, and no amount of divide and conquer tactics can destroy the ever-growing loving fraternity, fellowship, and security of this human family. In short, the trust formed by such a community empowers them to accomplish anything they set their minds to, ideally the goals of altruism, healthy living, ecological harmony, and the continued uplifting of the individuals in their capacity to self-govern and be free.

Restoring social trust and a truth-centric society is the Great Work of our age.
If Saint Germaine existed, then no doubt the work he did throughout his many incarnations was for the development of the brotherhood and the sisterhood of humankind. Where the love of truth, justice, and goodness, was and is the sturdy foundation from which all civilized life emerges. The brotherhood and sisterhood of humanity are born out of the recognition that all living things are children of the divine, united in their need and desire to improve the conditions of life for all.

Final Thoughts

Restoring the human family is the cornerstone of everything. It all comes back to love and trust. And we need not wait to begin this work.

Many of us, through our various meetings and synchronistic interactions, like meet up groups and conferences, have tasted the supreme joy of the honest and wholehearted love and affection of our awakening fellows. This feeling that you’re not alone, that someone really does care, and that there’s hope for the future is quite real. It’s this feeling that will likely rekindle the desire for true fellowship (trust) within each of us.

The next thing to do is an extensive history that goes over the NESARA accounts.
There are several trustworthy sources that suggest these accounts are indeed real. However, it cannot be confirmed that the information presented about NESARA is wholly accurate, nor that the entire notion of NESARA isn’t yet another attempt to distract the people so they can avoid doing the trust-building work just discussed.

So take all of this with a grain of salt, but also let the dream of NESARA inspire you. Because that vision of a brighter future, you allow yourself to feel, is the world we can make right here and right now, if we can only begin the inner work of self-mastery and start the social mission of restoring the human family.


December 8, 2017

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