1,742 Reports of Adverse Events After Children Received this Vaccine


In December of 2012, VacTruth reported details of the 1,271 page confidential GlaxoSmithKline document, regarding their six-in-one vaccine. More confidential papers have recently been leaked to the press. The Belgian website Initiative Citoyeene reported both leaked documents.

The confidential documents concern the Prevenar 13 vaccine, a pneumococcalvaccine manufactured by Pfizer (now merged with Wyeth). This vaccine replaced the original 2010 vaccine Prevenar, which, as reported by the manufacturer, has actually increased, rather than decreased, serious infections.

The Prevenar 13 protects infants against Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria which can lead to cases of meningitis, bacteraemia (an infection of the blood), pneumonia and ear infections. It is usual for the six-in-one vaccination Infanrix Hexa and the Prevenar 13 vaccine to be administered to small babies at the same time.

According to the leaked confidential Wyeth (Pfizer) documents and a reply from the European Medicines Agency (EMA), both the manufacturer and the agency are aware of a significantly higher number of adverse neurological events in children vaccinated with both Prevenar 13 and Infanrix Hexa, as per the Belgian vaccination schedule at ages two months and four months.

The First Set Of Leaked Documents

First, let’s revisit the leaked confidential document regarding the Infanrix Hexa vaccine information, which was revealed on VacTruth, exposing a hidden GlaxoSmithKline document that had been leaked to the press, revealing 36 infant deaths.

The document, titled Confidential To Regulatory Authorities Infanrix Hexa Summary Bridging Report stated that between October 23, 2009, and October 22, 2011, GlaxoSmithKline received a total of 1,742 reports of adverse events, including 503 serious adverse events, after children had received the 6 in 1 vaccine, Infanrix Hexa. (Infanrix Hexa is a 6-in-1 vaccination, which combines the Combined Diphtheria, Tetanus and Acellular Pertussis, Hepatitis B enhanced Inactivated Poliomyelitis and the Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine. It is used in 92 countries worldwide.)

The GlaxoSmithKline confidential document detailed each and every one of the 1,742 adverse events. The list was so long, it required a full twenty pages. Here are some of the adverse events detailed on charts between pages 11 and 31 of their document:
• 106 cases of cyanosis;
• 69 cases of loss of consciousness;
• 165 cases of hypotonia;
• 102 cases of hypotonic-hyporesponsive episodes;
• 107 cases of convulsions;
• 20 cases of epilepsy;
• 98 cases of febrile convulsions;
• 33 cases of grand mal convulsions;
• 47 apnea attacks;
• 108 cases of vomiting;
• 43 cases of Gaze Palsy;
• 12 cases of anemia;
• 1 case of bone marrow failure;
• 6 cases of cardiac arrests;
• 53 cases of diarrhea;
• 593 cases of pyrexia (high temperature);
• 22 cases of gait disturbance;
• 6 cases of anaphylaxis;
• 62 cases of pertussis (whooping cough);
• 2 cases of meningitis pneumococcal;
• 3 cases of arthritis;
• 16 cases of muscle twitching;
• 22 cases of tremors;
• 264 cases of crying (does not indicate the severity);
• 2 cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome;
• 10 cases of respiratory arrest;
• 7 cases of Kawasaki’s disease.

All of these adverse events occurred after the child received the Infanrix Hexa vaccination, some just hours after being vaccinated. These documented facts make extremely uncomfortable reading.

However, if this information is not disturbing enough, in the document, GlaxoSmithKline revealed on page twenty a total of 68 cases of vaccination failure! This fact proves that, not only does their vaccine appear to cause death, injury and illness in multiple children, but that this vaccine failed to give any “protection” at all to at least 68 children.

The document was signed by Safety Scientist Vanessa Corman and Vice President, Lead Biological Clinical Safety and Pharmacovigilance Dr. Felix Arellano, M.D., from GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals.

The Second Set Of Leaked Documents

Now, let’s continue with the shocking papers that the Belgian website Initiative Citoyeene have revealed. They stated:

“On the 4th of January 2019, at the end of the required 6-week period, two Pfizer Group Regulatory Affairs Directors, Mary Allin and Helen Edwards, sent a response to Dr. S. Spinosa of the European Medicine Agency on the topic of ‘higher number of neurologic events reported in Italy following the coadministration of Pevenar 13 and hexavalent vaccines’. The two directors specified at the end of this letter that based on data supplied, they did not feel there was any need to modify the vaccine’s reference safety information (RSI), in other words, its package insert.”

So, let’s take a closer look at one of the confidential reports that Initiative Citoyenne has been quoting. This confidential document reveals that over a two-year period, 22 deaths were reported, representing 2.6% of the total number of cases and a total of 51 reported cases of lack of efficacy, or vaccination failure!

