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Shiva Dhurjati

Shiva, in the hypostasis of the ascetic by eminent yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru “Glory to You, Supreme Consciousness, the only God who wears the garland of skulls around your neck!”……. “Those who have conquered the world and to whom You, who are everywhere, have bestowed Your infinite love, O You Who are omnipresent, must be…

Shiva Pashupati

Shiva as the Good Shepherd by eminent yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru Shiva is the providence that takes care of all manifestation, finding for each being, for its own good, a specific place and purpose in the universe and then directs its life according to his own sovereign will. Man, therefore, has no other such rapid possibility of…

Shiva Mayavin

Shiva in the hypostasis of magician by eminent yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru If Paramashiva – the Undifferentiated Oceanic Consciousness and Bliss – constitutes our own essential substance, why do we still not perceive it as such and are subject to illusion, fear and pain, being dominated by the body and the ego? This aspect arises…

Fundamental hypostases of Shiva

synthesis by eminent yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru Shiva is the Absolute Light (prakasha) of undifferentiated Godly Consciousness, manifesting as all that exists. This Light is at the same time pure bliss as it is self-supporting by its very nature. Being unique, it is totally free, there being nothing else on which it depends.…

The mysterious aspects of SHIVA

   by Gregorian Bivolaru, yoga teacher Pure, eternal, unchanged and shapeless is the pervasive transcendent consciousness of God. He, the Unique, the transcendent, exists through Himself. In His divine transcendent being, there is no darkness, nor light, and there is no other form of energy or…


    SHIVA’s mysterious aspect which shows us that he penetrated, through the enigmatic power of his divine smile, the distinctive manifestation of the three worlds By Gregorian Bivolaru, yoga teacher  SHIVA TRIPURANTAKA is a mysterious aspect in which SHIVA…


  SHIVA, in the hypostasis of divine sovereign of the mysterious, fundamental energy of life by YOGA teacher Gregorian Bivolaru In this hypostasis, SHIVA reveals himself in particular as a destroyer of the god of time, KALA. This is also a…


SHIVA in the hypostasis of protector and sustainer of those hearts that are full of a great love   by profesor yoga Gregorian Bivolaru The hypostasis SHIVA-KALYANASUNDARA is one of the most fascinating and charming beneficial hypostases of SHIVA. It is the hypostasis of SHIVA in which he…

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