An Introduction to the Secrets of Tantra – A FREE Live New Webinar


27th March 2010

18.00 – 20.00 GMT  

An Introduction to the Secrets of Tantra – 
A FREE Live New Webinar

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About US Yoga Academy

US Yoga Academy has been created to share a method that is based on the tradition of yoga and reveals the laws of the real spiritual science, having immediate practical applications. 
We offer IntegrativeYoga Courses, Tantra Workshops, Women’s Spiritual Groups, Conferences and seminars in different cities in USA. 
The method we teach has been applied with great results for tens of thousands of people around the world in the past 20 years.

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Founder of the Yoga System We Teach

Yoga Professor Gregorian Bivolaru founded the largest and most successful yoga school of Europe having its headquarters in Bucharest, Romania. 
US Yoga Academy represents the American branch of this famous school.
In November 2005 Mr. Bivolaru received international recognition for his activity, being elected full member for life in the International Senior Yoga Teachers Advisors of
World Yoga Council.

Find Out More

Comments on „Integral Yoga Features Integral Medicine – A FREE Live Web Event”

„My compliments to your competence.” – Wolfgang Ellenberger, MD, concert pianist, Germany

„Very interesting webinar! I enjoyed it.Thank you. Please keep me up informed about future webinars.” – B.S, therapist, Portugal

„Thank you for such an interesting discussion! I liked the presentation,
the guest ideas and point of view and the meditations were just amazing.” – N.R, registered nurse, USA

„I liked that it covered a lot of areas of interesting information and the meditation times.” – J. R, certified dream coach, USA

„I enjoyed the brief presentation of many topics within the parallell between modern medicine and yoga. I’m always interested in science and meditations.” – S.M, wellness coach, Finland

„I enjoyed the reinforcement of topics that we have thus far studied in class, such as chakras, yantra, energy healing…and learning about these items in a new light, as applicable to the study of integral medicine.” – D.R, real estate agent, USA

„It was well presented with a good mixture of slides and free stories. I liked the meditations very much.” – N.E, healer, Germany

„I like the slides as they are easy to read.” – R. C, dance instructor,  Canada

Dear guest,

You are cordially invited to attend a new and unique FREE live webinar that will offer you in just two hours, amazingly efficient and essential Tantric secrets to find, enjoy, deepen happiness and completion, in a loving couple relationship.

With this special occasion you have the chance to enroll in our online yoga course and sample a couple of classes for free. 




Virginia Marginean, MD

US Yoga Academy

Click Here to Register

In this webinar you’ll learn

– The essential secrets of Tantra
– What sexual continence is and why it is so important
– Transfiguration as an important key to everlasting love
– Tantra Yoga techniques for the discovery of your ideal lover, the practice of transfiguration, the sublimation of sexual energy and music meditations
– How other people benefit from the teachings of Tantra
– The uniqueness of the US Yoga Academy system and what makes it different from the other yoga schools 

These are just a few of the topics that will be covered in this webinar, along with special surprises.

Download the Music for Meditations

Tantra, part of Integrative Yoga

The different aspects of Integrative Yoga, covered in our classes are:
HATHA YOGA – body poses for balancing the male YANG/ HA with the female YIN/ THA energies
KRIYA YOGA – purification techniques for health and rejuvenation
KARMA YOGA – the instantaneous yoga of the action integrated into the cosmic harmony
BHAKTI YOGA – is a form of yoga suiting best the devotional and affective human natures and puts the yogi in resonance with universal love, abnegation and unconditional submission to God’s will.
RAJA YOGA – a branch of yoga that aims at amplification of the mental powers and at awakening of the third eye (AJNA CHAKRA) by fusing with the specific mental energies of the cosmic mind. 
JNANA YOGA – literally translated as the yoga of knowledge, meaning that the jnana-yogi aims to know the universe at the supra-mental level.
MANTRA YOGA – this branch of yoga emphasizes the creative power of the divine logos and triggers resonance through the subtle sound with the sublime energies of the Universe. 
KUNDALINI YOGA – Yoga of awakening and control of the huge force which is the fundamental energy of the human species. This exists in a latent form at the base of the spinal column in MULADHARA CHAKRA – the root center, and is called Kundalini Shakti. 
YANTRA YOGA – Yoga of telepathic fusion with certain energies of the Universe by means of specific geometrical figures.
TANTRA YOGA – multidimensional expansion of the consciousness by integrating all the potentials of human being through transmutation and sublimation methods for both men and women. 

Read On Tantra

Online Yoga Worldwide

yoga online

Today, we are challenged more than at any other time in history with heavy daily demands from our jobs and our family. Yoga classes in your ar ea may not be offered at a time that is conducive to your schedule. One thing to consider is taking a class online.


Online classes are exactly the same as taking a class in a classroom, except you are in the confines of your own home, or a hotel room. Wherever you are, you are just a few clicks away from your colleagues and your yoga instructor. Another advantage is that the classes are much smaller so you get the intimate feel of having that extra one-on-one attention to work on an asana or a breathing exercise.

Above is a screenshot of one of our online yoga classes. 

If you are interested in taking advantage of the power of our online classes, please contact Virginia Marginean at  

Class Schedules

Webinar start: 11 AM PDT 

This is one of the most comprehensive yoga courses available. Come see for yourself by taking advantage of our 2 free class offer. I look forward to seeing you online at the Tantra webinar on 27th March, starting with 18.00 GMT = 11.00 AM PDT!




Virginia Marginean, MD
US Yoga Academy

Click Here to Register for the FREE Tantra Webinar

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