Brain Damage And Death

The next section relates to reports of neurological events. The Master of Health Administration (MAH), was asked by the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP), to provide a cumulative review of neurological reactions in those cases, which were reported to have received Prevenar 13 concomitantly (at the same time) with hexavalent (6-in-1) vaccine.

The MAH reported that during the two-year period between July 10, 2009, and July 9, 2011, a total of 1,691 cases of adverse events were reported after the Prevenar 13 vaccine. Of those adverse events, 312 cases (18%) were indicative of neurological reactions. The 1,691 cases were then divided in three different datasets. The Initiative Citoyenne website explained the findings:

“An important fact is that Pfizer assessed the respective frequency of neurologic accidents in three different groups of children: those who had all received only the Prevenar 13 on the same day, those who had received both the Prevenar 13 and other vaccines on the same day and those who had received both the Prevenar 13 and a hexavalent vaccine on the same day.

Of the 934 children who had only received the Prevenar 13 and experienced adverse effects, 87 displayed neurologic events (87/934 = 9%).
Of the 287 children who had received the Prevenar 13 plus other vaccines on the same day, and experienced adverse effects, 62 had had neurologic episodes (62/287 = 21%).

Of the 470 children who received the Prevenar 13 plus a hexavalent vaccine, on the same day, and reported adverse effects, 163 had experienced neurologic reactions (163/470 = 34%!!). It is therefore clear that the concomitant administration of several vaccines, particularly those recommended in the Belgian vaccine schedule (Prevenar 13 alongside Infanrix Hexa), multiplies the risk of neurologic reactions including serious and potentially irreversible adverse events!”

To describe the enormity of the situation, they further stated, in easy-to-understand terms:

“To grasp the extent of the problem, just remember that the Belgian annual birth rate is approximately 128,000, a very large majority of whom receive BOTH the Prevenar and the Infanrix Hexa. A simple calculation reveals therefore that the annual number of serious adverse effects, taking ONLY this vaccine into account, could be 3% x 128,000 births = 3,840 children!”

More Reasons To Avoid This Six-In-One Vaccine

Interestingly, the Prevenar 13 leaflet mentioned earlier states reasons why your child should not be given Prevenar 13:

“Your child should not have Prevenar 13 if he or she has ever had an allergic reaction to pneumococcal or diptheria vaccines, or any of the ingredients listed at the end of this leaflet.”

Despite this warning, the Prevenar 13 vaccine is often given at the same time the Infanrix Hexa vaccine, which includes a diptheria component! These vaccines are recommended from as early as six weeks of age, according to the leaflet, at which time a parent would not know whether their child was allergic to the diptheria component or not.

One Belgian child who lost her life as a consequence of being given several vaccinations in one visit, which included the Infanrix Hexa vaccine together with Prevenar, was Stacy Sirjacobs. Stacy was an eight week-old premature twin who died in December 2011. These vaccines were given to Stacy despite advice given by the European Medicines Agency in their Annex I SummaryOf Product Characteristics forInfanrix Hexa report which stated:

“When Infanrix Hexa is co-administered with Prevenar (pneumococcal saccharide conjugated vaccine, adsorbed), the physician should be aware that data from clinical studies indicate that the rate of febrile reactions was higher compared to that occurring following the administration of Infanrix Hexa alone.”

Furthermore, the document contained information about administering the vaccine to premature infants:

“Limited data in 169 premature infants indicate that Infanrix Hexa can be given to premature children. However, a lower immune response may be observed and the level of clinical protection remains unknown.
The potential risk of apnea and the need for respiratory monitoring for 48-72h should be considered when administering the primary immunisation series to very premature infants (born ≤ 28 weeks of gestation) and particularly for those with a previous history of respiratory immaturity.”

Troubling Questions

The European Medicines Agency offered warnings about administering the vaccine concomitantly with another vaccine and cautioned health care providers to consider the additional risks of vaccinating premature infants. Then why was little Stacy, a baby born one month prematurely, delivered by Caesarean section, resuscitated at birth, who spent the next four days in an incubator, given these vaccinations and then sent home without any extra advice?

Her death was a tragedy, yet babies are still dying and being neurologically damaged on a regular basis. The proof is in the manufacturer’s report in black and white. The drug companies know, the regulatory agencies know and worse still, our governments know.

Slowly, day-by-day, the depth of their corruption is being uncovered. Parents are not being told the truth, they are being deceived and lied to and the price they pay is extremely high.


These adverse events were being reported as far back as 2009. So, why are these two vaccines still being recommended for babies as young as 6 weeks old? Surely, the most sensible and responsible action would be for the manufacturers GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer to suspend the use of these vaccines until their use can be shown to be reliable, effective, and safe. Instead, this information is being hidden from the public.

Furthermore, the mainstream media is so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Dr. Rebecca Carley, an expert specializing vaccine-induced diseases syndromes, has often stated on her radio shows that vaccinations are the “true weapons of mass destruction,” and the evidence contained in these leaked, confidential documents shows she could be right.


January 29, 2020


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