A special UK lecture by STEVEN M. GREER, MD – founder of CSETI and of DISCLOSURE PROJECT

Dr. Steven M. Greer is the founder of CSETI (Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence) and of Disclosure Project (which is intended to disclose to the public real data about the extraterrestrial life and intelligence, top secret information kept secret by the occult government and secret services). Some of his discoveries and experiments connected to the extraterrestrial beings, are known to us from his famous book “Hidden truth: Forbidden Knowledge.”
On Saturday, 17th of July 2010, between 4 pm and 6 pm Steven Greer will have a conference in Melksham, Wiltshire, United Kingdom, during which he will be presenting new video, photo and audio evidence of ET contact from CSETI expeditions, as well as a review of the innovative energy technologies that will give us a new and sustainable civilization on Earth.
For more information visit here:




July 15th 2010

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