5 “interlinked changes” are driving “profound systemic change”: Klaus Schwab, WEF report

According to World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab, the world is undergoing profound systemic change driven by five interrelated changes.

In the introduction to the WEF Annual Report 2023-2024, the WEF founder said that we live in times of change and that there are a handful of factors driving this systemic change.

We are on the threshold of a profound system change driven by interconnected changes in a rapidly changing world” – Klaus Schwab, WEF Annual Report, 2023-2024.

The five “interconnected shifts” include:

  • Transition from the industrial age to the intelligent age
  • Conflict-ridden transition from a unipolar to a multipolar world
  • Need for transition to a green economy
  • Demographic shifts from a young to an ageing world
  • Social polarization and increase in misinformation

Let us go through these transitions one by one, starting with the so-called “intelligent age”.

The “smart age” was coined by Schwab himself at this year’s World Governments Summit, which took place in Dubai (UAE) in February.

There, the unelected globalist said the Fourth Industrial Revolution – which will lead to the merging of our physical, biological and digital identities – is driving a global transition of humanity into a new era, called the intelligent age, in which “humanity will enjoy many more opportunities and possibilities.”

We are talking about the transition of humanity into a new age, which is not only characterized by technological change […] We had the transition from agrarian society to industrial society about a hundred years ago, but today we are talking about the transition into what I would call ‘the intelligent age’.” – Klaus Schwab, World Summit of Governments, 2024

I had about 20 pages of text, and I asked ChatGPT: ‘Summarize the text, and now tell me, based on our discussion, what the new era – the intelligent era – will look like’.” – Klaus Schwab, World Summit of Governments, 2024

Schwab brought his vision of an intelligent age to ChatGPT, and this is what ChatGPT told him:

When we envision a future powered by the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, we see a new dawn of human civilization – one that aligns technology with humanity’s deepest needs and aspirations.

This mission unfolds in a society where artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, 3D printing, genetic engineering and quantum computing are becoming the foundations of our daily lives, but guided by a deep respect for human values, creativity and the natural world.”

The geopolitical landscape is shifting from a unipolar world dominated by a single superpower to a multipolar reality with several influential nations” – Klaus Schwab, WEF Annual Report, 2023-2024.

In the WEF Annual Report 2023-2024, Schwab addresses the next interconnected change and speaks of a transition from a unipolar to a multipolar world.

The WEF has been predicting this transition for many years.

If you remember the infamous 2016 video that said “You will own nothing. And you will be happy”, you will also remember that another of the WEF’s “8 predictions for the world in 2030” also states: “The US will not be the world’s leading superpower. A handful of countries will dominate”.

Today, eight years after that predictive statement, Schwab says the transition from a unipolar to a multipolar world “brings both opportunities for diverse global cooperation and challenges posed by rising geopolitical tensions.”

Balancing national interests and global stability requires nuanced diplomacy and international cooperation,” he adds in his latest annual report.

This shift, says Schwab, is the result of conflict.

Conflict can mean many aspects, such as conflicts between nations such as the technological arms race between the US and China, the war between Ukraine and Russia, or the never-ending Israeli-Palestinian situation.

It could also mean the decline of nations through civil unrest, open border policies, or the demise of economies through net-zero agendas and crippling inflation.

Cyber pandemics and public health emergencies of international concern could also fall into the category of “conflict” and lead to a multipolar world.

Climate change and environmental degradation are forcing us to transition to a green economy” – Klaus Schwab, WEF Annual Report, 2023-2024.

The next interrelated change that will drive profound systemic change is what Schwab calls the “transition to a green economy.”

The urgency to combat climate change is not only a moral imperative but also a path to economic resilience and innovation,” said Schwab.

Climate change, and especially carbon, fossil fuels and greenhouse gases, have always been the bogeymen of unelected globalists.

If in the post-pandemic era we decide to continue our lives as before (driving the same cars, flying to the same destinations, eating the same food, heating our house in the same way, etc.), then the covid crisis will have been in vain in terms of climate policy.” – Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret, Covid-19: The Great Reset, 2020.

How is it that less than four months after the WHO declared that covid had reached pandemic status in March 2020, Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret have already published their book Covid-19: The Great Reset in such a short period of time – on July 9, 2020?

Reading between the lines, it becomes increasingly clear that the so-called “Great Reset” agenda has always wanted to use climate change as a catalyst.

Some leaders and decision-makers who were already at the forefront of the fight against climate change may want to use the shock of the pandemic to make long-term and broader environmental changes. They will capitalize on the pandemic by not letting the crisis go to waste.” – Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret, Covid-19: The Great Reset, 2020.

