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International interest in the case of Gregorian Bivolaru: MEPs address the Romanian Governement letters of support for previuos interpellations

Joining eurodeputies who already took position in the case of Gregorian Bivolaru, signaling the irregularities existent in this case that is currently awaiting the final decision in The Supreme Court of Romania, eurodeputies Kiil Nicole Nielsen, Margrete Auken and Roger Helmer have adressed  interpelattion letters to the…

A new interpellation adressed to the Romanian Government and the Romanian Ministry of Justice regarding the case of Gregorian Bivolaru

Joining the other eurodeputies who took position in the case of Gregorian Bivolaru, signaling the irregularities existent in this case, eurodeputy Tatjana Zdanoka, Member of the European Parliament, the representative of Latvia from the Green Group, adressed an interpellation letter to the Prime Minister of Romania and the Romanian…

Cyprian eurodeputy Antigoni Papadopoulou adresses the Romanian Ministry of Justice regarding the case of Gregorian Bivolaru

 Joining eurodeputies who already took position in the case of Gregorian Bivolaru, signaling the irregularities existent in this case that is currently awaiting the final decision in The Supreme Court of Romania, Cyprian eurodeputy Antigoni Papadopoulou has adressed an interpelattion letter to the Prime Minister of…

The answer of the Romanian Ministry of Justice to the interpellation letters sent by the eurodeputies

Soteria International has put at our desposal the answer of the Romanian Ministry of Justice to the interpellation letters sent by various eurodeputies regarding the case of Gregorian Bivolaru, mentioning that since 2006 when they started to attend this case it is the first time when they received an official answer from the…

New interpellations adressed to the Romanian Government and The Romanian Minister of Justice regarding the case of Gregorian Bivolaru

Source:   In the last few days, various members of the European Parliament adressed their interpellation letters to the Prime Minister of Romania and the Ministry of Justice, regarding the case of Gregorian Bivolaru - MISA. Here are some of the letters signed by the eurodeputies:…

In absence of a reaction from the Romanian government, there are more interpellations of eurodeputies in the Gregorian Bivolaru – MISA case

We have already published on the site certain letters addressed by European officials to the Romanian authorities referring to the Gregorian Bivolaru – MISA case, letters that were provided for us by various organizations for the defense of human rights that have brought this case to the attention of…

The miracle gift from the Archangels

A miraculous angelic manifestation captured on  film   by Maria Nicola   The image you can admire below is a screenshot from a little movie posted on the internet: it can be noted behind the actor the emergence of an angelic entity, much higher than the actor’s shadow. The angelic entity is…

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