CORONAVIRUS SYNDROME: The Ultimate Genocidal Bioweapon System (1)


The disease process caused by COVID-19 is best described by the following new disease name: COVID-5G-Hypertoxicity Syndrome.
[Editors’s note: Wherever the term Coronavirus Syndrome appears in the Executive Summary below, it is being used as a shortened version of COVID-5G-Hypertoxicity Syndrome.]

The Coronavirus Syndrome is not just a simple coronavirus named COVID-19 by the World Health Organization. It’s actually a far more complex pathogenic micro-organism and disease process than the medical authorities are aware of. More significantly, it is the biological etiology and environmental causation that must be correctly understood if Coronavirus Syndrome is to be successfully treated.

There are 3 primary elements of COVID-5G-Hypertoxicity Syndrome as stated in the new disease name.

First, there is the pathogenic micro-organism, that was intentionally weaponized in a U.S. military laboratory as a specific gene pool-targeted bioweapon called COVID-19, which was bioengineered to mutate to elude proper diagnosis as well as morph symptomatically to evade effective treatment.

Secondly, there is the overwhelming impact of 5G, 4G, 3G and other electromagnetic frequency signal ranges and microwave transmissions on vulnerable individuals with respect to triggering COVID-19, as well as sustaining and/or intensifying the disease process.

Thirdly, there is a global chemical geoengineering regime that sprays Chemtrails, as well as a Super-Vaccination Agenda, which contribute considerably to the state of Hypertoxicity of each individual who contracts COVID-19, the severity of which is determined by their toxic load or total body burden.

There are several other risk factors such as medical history, overall health status, medical ailments, health conditions, age, diet, etc. involved in the development of Coronavirus Syndrome. However, each of those potentially weighty risk factors is patient-specific and will not be addressed in this summary with the exception of the underlying health conditions and prevailing medical ailments.

After the top 3 causes, the most significant risk factors concern the prevailing medical ailments and complicating health conditions of a COVID-19 patient. All the evidence has born out that those coronavirus patients with certain illnesses and conditions, prior to contracting COVID-19, had a much higher infection rate and mortality rate.

5G & IoT

The three greatest clusters of Coronavirus Syndrome on each continent were located in 3 major cities which had already experienced what was essentially a military deployment of a 5G power grid. As follows:

“This is also why three of the most serious coronavirus outbreaks on 3 continents – Asia, Europe and North America – took place in major metro areas that had undergone advanced 5G roll-outs – Wuhan, China; Milan, Italy; and Seattle, Washington, respectively. Each of these three ‘5G demonstration zones’ have produced the highest COVID-19 infection rates and mortality rates in the world today.” (Source: The Most Fatal Coronavirus Outbreaks and Intensive 5G Roll-outs Conclusively Correlate

The greater New York City area is experiencing several coronavirus clusters, as expected, because of the particularly intensive 5G roll-out there throughout 2019. The United States now exceeds China for new COVID-19 cases and deaths as well (American cities with 5G will contribute substantially to that increasing mortality rate). The rapidly expanding NYC 5G power grid represents the fourth major metropolitan area in the world where 5G zones exploded into massive coronavirus infection sites practically overnight.

There is undoubtedly a direct correlation between the intensive deployment of 5G and the incidence of Coronavirus Syndrome. All the science has proven that the exceedingly powerful and harmful energies associated with a fully operational 5G system significantly weaken the human immune system. Therefore, people living in “5G Demonstration Zones” will inevitably be much more vulnerable to all the seasonal influenzas, and especially to the highly opportunistic and virulent COVID-19.

Some medical researchers have declared that 5G actually triggers COVID-19, which then sets into motion a unique disease process that manifests differently in each patient. Because there appears to be a bioengineered capacity for COVID-19 to mutate in vivo, the symptom set can change quickly or slowly thereby eluding proper diagnosis and effective treatment. The longer any patient is exposed to a 5G environment, the more severe the symptoms will be. Similarly, additional symptoms, some of which are quite unusual and life-threatening, will also emerge as the disease process evolves.

Not only does 5G seem to trigger the onset of the Coronavirus Syndrome, it also appears to cause an extraordinary mutation and morphing of COVID-19 into an altogether different coronavirus pathogen, which then lies latent in the body well after the patient has been cured. This is quite similar to Epstein-Barr virus which eventually evolves into EBV-Stage 4 after passing through Stages 1, 2 and 3 over decades of latency.

The extent to which a patient is exposed to the Internet of Things (IoT) poses an even greater challenge to their immune system. This is why so many cruise ships became floating hospitals so soon after the Wuhan outbreak (there was simply not enough time for Wuhan patients or carriers to board the affected ships). Not only was 5G fully operational on those quarantined ships, the cruise lines promoted their seaborne IoTs to all the younger passengers while the many of the older passengers suffered from immunosuppression or compromised health.

As expected, the older folks suffered a much higher COVID-19 infection rate. Then, when the first COVID-19 case was reported, the protracted period of quarantine on the cruise ships served to spread the coronavirus even more in the close quarters.

Undoubtedly, it’s the high re-infection rates of COVID-19 which illustrate the dramatic effects that a 5G environment has on either a carrier or patient. Those who leave the hospital as a cured COVID-19 patient and re-enter their same wireless IT space will invariably suffer a higher rate of re-infection. Some will eventually suffer double or triple re-infections in the same flu season.