When covid hit, the WEF took many of the outcomes it wanted to achieve in the context of climate change—less driving and flying, narrative control, and digital surveillance for tracking —and applied them to the response to the pandemic, so that the differences in desired outcomes became almost indistinguishable.

In fact, the major reset is a pre-pandemic agenda that has been “fact-checked” as a post-covid recovery plan.

In the WEF’s 2023-2024 annual report, Schwab says tackling climate change and transitioning to a green economy is a “moral imperative” that can only be solved through “coordinated efforts by governments, businesses and civil society.”

In other words, Schwab is calling for the merging of corporations and the state, also known as fascism and corporatism, with civil society, made up of technocrats, academics, and unelected nongovernmental organizations like the World Economic Forum, to act on our behalf in the best interests of society.

Demographic trends show that the world is evolving from a predominantly young population to an ageing society, with significant geographical differences” – Klaus Schwab, WEF Annual Report, 2023-2024.

Schwab sees the next change in the aging of the population and the geographical differences.

He says: “These changes are affecting labour markets, health systems and social security structures. In addition, these demographic changes are affecting migration patterns, posing both challenges and opportunities for promoting inclusive growth and social cohesion.”

The aging and even shrinking population also has a technological component.

Speaking at this year’s WEF Special Meeting on Global Cooperation, Growth and Energy Development in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink said developed countries with shrinking populations are better prepared for the social problems that would arise from the “replacement of humans with machines.”

Fink argued that developed countries with shrinking populations will be the “big winners” in terms of quality of life because they will have all the technologies to increase productivity and raise their standard of living.

I can argue that in the developed world, the big winners are the countries with shrinking populations […] These countries will rapidly develop robotics, AI and technology […] The social problems that will be encountered when replacing humans with machines will be much simpler in the countries with shrinking populations.” – Larry Fink, WEF Special Session on Global Cooperation, Growth and Energy Development, 2024.

For Fink, fewer people mean a better quality of life in industrialized countries due to automation.

For the growing population in developing countries, especially in Africa, education will be key, said the BlackRock boss.

The paradigm of negative population growth will change, and the social problems resulting from the replacement of humans by machines will be much easier to manage in countries with shrinking populations,” said Fink.

For countries with growing populations, the answer will lie in education – in countries where there is no rule of law or education, the gap will become more and more extreme,” he added.

In an increasingly complex and fast-moving world, societies are experiencing increasing polarization as people seek to affirm their identities. This is manifested in cultural, political, ideological and social divisions and the rise of misinformation and disinformation.” – Klaus Schwab, WEF Annual Report, 2023-2024.

And rounding out Schwab’s five interconnected changes that lead to systemic change is disinformation.

And what better way to make sure we are all on the same side than by labeling anything that does not fit the unchosen globalist narrative as “misinformation”!

According to the WEF Global Risks Report 2024, misinformation is the biggest global concern for the next two years, but no one is more guilty of spreading misinformation and destroying trust than the unelected globalists at the WEF and their public and private partners.

The misinformation and disinformation spread by unelected globalists, governments, Big Pharma, Big Tech and so-called health experts starting in 2020 resulted in a two-class society where people who chose not to take the so-called vaccine lost their jobs and were excluded from many aspects of society, while small businesses closed and the world experienced the largest transfer of wealth from the lower to the upper class in all of human history.

Many lives were ruined while the most powerful became richer.

In the WEF’s 2023-2024 annual report, Schwab said that combating polarization and misinformation “requires promoting inclusive dialogues, fostering mutual understanding, and creating environments where diverse views and identities can coexist harmoniously.”

But the WEF has no desire for such differing views.

Stronger regulation of social networks and protection against misinformation could help ensure that the responsibility for filtering out misinformation or disinformation is no longer on people, but on the government or the companies that oversee these networks.” – World Economic Forum, Future Focus 2025.

To protect their narratives, the WEF is calling on companies and governments to regulate misinformation and disinformation on virtual communication networks.

Relieving people of the burden of filtering out misinformation or disinformation means that they don’t want you to think and decide for yourself – that would be too much responsibility for you.

Instead, you should outsource your critical thinking and place all your trust in government bureaucrats and unelected technocrats.

Starting next year, Schwab will step down from his role as executive chairman of the WEF and become chairman of the board of trustees.

The WEF will hold its next meeting, the Sustainable Development Impact Meetings, from 23 to 27 September.


September 20, 2024


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