Every reader, especially those suffering from a seasonal flu or the coronavirus, is strongly encouraged to read this short coronavirus coaching session about COVID-19 re-infections: FLASHBACK: COVID-19 Re-Infections Triggered by 5G, Wireless Devices and WiFi Environments – The Coronavirus Coach

Incidentally, the Coronavirus Syndrome is emphatically not caused by a typical flu bug. COVID-19 is a highly sophisticated bioweapon that was deliberately bioengineered to be extremely opportunistic, predatory and pernicious. Hence, the best defense is to avoid infection, especially by keeping the smartphone off and hard wiring all IT devices at home and the workplace. But the most important move anyone can make is to strictly avoid all 5G super-hotspots and IoT spaces such as cruise ships.

Despite the apparent contagion, the right lifestyle and diet will keep COVID-19 at bay for most people. This type of coronavirus preys on a weak and/or sick individual whose internal environment is conducive to viral propagation and symptom proliferation. In any event, preventative measures ought to be taken immediately by those at greatest risk. And, it’s absolutely necessary to aggressively treat all symptoms, especially those that are overly incapacitating or vitiate normal bodily functions.

Every resident on the planet should be taking all the precautionary measures they can reasonably take at this moment to avoid infection. See: Here’s How Everyone Can Avoid Getting The Coronavirus.


There are other major pieces to this Coronavirus Syndrome puzzle that remain outside of any individual’s ability to control. For example, there are toxic chemtrail aerosols that are being sprayed incessantly in our skies. The immense volume of chemically-mobile aluminum alone is slowly poisoning all of humanity. So is the barium, strontium, lithium and other chemical contaminants that are released into the troposphere via the chemical geoengineering programs being conducted worldwide.

There has been a substantial intensification of chemtrail spraying operations over the past decade. The incidence of both Chemtrail syndrome and Chemtrail flu have seen an appreciable and alarming increase. The radical uptick in neurological diseases such as Autism spectrum disorder, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Myotrophic lateral sclerosis, Multiple sclerosis, Cerebral palsy, Muscular dystrophy, Epilepsy, Guillain-Barré syndrome and Bell’s palsy is proof that there are major environmental factors such as the unprecedented profusion of airborne aluminum which is a proven neurotoxin.

CHEMTRAIL SYNDROME: A Global Pandemic Of Epic Proportions

There’s only one way that the atmosphere could have become so permeated with so much chemically-mobile aluminum so rapidly: the nonstop chemtrail spraying of toxic aerosols worldwide. The real problem here is that the blood-brain barrier surrounding the olfactory nerve is not 8 cells thick; it’s only 4 to 6 cells wide which means that a LOT of aluminum is now going into the brain. Of course, bio-accumulation of aluminum is also taking place elsewhere in the human body where it will cause other serious diseases as well.

Before the Industrial Revolution, there was very little atmospheric aluminum. This toxic heavy metal had been safely locked up in the Earth’s surface (in bauxite) where it could do very little harm to the human bio-organism. With the advent of the coal-fired power plant industry, massive volumes of coal fly ash – a highly regulated waste product – was produced which contains a large percentage of aluminum oxide. So, what the chemical geoengineers decided to do was to put this hazardous waste product – COAL FLY ASH – into the chemtrail formulations because of its hygroscopic nature.

Some atmospheric heavy metals such as chemically mobile aluminum are highly hygroscopic causing the chemtrails to widen quickly after spraying, which will then develop into chemclouds before forming a sun-obscuring chemcloud cover. In this furtive manner, humanity is being regularly deprived of the natural vitamin D production that takes place when sunlight shines on the skin. Also, pathogenic micro-organisms such as the coronavirus will more swiftly proliferate in the absence of sunlight. After all, “sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants.”

The essential point here is that everyone now lives under heavily chemtrailed skies and, therefore, is exposed daily to high doses of unwanted aluminum. The steady incorporation of aluminum into our tissues and organs has created a public health disaster of epic proportions. However, it’s the pivotal part that aluminum and other chemtrail contaminants play in the development of Coronavirus Syndrome that is of greatest concern today. Because of the neurological impairment that occurs at the cellular level with the onset of Coronavirus Syndrome, it can be stated that the ongoing chemtrail operations purposefully set the stage for this stealthily manufactured pandemic*.

*Really, people want to know why the CDC posted job notices across the USA for a Quarantine Program Public Health Advisor on 11/15/2019 – 2 months before the Wuhan outbreak?!

It has also been suspected that Chemtrail-disseminated ingredients are an integral part of the geoengineering scheme to fabricate tropospheric conditions that are much more favorable to running an efficient 5G paradigm. Those heavy metals and other chemical compounds were specifically chosen because they are good conductors for the necessary frequencies and energies that constitute a fully functional 5G power grid. Each of the major COVID-19 clusters to date have occurred in heavily chemtrailed cities, including the most recent clusters in the greater New York City area.

It should also be noted that there are certain components in chemtrail aerosols that were selected because of their capacity to either trigger or encourage the development of the various influenzas. Every flu season sees a considerable escalation of chemtrailing, particularly in urban areas, in order to stampede the residents into the pen of vaccine compliance. A bad flu will compel an unaware sufferer to receive a vaccination thereby increasing their toxic load.

Read the second part of the article


May 15, 2020


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